subsidence in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. sự rút xuống (nước lụt...)
2. sự lún xuống
3. sự ngớt, sự giảm, sự bớt, sự nguôi đi, sự lắng đi
4. (y học) sự lặn đi (mụn, nhọt...)

Sentence patterns related to "subsidence"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subsidence" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subsidence", or refer to the context using the word "subsidence" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The railway line was closed because of subsidence.

2. The road was closed because of subsidence.

3. The building had to be demolished because of subsidence.

4. Ground movement and surface subsidence are remarkable in gold mine.

5. The houses in this area are liable to subsidence.

6. A number of houses had suffered from coal-mining subsidence.

7. The coal is dug, ground subsidence, gangue spontaneous combustion, ecological damage.

8. The roots of the trees are causing subsidence damage to the building.

9. Subsidence claims showed marked decline, but theft claims continue to rise.

10. Upper-and lower-plate margins will differ significantly in their uplift and subsidence history.

11. This can be explained by the recent deep subsidence in Cainozoic times.

12. Subsidence is the downward movement of a site on which a building stands.

13. Large - scale of mining subsidence area often forms seasonal waterlogging or perennial waterlogging.

14. Such decrease in pressure in turn may result in subsidence, sinking of the ground above.

Việc giảm áp lực này lần lượt có thể dẫn đến sụt lún, chìm xuống mặt đất ở trên.

15. The kinetic regularity for subsidence of solid particles in non - Newtonian fluid was dis - cussed.

16. The air becomes denser because of subsidence, a sign of high pressure zones.

17. Sadly, however, subsidence of the building means that the sundial is no longer accurate.

18. This subsidence is caused essentially by an irrigation overdraft of the confined ground water.

19. Over time, some Cages may undergo subsidence (caving in), which can compromise the fusion and

20. Exogenic subsidence caused by overdraft of ground water is a rapidly spreading, worldwide geologic hazard.

21. S3210 Subsidence temperature inversion Inversion caused by the adiabatic warming of a layer of subsiding air.

22. Because the foreland basin was a highly subsidence, that it was deposited a hugely Plio - Pleistocene sediments.

23. For example, while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift(sentence dictionary), subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling.

24. Subsidence is more rapid than sedimentation-in contrast to Albian-and greater water depths are reached relatively quickly.

25. Contributing factors include acid rock drainage, subsidence, open shafts, tailings impoundment failures, old buildings and waste dumps.

26. For example, while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift, subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling.

27. Weather and subsidence claims were lower, motor and marine insurance results improved and only industrial disease claims required higher provisions.

28. Although there are certain features not readily explicable by subsidence, we can not revert wholly to the Glacial Control theory.

29. Stage I encompasses ENE- to NE-trending lineations; it is closely related to the subsidence of the Permo-Carboniferous Erbendorf Trough.

30. The volume of sediment that accumulates in a basin depends on the rates of subsidence, sediment supply and sediment removal.

31. Heave damage can occur following the removal of trees if their roots have been causing subsidence damage to the building.

32. The last few years have seen widespread damage to homes through storms, floods, extreme cold and subsidence caused by drought.

33. Other matters referred to in the draft schedule include fitness for purpose, which includes liability for subsidence or heave.

34. Thus practically every boring seems to vindicate the subsidence theory and to provide evidence against the Glacial Control theory.

35. This sometimes causes temporary aggravation of the movement disorder, but may eventually result in its improvement or complete subsidence.

36. This warm central spot slowly counter-rotates and may be caused by a weak subsidence of air in the center of GRS.

Vùng trung tâm ấm này quay ngược lại một cách chậm, có thể là do sự sụt lún của khí ở trung tâm GRS.

37. And land subsidence paired with increased salinity in the Mekong Delta, puts at risk the livelihood of 13.6 million rice farmers.

Và sụt lún đất kết hợp với tăng độ mặn ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long, gây nguy cơ cho sinh kế của 13,6 triệu nông dân trồng lúa.

38. In other cases, active faulting and strong subsidence processes may allow the accumulation of very thick layers of foothills alluvial deposits.

39. The effects of local surface low pressure are extremely limited because upper-level subsidence still continues to block any form of air ascent.

40. The island is part of a chain of mountains from which it became separated after earthquakes and subsidence that occurred in ancient times.

Hòn đảo là một phần của chuỗi các núi và đã tách ra sau các trận động đất và sụt lún vào thời cổ đại.

41. The term Craton is used to distinguish such regions from mobile geosynclinal troughs, which are linear belts of sediment accumulations subject to subsidence (i.e., downwarping)

42. The subhorizontal depositional surfaces that dominate during times of aggradation provide a well defined reference frame for regional analysis of decompacted stratigraphies and related subsidence.

43. Many Chilean cities sustained significant damage, including Puerto Montt, where noticeable subsidence occurred, and Valdivia, where nearly half of the buildings were rendered uninhabitable

44. To compensate for the resulting "excess," vertical motion may result: upward forcing if Convergence is at low levels, or downward forcing (subsidence) if Convergence …

45. Continued subsidence of the land, slowly rising sea levels, salinity pulses from hurricanes, and canals from the Gulf of Mexico, add further stress to these wetlands.

46. Built on an alluvial plain of soft clay, the subsidence is exacerbated by excessive pumping of groundwater by industry and by the weight of massive buildings.

Được xây dựng trên một đồng bằng phù sa bằng đất sét mềm, sự sụt lún được làm trầm trọng thêm bởi việc công nghiệp bơm nước ngầm quá mức và do trọng lượng của các tòa nhà khổng lồ.

47. Darwin (1842) referred to barrier reefs surrounding volcanic islands as an intermediate stage in the development of Atolls through long-term subsidence and reef growth

48. Darwin (1842) referred to barrier reefs surrounding volcanic islands as an intermediate stage in the development of Atolls through long-term subsidence and reef growth.

49. Subsidence Crater, a depression from an underground (usually nuclear) explosion; Pit Crater, a Crater that forms through sinking of the surface and not as a vent for …

50. By analyzing the relationship curves between land subsidence and the centrifuge acceleration, the allowable bearing capacity of a single pile for the high-rise building was obtained.