adiabatic expansion in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "adiabatic expansion"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adiabatic expansion" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adiabatic expansion", or refer to the context using the word "adiabatic expansion" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Adiabatic expansion of the air.

2. • adiabatic expansion -- expansion as air rises

3. Adiabatic expansion, expansion when the air is lifted, radiation and conduction.

4. This rapid lifting results in adiabatic expansion and cooling, and consequent accretion of water droplets.

5. Introduces and analyses the calculating software of steam parameters and enthalpy drop of adiabatic expansion.

6. Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume and constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps;

7. We first let the system undergo a reversible adiabatic expansion in which the volume is doubled.

8. U0360 Upslope fog Fog, associated adiabatic expansion and cooling, formed on windward slopes by forced ascent of air.

9. Finally, ejector or expansion valves reduce pressure on the refrigerant, letting it cool via adiabatic expansion and revert to CO2 gas.

10. Isentropic adiabatic expansion of the compressed dry air beneficially recovers most of the energy input required for compression and produces air cycle refrigeration.

11. A0510 Adiabatic condensation temperature Condensation temperature Temperature at which a small parcel of moist air becomes saturated on being subjected to adiabatic expansion.

12. A0500 Adiabatic condensation pressure Condensation pressure Pressure at which a small parcel of moist air becomes saturated on being subjected to adiabatic expansion.

13. R0750 Rain stage Phase of an adiabatic expansion process during which the rising saturated air condenses some of its water vapour at temperatures above 0°C,

14. P1920 Pseudo-adiabat Pseudo-adiabatic Curve on a thermodynamic diagram which represents the temperature changes of an air parcel which is subjected to pseudo-adiabatic expansion.

15. The gas which has been heated and made into plasma is subjected to adiabatic expansion by a rubber nozzle (1) to acquire a greater speed than the sound speed.

16. Due to internal cooling during the adiabatic expansion in supersonic beams rotational temperatures below 10 K can be reached which results in a drastic simplification of otherwise complex molecular spectra.

17. An injector nozzle or valve (24) receives the pressurized and heated fuel and through its integral orifice the heated, pressurized liquid is released and is converted into a vapor by adiabatic expansion.

18. Adiabatic equivalent temperature Temperature that an air parcel would have after experiencing dry adiabatic expansion until saturated, pseudoadiabatic expansion until all the moisture is condensed and dry adiabatic compression to the initial pressure.

19. Contributors; The following discussions apply to a sample of ideal gas in an isolated system (an Adiabatic, or thermally insulated system) that undergoes a reversible, Adiabatic expansion or compression against a constant external pressure.

20. The mist flow containing single-component cryogenic fine solid particles is continuously generated in the spray section (11c) by adiabatic expansion in a state in which the single-component multiphase flow exceeds the speed of sound.

21. D1370 Dry stage Phase of an adiabatic expansion process of moist air, in the absence of condensed water, in which the rising non-saturated air cools at the dry-adiabatic lapse rate, i.e. about 1°C/100 m.

22. The cycle comprises a multi-stage compression interstage cooling process, a counter-flow heat exchange process, a timing constant volume combustion process and an adiabatic expansion process, and is a thermodynamic cycle where thermal energy is converted to mechanical energy.

23. H0070 Hail stage Fictitious phase of an adiabatic expansion process during which the ascending saturated air would remain at a temperature of 0°C due to the release of the latent heat of fusion until all the water is frozen.

24. The «scintillation effect» occuring in photo-electric nucleus counters is explained as follows: After an adiabatic expansion a radial temperature distribution is formed in the fog-tube to which corresponds an opposite radial distribution of the refraction index of air.

25. Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure, work done by expanding gas; Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume and constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps; Latent heats of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat of combustion.

26. Engine embodiments primarily designed for aircraft propulsion and power generation incorporating the Carnot cycle for efficient combustion with typical embodiments including air compressors having one or more stages with isothermal compression and including combustion and expansion chambers having in part isothermal expansion before final adiabatic expansion.

27. It uses rarefied gas in a novel three-phase cycle, of which the first phase is a spontaneous isothermal gas aggregation (0----1), equivalent to an ideal isothermal compression, followed by an adiabatic expansion (1----2), with work produced at the expense of the internal thermal energy of the gas via a gas turbine (5), and by an isobaric expansion (2----0)), where the expanded gas is reheated via a heat excanger (6), while cooling the ambient air (7).