tempestuous in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. dông bão, dông tố, bão tố
2. (nghĩa bóng) dữ dội, huyên náo

Sentence patterns related to "tempestuous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tempestuous" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tempestuous", or refer to the context using the word "tempestuous" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. These youths are very tempestuous.

2. " Dark and tempestuous was night.

3. They got divorced in 1992 after a tempestuous marriage.

4. Burst, to illumine our tempestuous day.

5. She is in a tempestuous mood.

6. She burst into a tempestuous fit of anger.

7. Their married life was short and tempestuous.

8. Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea.

9. For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.

10. Autumn is blown hither and thither by an ever-changing tempestuous wind.

11. Somehow the marriage lasted for eight tempestuous months.

12. Then a tempestuous wind forced the ship westward toward Cauda.

Sau đó trận gió dữ dội đưa tàu sang phía tây về hướng Cơ-lô-đa.

13. Tatlock broke up with Oppenheimer in 1939, after a tempestuous relationship.

Tatlock chia tay với Oppenheimer năm 1939, sau một mối quan hệ đầy sóng gió.

14. Her character falls in love very quickly with tempestuous Rochester.

15. 12 synonyms for Blustery: gusty, wild, violent, stormy, windy, tempestuous, inclement, squally

16. ‎The Agitators tells of the enduring but tempestuous friendship of Susan B

17. 12 Then came more trouble: a “tempestuous wind” from the northeast.

12 Rồi họ gặp phải tình huống nguy hiểm: “một trận cuồng phong” đến từ đông bắc.

18. The end of their romance in the middle of June was just as tempestuous.

19. Tempestuous indeed, for Jeremiah’s prophecy continues at Jer 25 verses 32 and 33:

Quả là giông bão, vì lời tiên tri của Giê-rê-mi tiếp tục nơi Giê 25 câu 32 và 33:

20. He and the tempestuous Chapman had an incredibly attuned working relationship which began m 19

21. Bears , dragons , tempestuous on mountain and river , Startle t he forest and make the heights tremble .

22. After a tempestuous two - month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

23. Plastered to tiny projections on the chalk face, the majority survive howling gales and tempestuous spray-lashings.

24. Do not oppose a party, not tempestuous , the off - duty workers should have a meal.

25. The tempestuous Belle was nurtured and protected in Cleveland to the point of outright embarrassment for management.

26. All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell , as the sea falls undera lapse of wind.

27. Upon putting “out to sea from Crete,” the ship was “violently seized” by “a tempestuous wind called Euroaquilo.”

28. Now, Venice, as you know, has a tempestuous relationship with the sea, and is built upon wooden piles.

Hiện nay, Venice, như bạn biết đấy. có 1 sự gắn bó mật thiết với biển và được xây dựng trên những cọc gỗ.

29. 19 Psalm 148:8 says: “You fire and hail, snow and thick smoke, you tempestuous wind, accomplishing his word.”

19 Thi-thiên 148:8 nói: “Hỡi lửa và mưa đá, tuyết và hơi nước, gió bão vâng theo mạng Ngài”.

30. Their loving was wild and tempestuous, with no time to spare for tenderness or softly spoken promises.

31. The Sam Katzman production put Bey in a romantic clinch with rising star Gloria Grahame, cast as a tempestuous Algerian princess.

32. In 19th century Seville, the lusty, tempestuous Carmen (Migenes-Johnson) seduces a naive Army corporal, Don Jose (Domingo), newly assigned to …

33. 1907, Algernon Blackwood, The Willows: Though still early in the afternoon, the ceaseless Buffetings of a most tempestuous wind made us feel weary

34. Stephanie Davis is being tormented by a delusional Cyberstalker who falsely claims the pair are in a tempestuous relationship, the Mirror can reveal

35. The following development -- fraught with sudden shifts from minor to major and constant modulations -- is animated by real conviction, as Aureately ecstatic moments vie with tempestuous alarums

36. It stood on a sharp bleak corner, where that tempestuous wind Euroclydon kept up a worse howling than ever it did about poor Paul's tossed craft.

Nó đứng trên một góc ảm đạm sắc nét, nơi mà Euroclydon gió thuộc về bao tố giữ một hú tồi tệ hơn bao giờ nó đã về nghề ném nghèo của Thánh Phaolô.

37. Breakup is the erotically charged chronicle of the tempestuous final months of an eighteen-year romantic and literary partnership, self-destructing in the aftermath of the ultimate betrayal

38. Okamura tends to be relatively cynical, and though he often expresses annoyance at her tempestuous nature, he never seems to get tired of having Mao with him.

Okamura có xu hướng khá hoài nghi, và mặc dù ông thường thể hiện có khá nhiều phiền toái với Mao, ông không bao giờ có vẻ mệt mỏi khi Mao đi với anh ta.

39. And yet the world is nothing but a tempestuous sea; time is naught but a bridge thrown over the abyss connecting the negation that preceded existence with the eternity that is to follow it.

40. The Lavinia Whateley was a Boojum, a deep-space swimmer, but her kind had evolved in the high tempestuous envelopes of gas giants, and their offspring still spent their infancies there, in cloud-nurseries over eternal storms

41. However, An American Translation, copyrighted by the University of Chicago in 1939, reads: “When God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth was a desolate waste, with darkness covering the abyss and a tempestuous wind raging over the surface of the waters.”

42. Poor Lazarus there, chattering his teeth against the curbstone for his pillow, and shaking off his tatters with his shiverings, he might plug up both ears with rags, and put a corn- cob into his mouth, and yet that would not keep out the tempestuous Euroclydon.

Nghèo La- xa- rơ có, trò chuyện răng của mình chống lại lề đường gối của mình, và lắc đổ vỡ của mình với shiverings của ông, ông có thể cắm cả hai tai giẻ rách, và đặt một ngô, lõi ngô vào miệng, nhưng sẽ không giữ Euroclydon thuộc về bao tố.

43. When I ha d judged , u pon the best appreciation I was ab le to form of the circumstances which related to my- self, that it was my duty to embark again o n the tempestuous & uncertain Ocean of public life, I gave up all expectations of private happiness in this world: You know, my dear Sir, I had Concentered all my schemes, all my views, all