straight muscle of eyeball lateral in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "straight muscle of eyeball lateral"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "straight muscle of eyeball lateral" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "straight muscle of eyeball lateral", or refer to the context using the word "straight muscle of eyeball lateral" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Abducens nerve the sixth cranial nerve; it arises from the pons and supplies the lateral rectus muscle of the eyeball, allowing for motion

2. Defects -- Cowhocks, or straight hocks. Lack of muscle and propelling power.

3. The Abducens nerve provides motor innervation to only one extraocular muscle in humans, the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle

4. 15 The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision.

5. Formanceof Abiologically-assisted curved muscle model comparedtoa previous straight-line muscle model during complex dynamic lifting tasks

6. The Abducens (VI) nerve is motor in function and innervates the lateral rectus muscle of the eye

7. Abductor digiti minimi muscle (Musculus Abductor digiti minimi) Abductor digiti minimi is an unipennate muscle located in the lateral part of the sole of the foot.

8. The key to the Anode’s straight flight is its deep profile, which reduces lateral movement

9. Serratus Anterior muscle (Musculus serratus Anterior) The serratus Anterior muscle is a fan-shaped muscle at the lateral wall of the thorax.Its main part lies deep under the scapula and the pectoral muscles

10. The Abduces nerve then proceeds through the superior orbital fissure and innervates the lateral rectus muscle

11. The Buccinator (also Buccinator muscle, latin: musculus buccinator) is a facial muscle that participates in forming the anterior part of the cheek and the lateral wall of the oral vestibule

12. Antonyms for Crosswise include lengthwise, head on, straight on, longitudinal, parallel, adjacent, collateral, alongside, lateral and equidistant

13. Keep your big nose out, Eyeball.

Lấy cái mũi cô ra, nhỏ Nhãn-cầu.

14. The lateral Circumflex femoral artery has three branches: The ascending branch of lateral Circumflex femoral artery passes upward, beneath the tensor fasciae latae muscle, to the lateral aspect of the hip, and anastomoses with the terminal branches of the superior gluteal and deep Circumflex iliac artery.

15. Superficial to the Buccinator is the risorius muscle which extends horizontally and blends with the lateral edge of the orbicularis oris

16. The Abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) is a motor nerve that supplies one of the extraocular muscles: the lateral rectus muscle

17. (anatomy) The Abducens nerve: the nerve in humans and most animals that governs the motion of the lateral rectus muscle of the eye

18. Is a lateral thigh compartment muscle that flexes and Abducts the thigh at the hip Fill in the blank

19. You got a problem with your eyeball, boy?

Mắt mày có tật hả thằng oắt con?

20. The RETINA is the light-sensing innermost wall of the eyeball.

21. The first portion of the Axillary nerve lies lateral to the radial nerve, posterior to the Axillary artery, and anterior to the subscapularis muscle.

22. Lat·er·al rec·tus (mus·cle) [TA] extraocular muscle in orbit; origin, lateral part of the common tendinous ring that bridges superior orbital fissure; insertion, lateral part of sclera of eye; action, abduction; nerve supply, Abducens

23. Transverse Arytenoid muscle is a single flat band of muscle stretching between the Arytenoid cartilages of the larynx.It attaches to the posterior aspect of the muscular process and adjacent lateral border of the Arytenoid cartilages.The muscle fibers run horizontally to insert into the same location on the opposite Arytenoid cartilage.

24. From that point on, Dulles was associated with the concepts of “massive retaliation” and “Brinksmanship,” a supposedly reckless combination of atomic saber rattling and eyeball-to-eyeball standoffs

25. (2) That lining the eyeball is the bulbar Conjunctiva