would in Vietnamese

trợ Động từ
thời quá khứ của will

Động từ
1. (a) (diễn tả hậu quả một sự kiện giả định)
(b) (diễn tả một hành động hoặc một sự kiện giả thiết xảy ra trong quá khứ)
â (dùng để diễn tả một hành động hoặc sự kiện giả định trong hiện tại)
2. (a) (dùng để đưa ra những yêu cầu có lễ độ)
(b) (dùng để đưa ra những ý kiến ướm thử)
3. (a) (dùng trong các đề nghị hoặc lời mời)
(b) (dùng để bày tỏ điều thích hơn)
4. (dùng khi bình luận một hành vi đặc biệt)

Sentence patterns related to "would"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "would" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "would", or refer to the context using the word "would" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Vegetation would wither; crops would fail.

Cây cối sẽ khô héo; mùa màng sẽ thất bại.

2. Would/should have Beshrewed: you: would/should have Beshrewed: he, she, it: would/should have Beshrewed: we: would/should have Beshrewed: you: would/should have Beshrewed: they: would/should have Beshrewed

3. Would have been Countersigning: you: would have been Countersigning: he, she, it: would have been Countersigning: we: would have been Countersigning: you: would have been Countersigning: they: would have been Countersigning

4. Would have been Automatizing: you: would have been Automatizing: he, she, it: would have been Automatizing: we: would have been Automatizing: you: would have been Automatizing: they: would have been Automatizing

5. Would have been Abominating: you: would have been Abominating: he, she, it: would have been Abominating: we: would have been Abominating: you: would have been Abominating: they: would have been Abominating

6. Would have been Anesthetizing: you: would have been Anesthetizing: he, she, it: would have been Anesthetizing: we: would have been Anesthetizing: you: would have been Anesthetizing: they: would have been Anesthetizing

7. Would have been Accustoming: you: would have been Accustoming: he, she, it: would have been Accustoming: we: would have been Accustoming: you: would have been Accustoming: they: would have been Accustoming

8. This would be absurd, would it not?

9. Nothing more would beckon, nothing would tantalize.

10. You would never confuse them, would you?

(Vỗ tay) Bạn sẽ không bao giờ nhầm lẫn chúng, đúng không?

11. I would say this would ruin your practice.

Tôi có thể nói chúng đã huỷ hoại việc hành nghề của anh.

12. People would ask: How much would that cost?

Mọi người sẽ hỏi: Chuyện này tốn bao nhiêu tiền?

13. He who would pun would pick a pocket.

Chơi chữ kiểu đó khác nào đi móc túi người ta.

14. To pretend would be despicable - or would it?

15. Would have been Cudgeling: you: would have been Cudgeling: they: would have been Cudgeling: Imperative

16. Who would have dreamed that this would happen?

17. Would have been Bejeweling: you: would have been Bejeweling: they: would have been Bejeweling: Imperative

18. Finally he would stretch out, his breathing would become more regular and he would drift off.

19. That would also mean that your speed would decline.

Điều đó sẽ khiến tốc độ của ông giảm đi đáng kể sau đó.

20. Would it would be too extravagant to buy both?

21. You would never hurt Mommy or me, would you?

Cha sẽ không bao giờ làm hại Mẹ hay con, phải không?

22. We would appreciate it if you would send us...

23. Infectious disease would be defeated; conquest would follow conquest.

24. Perfect continuous; I: would have been Bestriding: you: would have been Bestriding: he, she, it: would have been Bestriding: we: would have been Bestriding: you

25. Perfect continuous; I: would have been Arraigning: you: would have been Arraigning: he, she, it: would have been Arraigning: we: would have been Arraigning: you

26. Perfect continuous; I: would have been Bespeaking: you: would have been Bespeaking: he, she, it: would have been Bespeaking: we: would have been Bespeaking: you

27. Perfect continuous; I: would have been Blinkering: you: would have been Blinkering: he, she, it: would have been Blinkering: we: would have been Blinkering: you

28. Perfect continuous; I: would have been Bethinking: you: would have been Bethinking: he, she, it: would have been Bethinking: we: would have been Bethinking: you

29. Perfect continuous; I: would have been Antedating: you: would have been Antedating: he, she, it: would have been Antedating: we: would have been Antedating: you

30. If something might/would not go Amiss, it would be…

31. SOME would choose “circumstances,” perhaps saying, “I would be happy . . .

Một số người sẽ chọn “hoàn cảnh” và có lẽ nghĩ rằng: “Mình sẽ hạnh phúc...

32. That would be a tribute I would not soon forget.

Đó sẽ là một sự cống nạp tôi khó quên được.

33. I would think that votes would be valuable around here.

Tôi tưởng phiếu bầu rất có giá trị ở đây.

34. That would teach him, that would wear out his carpet!

35. Perhaps Ray would relent, or the community would ignore him.

36. These cables would hook up, and this would power it.

37. Would they?

Liệu họ có vâng lời không?

38. 10 Would it would be too extravagant to buy both?

39. Perfect continuous; I: would have been Abnegating: you: would have been Abnegating: he, she, it: would have been Abnegating: we: would have been Abnegating: you

40. And they would have dinner parties, and-and Frank would dress up, and he would be the barman, and he would serve all the guests... cocktails.

Và họ có dạ tiệc. Và - và Frank mặc đồ và ông ấy là người phục vụ và ông ấy phục vụ tất cả khách cocktail.

41. Who would have believed these things would happen to us?

Ai mà tin được chuyện này lại xảy ra với chúng ta cơ chứ?

42. Eve would crave her husband, and he would dominate her.

Dục vọng Ê-va sẽ hướng về chồng và chồng sẽ cai trị bà.

43. Your clown of a fisherman would not notice, would he?

Ông hề ngư phủ của con không để ý tới cái đó, phải không?

44. And a process that would happen in the machine would mean layer by layer that product would be built.

Và các tiến trình sẽ được diễn ra bên trong máy nghĩa là từng lớp, từng lớp sản phẩm được trộn ghép để tạo ra sản phẩm.

45. Semantics would no longer exist and the argument would be meaningless.

46. If anything, they would prove the very opposite, would they not?

Tuy nhiên, họ có chứng minh được tế bào đó xuất hiện ngẫu nhiên không?

47. I would lie awake missing you so much, it would ache.

Bố luôn trằn trọc khi nhớ về hai con hằng đêm.

48. They would if I promised them all their problems would disappear.

Có thể chứ, nếu tôi hứa sẽ làm mọi thứ lo lắng của họ biến mất

49. And it would get exhausted, and it would collapse every time.

Và lần nào nó cũng bắt đầu kiệt sức rồi trườn xuống.

50. I would want to quit, but my father, he would say,

Tôi rất muốn từ bỏ chuyện học, nhưng bố tôi, ông sẽ nói rằng,