territorial waters in Vietnamese

Danh từ
lãnh hải (vùng biển gần bờ của một nước và thuộc quyền kiểm soát của nước đó)

Sentence patterns related to "territorial waters"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "territorial waters" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "territorial waters", or refer to the context using the word "territorial waters" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. You are in Chinese territorial waters.

Các người đang vào lãnh hải của Trung Quốc.

2. / Soviet ships have violated / the territorial waters

Tàu của Soviet đã xâm phạm hải phận...

3. Han's island rests partly within our territorial waters.

Hòn đảo của Hán nằm một phần trong lãnh hải của chúng ta.

4. Ratio of marine protected area to total territorial waters.

5. Governments have acted to protect nearly 2% of territorial waters.

Các chính phủ đã vào cuộc để bảo vệ gần 2% lãnh hải.

6. (Ratio of marine protected areas to total territorial waters; percentage)


8. Lebanon's current claim includes Israel's territorial waters Abutting the gas fields it discovered in 2009

9. There are currently a huge number of platforms in Member States' territorial waters extracting oil.

10. There can be no “12-mile [20 km] limit” or “territorial waters” restricting their commission from God.

Sẽ không còn “hải phận quốc gia” hạn chế công việc Đức Chúa Trời giao phó cho họ.

11. In 2003, Bahrain banned the capture of sea cows, marine turtles and dolphins within its territorial waters.

Năm 2003, Bahrain cấm chỉ bắt bò biển, rùa biển và cá heo trong lãnh hải của mình.

12. We accept the outcome of the inquiry,[Sentencedict.com ] without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.

13. On 21 December 1979, Malaysia published a map that showed the island to be within its territorial waters.

Vào ngày 21 tháng 12 năm 1979, Malaysia xuất bản một bản đồ cho thấy hòn đảo nằm trong lãnh hải của mình.

14. A defense treaty with France provides naval resources for protection of territorial waters, training of Comorian military personnel, and air surveillance.

Một hiệp ước quốc phòng với Pháp cung cấp các nguồn lực hải quân để bảo vệ các vùng lãnh hải, đào tạo cán bộ quân sự Comoros, và giám sát không phận.

15. It has 500 square kilometres (193 sq mi) of territorial waters, and a 200-nautical-mile (370 km; 230 mi) exclusive economic zone.

Quốc gia có 500 kilômét vuông (193 sq mi) lãnh hải, và 200 hải lý (370 km; 230 mi) vùng đặc quyền kinh tế.

16. In addition, jurisdiction includes areas within its territorial waters, aboard ships and airplanes flying under its flag, and aboard aircraft en route to the USA.

17. As it is a maritime feature visible only at low tide, it belongs to the state in the territorial waters of which it is located.

Vì nó là một thực thể hàng hải chỉ nhìn thấy khi thủy triều xuống, nó thuộc về nhà nước ở vùng lãnh hải của nó.

18. It had, therefore, been suggested that there should be greater vigilance along our coast line and better monitoring of maritime activity in our territorial waters.

19. 1991 - China passes the Law on Territorial Waters and Their Contiguous A reas , laying out its claim to territorial sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands .

1991 - Trung Quốc thông qua Luật lãnh hải và những khu vực tiếp giáp , đưa ra tuyên bố chủ quyền Quần đảo Hoàng Sa và Trường Sa .

20. It is dedicated to Saint Alexander Nevsky who in 1242 won the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus, in the territorial waters of present-day Estonia.

Nhà thờ dành cho Thánh Alexander Nevsky người giành chiến thắng năm 1242 trong Trận hồ Chudskoe trên hồ Peipus, trong vùng lãnh hải nay thuộc Estonia.

21. According to a 2002 Korean Central News Agency article the NLL violates the Korean armistice agreement and the 12 mile territorial waters stipulated by the UN Maritime Convention.

Theo một bài báo năm 2002 của KCNA, NLL vi phạm thỏa thuận đình chiến của Hàn Quốc và lãnh hải 12 dặm theo quy định của Công ước Liên Hợp Quốc về Luật Biển.

22. Contiguous data storage, in computer science; Contiguity (probability theory) Contiguity (psychology) Contiguous distribution of species, in biogeography; Geographic Contiguity of territorial land; Contiguous zone in territorial waters; See also

23. The system depends on a line of buoys – each equipped with the latest visual and acoustic sensors – located offshore to amass comprehensive data on movement and activities in Europe's territorial waters.

24. The vessels remain adrift at least 12 nautical miles off the coast, outside Maltese territorial waters, while they discharge the fuel on to other vessels that carry it to the coast.

25. ‘This clearly Contradicted previous concerns about competition and conflict with the works of art.’ ‘Shortly thereafter, completely contradicting this advice, the ship's captain indicated that he would enter Australian territorial waters and approach Christmas Island.’

26. It is necessary to define minimum insurance requirements to cover passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties for air carriers and aircraft operators flying within, into, out of, or over the territory of a Member State, including its territorial waters.

27. It is necessary to define minimum insurance requirements to cover passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties for air carriers and aircraft operators flying within, into, out of, or over the territory of a Member State, including its territorial waters

28. At 2240 hours on 12 May 2002, United States and British F-14, F-15, F-16 and EA-6B aircraft coming from bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and from Kuwaiti and Saudi airspace and territorial waters penetrated Iraq’s airspace in the southern region.

29. At 1450 hours on 13 November 2001, United States and British F-14, F‐15, Tornado and EA-6B aircraft coming from bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and from Kuwaiti and Saudi airspace and territorial waters penetrated Iraq’s airspace in the southern region.

30. At 0305 hours on 3 May 2002, United States and British F-14, F-15, F-16 and EA-6B aircraft coming from bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and from Kuwaiti and Saudi airspace and territorial waters penetrated Iraq’s airspace in the southern region.

31. This was the first time a Chinese frigate has entered the Contiguous zone, Yoshitomo Morii said to reporters.A Japanese Navy destroyer detected the Chinese ship as it entered the Contiguous zone -- an area stretching 24 nautical miles out from the edge of territorial waters -- around the Senkaku, also known as Diaoyu, islands, at 12.50 a.m.

32. James Monroe, then a foreign minister acting under instructions from U.S. Secretary of State James Madison, demanded British disavowal of the deed, the restoration of the four seamen, the recall of Admiral Berkeley, the exclusion of British warships from U.S. territorial waters, and the abolition of impressments from vessels under the United States flag.

33. In pursuance of Decree No # the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark issued an Executive Order on # ctober # on the exclusive economic zone of Greenland, which provides that “the exclusive economic zone of Greenland shall comprise waters outside and abutting the territorial waters up to a distance of # nautical miles from the baselines in force from time to time” and specifies delimitation of that zone in relation to foreign States

34. (21) "territory" means, for Georgia, the land areas and territorial waters adjacent thereto under its sovereignty, suzerainty, protection or mandate, and, for the European Union, the land areas (mainland and islands), internal waters and territorial sea in which the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union is applied and under the conditions laid down in those Treaties and any successor instrument.