specific weight in Vietnamese

Tỉ trọng, trọng lượng riêng

Sentence patterns related to "specific weight"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "specific weight" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "specific weight", or refer to the context using the word "specific weight" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Polythiourethane-based casting resin having high fracture resistance and low specific weight

2. 1766 British chemist Henry Cavendish determines the specific weight of hydrogen gas.

3. UPS has established specific weight and size limits for the packages that you send with all UPS services.

4. The calculator below can be used to estimate the density and specific weight of Butane at given temperature and atmospheric pressure

5. The binding straps for mechanical use feature super length and super slimness, light specific weight, low unit cost, good elasticity, flexibility and tensile strength and strong adhesion.

6. The uncontradicted expert evidence in this case is that a specific weight of steel was used for each structure to support the equipment and related platforms, walkways, accessways, handrails and ramps.

7. Baze is a personalized supplement subscription service that analyzes each consumer's body to determine nutritional deficiencies while recommending specific weight loss and nutritional plans tailored to the needs of the user.

8. For example, if your express service is limited to orders up to a specific weight, you can use the weight dimension to set all orders above the limit to 'No delivery'.

9. It also subscribed to the Philoponan impetus dynamics in which impetus is self-dissipating and free-fall in a vacuum would have an essential terminal speed according to specific weight after an initial period of acceleration.

Nó cũng tán thành lực đẩy động lực Hipparchus-Philoponus theo đó lực đẩy là tự tiêu hao và rơi tự do trong chân không sẽ có một tính chất tốc độ cuối cùng theo trọng lượng riêng sau một giai đoạn gia tốc ban đầu.

10. Systematic research should lead to a new conducting material consisting of an aluminum alloy which improves disadvantageous material properties of pure aluminum conductors. However, it should not reduce the particular advantage of having a low specific weight.