differential geometry in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-hình học vi phâ

Sentence patterns related to "differential geometry"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "differential geometry" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "differential geometry", or refer to the context using the word "differential geometry" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. & Differential geometry

2. In his early years, he made excellent contributions to affine differential geometry and projective differential geometry.

3. He also worked on differential geometry.

4. Her primary research subject is differential geometry.

5. Key words: interatomic surfaces, differential geometry, total curvature.

6. That is, an interpretation coming from differential geometry.

Có nghĩa là, là một giải thích đến từ hình học vi phân.

7. Thomas has made contributions to algebraic geometry, differential Geometry, and symplectic geometry.

8. Friedrich Schur studied differential geometry, transformation groups (Lie groups) after Sophus Lie.

9. The methods of differential geometry have been applied to the process of cracking.

10. Various types of distortion have been analyzed utilizing the techniques of differential geometry.

11. Dieter Kotschick (born 1963) is a German mathematician, specializing in differential geometry and topology.

12. Coming from differential geometry, Pfaff's differential forms were always of special concern to him.

13. AMU Prize for papers in the areas of algebra, functional analysis and differential geometry.

14. Clairaut's relation, named after Alexis Claude de Clairaut, is a formula in classical differential geometry.

15. Relationships were established with previous work in classical field theory, algebroid theory and differential geometry.

16. Method and apparatus for using state space differential geometry to perform nonlinear blind source separation

17. He wrote a three-volume textbook on differential geometry with Werner H. Greub and Ray Vanstone.

18. He was primarily engaged in research on partial differential equations, differential geometry, solitons, and mathematical physics.

19. In addition, he was also plenary speaker at the International Conference on Differential Geometry in 2011.

20. He also studied differential geometry, and wrote a book of lectures on Einstein's general relativity theory.

21. John "Jack" Marshall Lee (born 2 September 1950) is an American mathematician, specializing in differential geometry.

22. His research areas ranging from the mechanics of differential geometry and partial differential equations to numerical mathematics.

23. Simon Brendle (born June 1981) is a German mathematician working in differential geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations.

24. Gillet's research deals with differential geometry, algebraic und arithmetic geometry, in particular Arakelov theory and algebraic K-theory.

25. Some well-known examples of tensors in differential geometry are quadratic forms such as metric tensors, and the Riemann curvature tensor.

Một vài ví dụ quen thuộc của tenxơ trong hình học vi phân là các dạng bậc hai như tenxơ mêtric, và tenxơ độ cong Riemann.

26. From 1875 he worked at Göttingen University, dealing with the subjects of complex analysis, differential geometry and the calculus of variations.

Từ 1875 ông làm việc tại Đại học Göttingen, giao dịch với các đối tượng của lý thuyết chức năng, hình học vi phân và các phép tính của các biến thể.

27. In topology, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry, it is often important to count how many linearly independent sections a vector bundle has.

28. A basic result of differential geometry states that normal coordinates at a point always exist on a manifold with a symmetric affine connection.

29. Riemann found the correct way to extend into n dimensions the differential geometry of surfaces, which Gauss himself proved in his theorema egregium.

Riemann đã tìm ra một cách đúng đắn để mở rộng vào n chiều hình học vi phân của các mặt, mà chính Gauss đã chứng minh "theorema egregium" nổi tiếng.

30. The same objects can be studied using methods from algebraic geometry, module theory, analytic number theory, differential geometry, operator theory, algebraic combinatorics and topology.

31. In differential geometry (and some types of algebraic geometry), the Chern classes can be expressed as polynomials in the coefficients of the curvature form.

32. Second fundamental form Gaussian curvature Differential geometry of surfaces Geodetical applications were one of the primary motivations for Gauss's "investigations of the curved surfaces".

Độ cong Gauss Hình học vi phân của mặt phẳng ^ Geodetical applications were one of the primary motivations for Gauss's "investigations of the curved surfaces". ^ học

33. Wolf considers applications of group theory to differential geometry and complex manifolds and applications of harmonic analysis to the theory of elementary particles and control theory.

34. Mark Lee Green (1 October 1947, Minneapolis) is an American mathematician, who does research in commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, Hodge theory, differential geometry, and the theory of several complex variables.

35. The duality between Covariance and contravariance intervenes whenever a vector or tensor quantity is represented by its components, although modern differential geometry uses more sophisticated index-free methods to represent tensors

36. As of 2015, IMPA does research in algebra, analysis, differential geometry, partial differential equations, computer graphics, fluid dynamics, holomorphic dynamics, mathematical economics, symplectic geometry, algebraic geometry, optimization, probability theory, dynamical systems, and ergodic theory.

37. In 2014 he was awarded the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics "for the new revolutionary invariants of 4-dimensional manifolds and for the study of the relation between stability in algebraic geometry and in global differential geometry, both for bundles and for Fano varieties."

38. In mathematics, and especially differential geometry and gauge theory, a Connection on a fiber bundle is a device that defines a notion of parallel transport on the bundle; that is, a way to "connect" or identify fibers over nearby points

39. The notation was developed around 1890 by Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro under the title absolute differential geometry . The tensor calculus achieved broader acceptance with the introduction of Einstein 's theory of general relativity , around 1915, which is formulated completely in the language of tensors.

40. What are some good examples of Kan extensions, Adjunctions, and (co)monads in analysis, Lie theory, and differential geometry? Since limits and colimits can be characterized as Kan extensions or Adjunctions, we have the obvious standard constructions: (co)products, (co)equalizers, etc., but these are common to a lot of categories we work with.