terrorism in Vietnamese

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chính sách khủng bố

Sentence patterns related to "terrorism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "terrorism" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "terrorism", or refer to the context using the word "terrorism" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. I think the real Antonym for terrorism is counter-terrorism

2. Arab - Israel conflict & diplomacy Counter - terrorism Terrorism US policy

3. Our response must be to prevent terrorism, as set out in the EU Counter Terrorism Strategy, and address radicalisation leading to terrorism.

4. “Terrorism is like the mythical monster Hydra,” notes Brian Jenkins, an expert on terrorism.

5. Pakistan: Terrorism Ground Zero.

Tị nạn Việt Nam: Bến bờ tự do .

6. A definition of terrorism had also been added to the national counter-terrorism law.

7. Terrorism can never be Condoned

8. Responsible for anti-terrorism operations.

Cục chống khủng bố, chịu trách nhiệm các hoạt động chống khủng bố.

9. Neither does NYPD counter-terrorism.

Kể cả Phòng chống khủng bố của sở cảnh sát New York cũng không.

10. (The Rationalization of Terrorism) Therefore, as an effective instrument against terrorism, the UN is stymied.

11. It definitely reeks of terrorism.

Nó sặc mùi của bọn khủng bố.

12. Today, some altered policies that include terrorism are called Terrorism Insurance or Political Risk Insurance.

13. Terrorism and acts of war

14. * The two sides unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including cross-border terrorism.

15. (a) - (c) India has continuing concerns regarding terrorism including infiltration and cross border terrorism with Pakistan.

16. We are also united in our resolve to combat the menace of terrorism, especially cross-border terrorism.

17. We will destroy radical Islamic terrorism.

18. Fighting terrorism is the absolute priority.

19. Public fear of terrorism will increase.

Ý thức bảo vệ môi trường của người dân sẽ được nâng cao hơn.

20. 18 Islam does not condone terrorism.

21. We should not connive at terrorism.

22. Advancing Global Security and Countering Terrorism

23. All the Member States work towards combating terrorism by eliminating infrastructure and ending the support structure financing terrorism.

24. We have zero-tolerance to terrorism.

25. Overpopulation, global warming, drought, famine, terrorism.

Bùng nổ dân số, hiện tượng nóng dần, hạn hán, nạn đói, khủng bố.

26. 2 Conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism and abetment to terrorism are also recognized as separate criminal offences.

27. Denounce and oppose terrorism in all forms and manifestations, wherever committed and by whomever, calling on all states to reject and abandon the use of terrorism against other countries, dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they exist, and bring perpetrators of terrorism to justice.

28. Counterterrorism--like terrorism--is a reality

29. 20 Terrorism can never be condoned.

30. We are determined to smash terrorism.

31. Yet, it would be counter-productive and meaningless to fight terrorism without addressing the root causes of terrorism.

32. We have urged all countries including China to adopt a zero tolerance towards terrorism, and strengthen counter terrorism cooperation.

33. The OSCE's guiding principles in Countering terrorism

34. Immigration Muslims in Europe Radical Islam Terrorism

35. There was an additional protocol done in 2004 about the financing of terrorism, about action against financing of terrorism.

36. Accordingly, our counter-terrorism efforts continue apace.

37. The spiral of terrorism becomes never-ending.

38. We absolutely renounce all forms of terrorism.

39. whereas the European Union’s counter-terrorism strategy should therefore address not only the consequences of terrorism but also its causes;

40. The Banditry-terrorism nexus in northwest Nigeria

41. There should be zero tolerance towards terrorism.

42. resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism addressed

43. Every right-minded person is against terrorism.

44. The killing of innocent civilians was a criminal, abhorrent act and State terrorism was the most dangerous form of terrorism.

45. 18 Terrorism creates a climate of fear.

46. 17 We are determined to smash terrorism.

47. It would enable States to cooperate in suppressing terrorism and in punishing the perpetrators, abettors, financiers, facilitators and collaborators of terrorism.

48. Cyberterrorism is the convergence of terrorism and cyberspace

49. We firmly believe in zero tolerance against terrorism.

50. The United States declared a War on Terrorism.

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