specific heat in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "specific heat"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "specific heat" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "specific heat", or refer to the context using the word "specific heat" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Specific heat content is high, good heat conduction.

2. Amorphous solids do not have any specific heat of fusion

3. Numerical results are compared with available experimental data for adiabatic compressibility, the linear thermal expansion coefficient, specific heat at constant volume, and specific heat at constant pressure.

4. What is the specific heat of the metal in the pan?

5. But the specific heat of water transfer printing technology transfer process complicated.

6. It is found that the results are influenced greatly by specific heat of air.

7. The specific heat of nanocrystal approaches that of glass, but is that of bulk crystals.

8. The results show that as heat rate increases, he specific heat of glass with higher energy.

9. The outcome of the experiment shows the specific heat of dry wood is independent on species.

10. A hypothesis was presented that the specific heat of resin changed greatly at the gel point.

11. Is Making the Liquid Thermometer with Mercury Just be Cause the Latter Has Small Specific Heat?

12. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and volume specific heat were studied using the transient plane source method.

13. The product of a solid element's relative atomic mass and its specific heat capacity is approximately

14. — cair is the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure and density [kWh/(m3 K)];

15. ·K. The specific heat capacity varied with the aggregate source and ranged from 940 to 2000 J/kg

16. At night, the land cools off more quickly than the ocean because of differences in their specific heat values.

Vào buổi tối, đất lạnh đi nhanh hơn đại dương do sự chênh lệch giá trị nhiệt riêng của chúng.

17. A calculation formula for determining the specific heat capacity of solid with an improved RD496-III microcalorimeter was derived.

18. Heat analysis—the chemical analysis determined by the steel producer as being representative of a specific heat of steel.

19. A particle potential energy is introduced to make the model suitable for the perfect gas with arbitrary specific heat ratio.

20. Classical adiabatic methods for measuring specific heat in a wide temperature range are very suitable for homogeneous, well defined materials.

21. An adiabatic calorimeter suitable for specific heat measurement of solids and liquids of poor thermal conductivity for the temperature range −80...

22. An actual compression ratio is changed according to the specific heat ratio of an intake gas that is supplied into a cylinder.

23. One of the key properties of an encapsulated thermal battery is its volumetric heat capacity (VHC), also termed volume-specific heat capacity.

24. The specific heat of rare earth nitrides has been measured at temperatures between 1.7 ans 270°K by means of an adiabatic calorimeter.

25. A shrinkable copolyester film having shrinkage of not less than 30 % in either the machine direction or transverse direction after specific heat treatment.

26. A transient method with rectangular pulse heating has been developed to measure the specific heat and thermal conductivity of solid structural materials at low temperatures.

27. This paper discussed the assessment of uncertainty of air's specific heat capacity ratio, and gave a method of more reasonable, standard and easy for teaching.

28. Specific volume, specific heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient and adiabatic compressibility coefficient for both water and ice must be known at any temperature and pressure combination.

29. In 1910, Einstein pointed out the anomalous behavior of specific heat at low temperatures as another example of a phenomenon which defies explanation by classical physics.

Năm 1910, Einstein nói về ứng xử dị thường của nhiệt dung riêng ở nhiệt độ thấp như một hiện tượng không được giải thích bởi vật lý cổ điển.

30. By using improved variational method, the internal energy per plaquette and the specific heat curves of the Tangent action in SU lattice gauge theory arc worked out.

31. With the apple and chilli being taken as typical materials, the specific heat of rural subsidiary occupation products with high moisture content and its measuring methods are studied.

32. Its thermal properties were calculated by means of lattice dynamics. It has been found that the entropy and specific heat of nanocrystalline are higher than that of single crystal.

33. Alternating current (AC) magnetic susceptibility measurements find evidence for a dynamic freezing of the magnetic moments as the temperature is lowered somewhat below the temperature at which the specific heat displays a maximum.

34. Maxwell observed that the specific heat capacity of H2 unaccountably departs from that of a diatomic gas below room temperature and begins to increasingly resemble that of a monatomic gas at cryogenic temperatures.

Maxwell đã quan sát nhiệt dung riêng của H2 không thể tính được của khí hai nguyên tử dưới nhiệt độ phòng và bắt đầu ngày càng giống với khí đơn nguyên tử ở nhiệt độ đông đặc.

35. To utilize the minute electronic specific heat and thermal conductivity of graphene, we develop a superconductor-graphene-superconductor Josephson junction 8-13 Bolometer embedded in a microwave resonator with a resonance frequency of 7.9 gigahertz and over 99 …

36. Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure, work done by expanding gas; Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume and constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps; Latent heats of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat of combustion.

37. Calorimeter (Const P) Measuring heat transfers during a chemical reaction (e.g., coffee cup Calorimeter) Where m is the mass of water (or solution) cs is the specific heat capacity of water (or solution) ∆T is the temperature change of the water during the reaction

38. The present invention relates to a process for oligomerizing isocyanates, comprising a step of continuous conversion of an isocyanate monomer into polyisocyanate containing carbamate and/or allophanate groups, in the presence of a catalyst, wherein the conversion step is performed in a reactor having a specific heat exchange coefficient of greater than or equal to approximately 200 kW/m3/°C.