temperate mutants in Vietnamese

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thể đột biến nhiệt độ ( các đột biến hoá sinh chỉ biểu hiện ở nhiệt độ xác định)

Sentence patterns related to "temperate mutants"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "temperate mutants" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "temperate mutants", or refer to the context using the word "temperate mutants" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. NonenCapsulated mutants of these …

2. Growing mutants of your own.

Tạo ra dị nhân cho bản thân các ngươi.

3. Radiation gave birth to mutants.

Phóng xạ sẽ sản sinh những người đột biến.

4. Well, it's one or two mutants.

Vâng, nó một hai dạng đột biến.

5. What effect does it have on mutants?

Phóng xạ có tác dụng gì lên người đột biến không?

6. Thus, amber mutants are an entire class of virus mutants that can grow in bacteria that contain amber suppressor mutations.

Vì vậy, đột biến hổ phách là một loại toàn bộ các đột biến virus có thể phát triển trong vi khuẩn có chứa đột biến áp chế hổ phách.

7. Temperate and tropical Countries.

Ôn đới và cận nhiệt đới.

8. Britain has a temperate climate.

9. The Acolytes are a group of mutants that followed Magneto's ideals and believed in a society where humans are dominated by mutants

10. Mutants defective for malic acid utilization (mau mutants) are yellow, while wild-type colonies are blue on the defined bromcresol green based indicator medium.

11. Mutants and the humans who dared to help them.

Dị nhân và những người thường dám giúp đỡ họ

12. 18 Britain has a temperate climate.

13. He is temperate in his habits.

14. The methionine Auxotrophs were metA/metZ, metE and metF mutants

15. These mutants were constant during twenty transfers on agar medium.

16. Mutants show the effect of the mutation in their phenotype.

17. Temperate Butterworts (Pinguicula) Temperate Butterworts (Pinguicula) survive long, cold winters by dying down to small, cone shaped hibernacula

18. Japan is in the temperate zone.

19. Great Britain has a temperate climate.

20. Rainforest Biome Tropical Rainforest Temperate Rainforest 39

21. Agroforestry practice and principles — temperate and tropical;

22. Temperate forests pose the problem of seasonality.

23. Please be more temperate in your language.

24. Key words: virulence, capsular polysaccharide, acapsular mutants, dolichol pathway, oligomannans.

25. The weather here continues to be temperate!