straightforward in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. thành thật, thẳng thắn; cởi mở
2. không phức tạp, không rắc rối (nhiệm vụ...)

Sentence patterns related to "straightforward"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "straightforward" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "straightforward", or refer to the context using the word "straightforward" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Our mission is straightforward.

Nhiệm vụ đang được triển khai...

2. That's pretty straightforward parameterization.

Lần này chúng ta đi dọc theo trục x, y luôn bằng 0.

3. Circuitous: not straightforward or direct.

4. The instructions seem fairly straightforward.

5. Bashed is a fairly straightforward box

6. And the answer is really straightforward:

Và câu trả lời thì hết sự đơn giản.

7. I mean, this seems pretty straightforward.

Theo tôi, bài toán này có vẻ thẳng thắn, không phức tạp

8. This is a straightforward task.

9. The procedure is quite straightforward.

10. So my process is very straightforward.

Vì thế nên quá trình làm việc của tôi rất chân phương.

11. The Bechdel Test is straightforward enough

12. " is straightforward and fun

13. 2 synonyms for Aboveboard: straightforward, honestly

14. Breast Augmentation is a relatively straightforward procedure

15. I shudder to say simple; it's straightforward.

Tôi không dám nói là đơn giản; nó rõ ràng và dễ hiểu.

16. It wasn't by any means a straightforward process.

17. The facts of the case are quite straightforward.

18. Adding Binomials is a fairly straightforward process

19. Achilleas are quite straightforward in their requirements

20. Installing MySQL on Centos 7 is straightforward

21. So the straightforward cases don't waste everybody's time.

Những vụ án kì lạ này không đáng để lãng phí thời gian.

22. The directions to the campsite are fairly straightforward.

23. Cleaning Beeswax is a fairly straightforward and simple process

24. 4 The answer to this question is deceptively straightforward .

25. Now, on the surface, the deal appeared straightforward.

Nhìn bề ngoài có vẻ như thương vụ này minh bạch

26. The answer to this question is deceptively straightforward .

27. The Bioindicator is helpful, objective, straightforward, and reproducible

28. We recognized that the task was not straightforward.

29. Beachhead 2000's gameplay is fast-paced and straightforward

30. This is a fairly straightforward method of Brainstorming ideas

31. What does Aboveboard mean? Without deceit or trickery; straightforward

32. A lot of work for a fairly straightforward problem.

Phải làm thật nhiều cho một bài toán tương đối không khúc mắc cho lắm

33. A Chillum is about as straightforward as it gets

34. That's straightforward, because that's what pluripotent cells can do.

Điều này nằm trong khả năng của các tế bào đa tiềm năng.

35. Her story is told in a straightforward, believable fashion.

36. Red blood cell sensing systems rely upon straightforward measurement geometries.

37. This is a fairly straightforward method of Brainstorming ideas.

38. Croesus iBalance provides straightforward, tailored, and seamless portfolio rebalancing

39. They are true, plain, straightforward, and easy to understand.

Những câu trả lời này là đúng thật, minh bạch và dễ hiểu.

40. Cultivating optimism isn’t quite as straightforward as Cultivating gratitude

41. 12 Disposable nappies are fairly straightforward to put on.

42. The article was written in straightforward, almost conversational language.

43. Determining an executive's salary is not a straightforward task.

44. 24 I'm a blunt straightforward man; I hate sham.

45. Our position on this issue was absolutely straightforward and clear.

46. Dill has stated that Brigitte's grooming regime is pretty straightforward.

Dill đã tuyên bố rằng chế độ chải chuốt của Brigitte khá đơn giản.

47. An important step is quite straightforward —ask God for it.

Một bước quan trọng nhưng đơn giản là cầu xin Đức Chúa Trời ban thánh linh.

48. 16 Look, it's perfectly straightforward?just multiply everything by five.

49. Blunt describes something as being not sharp or as being straightforward

50. Given such behavior, aren’t leftists the real Authoritarians? Seems pretty straightforward