before long in Vietnamese

@before long
*thành ngữ before

Sentence patterns related to "before long"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "before long" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "before long", or refer to the context using the word "before long" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. We'll know before long .

2. We'll be home before long .

3. Belive definition, before long; soon

4. Before long, Jeremy asked Jessica out.

Không lâu sau, Jeremy ngỏ ý hẹn hò Jessica.

5. We'll finish the work before long.

6. Before long, I stopped attending Christian meetings.

Không lâu sau, tôi không còn dự các buổi nhóm họp của Nhân Chứng Giê-hô-va nữa.

7. Before long they had signed with Virgin.

8. Before long he became jealous and suspicious.

Chẳng mấy chốc chồng bà bắt đầu trở nên ghen tuông và ngờ vực.

9. Won't be anyone left here before long.

Chẳng mấy chốc sẽ chả còn ai ở đây.

10. Before long, Jane has fallen in love.

11. Before long the dying plants began to rally.

12. I hope to write to you before long.

13. I hope to see you again before long.

14. Before long, the dispute degenerated into fierce polemics.

15. German interest rates will come down before long.

16. The school year will be over before long.

17. Before long Roman pulled up outside Claudia's flat.

18. Before long, they will lose their jobs too!

Không bao lâu nữa, họ cũng sẽ mất chức!

19. I'm going to get very cross before long.

20. Before long the whole neighbourhood knew about it.

21. Before long, half the country was against him.

Không lâu sau, cả nửa đất nước chống đối hắn.

22. Before long, numerous congregations lost their rented meeting places.

Chẳng bao lâu sau, nhiều hội thánh mất nơi nhóm họp.

23. Before long, relief supplies were arriving from neighboring congregations.

Chẳng bao lâu, những hội thánh lân cận đã đưa đồ cứu trợ đến.

24. Before long, rumors about misbehavior began to pop up.

25. Before long the neighboring houses were on fire too.

26. He is sure to spill the beans before long.

27. Before long, though, a number have regretted that decision.

Nhưng không lâu sau khi kết hôn, một số cặp vợ chồng trẻ cảm thấy hối tiếc về quyết định của mình.

28. Before long, the junior highs were competing for students.

29. Before long the Romans moved to crush the revolt.

Không được bao lâu thì quân La Mã ra tay đè bẹp cuộc nổi dậy.

30. Before long, I was back with my wife and children.

Chẳng lâu sau, tôi về với vợ con.

31. Before long he took over the editing of the magazine.

32. Before long, Abigail met up with David and his men.

33. 5 Before long, excessive drinking took its toll on Belshazzar.

5 Chẳng mấy chốc, Bên-xát-sa lãnh hậu quả do việc uống rượu quá độ.

34. Before long, however, the biochemist broke out in a fever.

Tuy nhiên, không lâu sau đó thì nhà sinh hóa học này lên cơn sốt.

35. Before long, she realized she had married a real schmuck.

36. Before long, this element proliferation began to frustrate the chemists.

37. Before long the rubber factory called George back to work.

Không lâu sau, xưởng cao su gọi anh George trở lại làm.

38. Before long, an issue was raised regarding the forbidden fruit.

Chẳng bao lâu sau đó, một vấn đề đã nẩy sinh liên quan đến trái cấm đó.

39. Before long, bold young women in Bikinis were causing a …

40. It's likely that the law will be abolished before long.

41. Before long a large crowd had gathered outside the building.

42. There'll be no wood left in the city before long.

Sẽ sớm không còn căn nhà gỗ nào trong thành phố nữa.

43. Before long the headman was completely accepted by the villagers.

44. Before long, small Bible study groups were formed in many locations.

45. before long, you'll go a whole day without thinking about her.

Chẳng bao lâu, mày sẽ qua trọn cả ngày không nghĩ về cổ nữa.

46. Before long, the estimable Dick Cheney took over the top job.

47. Before long, five Canaanite kings and their armies threatened the Gibeonites.

Chẳng bao lâu sau, năm vua Ca-na-an kéo quân đến đánh dân Ga-ba-ôn.

48. Before long we had struck up a conversation about spiritual matters.

Chẳng mấy chốc, chúng tôi bắt đầu chuyện trò về những vấn đề thuộc linh.

49. Before long, Seville obtained the royal monopoly on trade with the colonies.

50. Before long, you're gonna be working out of Advanced Encrypting in Bethesda.

Ngay sau đó, cậu sẽ làm việc cho khu bảo mật ở Bethesda.