veneration in Vietnamese

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sự tôn kính

Sentence patterns related to "veneration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "veneration" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "veneration", or refer to the context using the word "veneration" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The relics were objects of veneration / were held in veneration.

2. The sun was an object of veneration .

3. The relics were objects of veneration.

4. Trunk of a Tree - An object of veneration.

5. His respect for the law bordered on veneration.

6. The Okinawans have this ancestor veneration.

Người Okinawa thờ cúng tổ tiên.

7. Her veneration for traditional learning never wavered.

8. The skulls were gilded and taken out for yearly veneration.

9. Churchill was held in near veneration during his lifetime.

10. Eleanor's devotion to her husband amounted almost to veneration.

11. They play drama of the story of Jesus except the veneration ceremony.

12. It also says that thereafter Constantine promoted the veneration of the cross.

Cuốn này cũng nói rằng sau đó Constantine đã cổ động việc tôn sùng thập tự giá.

13. Their icons are placed before us on Analogions for veneration

14. Faith reduces your pride and is the root of veneration.

15. She a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration.

16. It is inconceivable, the agony with which this public veneration tortured him.

17. He looked up him with veneration on the old imaginary pinnacle.

18. 29 Patriotism is a arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.

19. Generally speaking, idolatry is the veneration, love, worship, or adoration of an idol.

20. Idol worshipers wrongly attribute superhuman powers to their objects of veneration.

Những kẻ thờ hình tượng sai lầm qui cho những vật họ sùng kính có quyền lực siêu nhiên.

21. Yet even this poverty was transformed by a veneration for beauty.

22. I acquired lasting respect for tradition and veneration for the past.

23. Veneration of images is a religious practice that has no support in the Bible.

Việc thờ ảnh tượng là một thực hành tín ngưỡng hoàn toàn không được Kinh Thánh ủng hộ.

24. Popes have encouraged this veneration, although they have also taken steps to reform it.

Các Giáo hoàng đã khuyến khích việc tôn kính này nhưng theo thời gian cũng đã có những cải cách nhất định.

25. Exotic scent mingled with the more religious smells of incense, furniture polish and veneration.

26. 13:20, 21 —Does this miracle support the veneration of religious relics?

13:20, 21—Có phải phép lạ này ủng hộ việc sùng kính các thánh tích?

27. Canonization officially recognizes a deceased Roman Catholic as worthy of universal and obligatory veneration.

Phong thánh là chính thức nhìn nhận một người Công Giáo La Mã quá cố xứng đáng và phải được mọi người sùng kính.

28. Does 2 Kings 13:21 support the belief in veneration of relics?

Câu 2 Các Vua 13:21 có ủng hộ việc sùng kính các thánh tích không?

29. Antonyms for Belittlement include aggrandisement, aggrandizement, ennoblement, exaltation, glorification, magnification, praise, elevation, veneration and worship

30. The church emphasizes that the robe should not be seen as an object of veneration.

Nhà thờ nhấn mạnh rằng không nên xem cái áo như là một vật để người ta sùng bái.

31. Could it be that veneration of an icon really amounts to worshiping it?

Phải chăng tôn kính một ảnh tượng thật sự chẳng khác gì thờ nó?

32. A memorial was erected in veneration of the dead of both world wars.

33. A veneration of the ancient is the movement's mantra and han fu is its uniform.

34. Even the New Catholic Encyclopedia admits that such veneration is “an act of worship.”

Ngay cả cuốn “Tân Bách khoa Tự điển Công giáo” (New Catholic Encyclopedia) thú nhận sự tôn sùng đó là “một hành động của sự thờ phượng”.

35. You must be aware that the veneration of images, as just described, is widespread.

Chắc bạn biết việc tôn sùng hình tượng như vừa kể trên phổ biến khắp nơi.

36. The situation was further aggravated by the Western Church’s veneration of Jerome’s Latin Vulgate.

Tình trạng càng tệ hơn khi Giáo hội Tây phương sùng kính cuốn Vulgate bằng tiếng La-tinh của Jerome.

37. This veneration especially takes the form of prayer for intercession with her Son, Jesus Christ.

38. The Bogomils did not recognize the Old Testament or the veneration of the cross, the saints, or relics.

39. Gandhi became an object of widespread veneration because of his unceasing struggle for freedom and equality.

40. The tomb of Venerable Carlo Acutis was opened for public veneration Thursday ahead of the computer-programming teen’s Beatification

41. According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the “veneration of images” had to await him “to find its own fullest explanation.”

Theo «Tân Bách-khoa Tự-điển Công giáo» (New Catholic Encyclopedia) thì do ông mà “sự tôn sùng hình tượng” mới được giải thích một cách tường tận”.

42. Did Jesus give his mother any special adulation or veneration?—Mark 3:31-35; Luke 11:27, 28; John 19:26.

43. IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods.

44. Template:RQ:Grafton A Chronicle at Large the glorification of the Angels , the Agnition of the Shepeherds , the veneration of the wise men; References

45. The veneration of images became a heated political issue that dragged emperors and popes, generals and bishops into a veritable theological war.

Việc tôn sùng hình tượng trở nên một đề tài chính trị sôi nổi lôi kéo nhiều vua chúa và giáo hoàng, cũng như tướng tá và giám mục vào một cuộc chiến tranh thần học thực sự.

46. Reverence for relics is believed to date from the fourth century of our Common Era, as does veneration of “saints.”

Người ta tin sự sùng bái thánh vật bắt đầu vào thế kỷ thứ tư công nguyên và việc tôn sùng “chư thánh” cũng bắt đầu vào thời đó.

47. The emperor had begun to think polytheistic cult a veneration of evil spirits and therefore perhaps a danger to his realm.

48. 1611, King James Bible, Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.· (Roman Catholicism) A title indicating the beatification of a person, thus allowing public veneration of those who have lived in sanctity or died as martyrs.· Held in veneration; revered

49. Choirboy There the mellifluous voices of Choirboys, the harmony of improvised polyphony, and the cadences of locally composed plainchant incited the populace to veneration

50. Bibliolatry: 1 n the worship of the Bible Synonyms: Bible-worship Type of: cultism , devotion , idolatry , veneration religious zeal; the willingness to serve God