space-time in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(triết học) không gian thời gia

Sentence patterns related to "space-time"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "space-time" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "space-time", or refer to the context using the word "space-time" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. STC technology can divide into: Layered space-time coding (LSTC), space-time trellis code modulation (ST-TCM), Unitary space-time coding (USTC), differential space-time coding (DSTC).

2. Thirdly, we analyzed and compared three types of space-time coding technologies that are space-time block code (STBC), Layered space-time code (LSTC) and space-time trellis code (STTC) respectively.

3. Space-time underwent a phase transition.

Không gian - thời gian đã trải qua giai đoạn chuyển tiếp.

4. What does Capacities mean? See space/time

5. A non - unitary non - coherent space - time code is proposed based on full diversity quasi - orthogonal space - time block code.

6. Gravitation is presumably a modification of space - time.

7. Space-Time Acoustic Scintillation Revolutionizes Measurement of Water Properties

8. Improved concepts of causality, space, time, and speed evolve.

9. 4 This, the Riemann curvature tensor, quantifies space-time curvature.

10. It puts too much strain on the space-time continuum.

Chuyện này sẽ gây áp lực lớn lên dòng thời gian

11. Minkowski's space-time formalism was quickly accepted and further developed.

Hình thức luận không-thời gian Minkowski đã được mở rộng và nhanh chóng được chấp nhận.

12. We don't see the curvature of space-time, and other universes.

Chúng ta không thấy được sự bẻ cong của không gian-thời gian và những vũ trụ khác

13. A new optimization algorithm of space-time trellis code is presented.

14. You weren't manipulating the space-time continuum... You were breaking it.

Anh đã không thao túng tính liên tục của thời không, mà là phá vỡ nó.

15. We don't see the curvature of space- time, and other universes.

Chúng ta không thấy được sự bẻ cong của không gian- thời gian và những vũ trụ khác

16. A crack in space-time that carried Simmons away to another planet.

Một khe nứt trong không-thời gian đem Simmons tới một hành tinh khác.

17. " Future me " was afraid of causing a rift... in the space-time continuum.

" Tôi ở tương lai " sợ tạo ra một kẽ hở... trong sự liên tục không gian-thời gian.

18. But you must go back six months... to preserve the space-time continuum.

Cậu phải quay lại 6 tháng trước để dòng thời gian liền mạch.

19. What if we were to start playing with the material of space-time itself?

Sẽ ra sao nếu ta có thể chơi đùa với vật chất cấu tạo nên không gian - thời gian ?

20. A new soft decision adaptive decoding algorithm for space time trellis code ( STTC ) is proposed.

21. Which means a spherical multidimensional superfluid shows the same negative energy density as space-time.

Có nghĩa là một hình cầu siêu lỏng đa chiều cho thấy cùng một mật độ năng lượng tiêu cực như không-thời gian.

22. We exist in what you would call a temporal inversion fold in the space-time matrix.

23. Barcoding of medications is a complicated logistical problem that will require significant pharmacy space, time, and effort

24. He goes back to the science fair, fixes his Memory Scanner, thus restoring the space-time continuum.

Cậu ấy về lại cuộc thi khoa học, sử a cái máy Memory Scanner, vì thế, phục hồi lại chuỗi thời gian liên tiếp.

25. 15 The gravitational forces are the manifestation of space-time curvature due to the presence of matter.

26. We also studied the quantum teleportation in the background of curved space - time for the first time.

27. 13 This provides an analytic extension beyond the Cauchy horizon which is another part of Kerr space-time.

28. Fourth, a worm hole, elucidation space - time can stretch, compression, rent, also is deduced time - travel this idea.

29. I went here and there at my own dear will, bound by no limits of space, time or comportment.

30. The anfractuous characters, plots and space-time structure of "Master and Magaritte" reflect the author's thinking on religious philosophy.

31. Application of the strong equivalence principle provides the basis for a definition of parallel transport in curved space time.

32. Moreover, the pictograph characteristic of Chinese words makes the space-time idea in the mysterious figure be kept maximally.

33. We study this theory at one fixed point, with fractional Branes that extend only in the space-time directions.

34. Space-time correlation analysis using Laser-Doppler Anemometry was chosen as the technique for investigating the turbulent flow field.

35. In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. This theory linked gravitation, acceleration and the four dimensional space-time.

36. An analysis is made of space-time distribution of precipitable water vapour using monthly mean aerological data from West Africa.

37. The curvature of space- time around the black hole brings to life the quantum mechanical fluctuation, and the black hole radiates.

Đường cong không- thời gian quanh hố đen mang tới dao động cơ học lượng tử và hố đen phát xạ.

38. The curvature of space-time around the black hole brings to life the quantum mechanical fluctuation, and the black hole radiates.

Đường cong không-thời gian quanh hố đen mang tới dao động cơ học lượng tử và hố đen phát xạ.

39. 4 An alternative cosmology is the Hartle / Hawking model, which does not assume a background space-time in which the universe arises.

40. The reconciliation of variety and unity are addressed in reference to the space-time continuum and the unified field of relativity theory.

41. This constant would restore to the general theory's description of space-time an invariant metric tensor for the fabric of space/existence.

Hằng số này sẽ sửa chữa lại cho mô tả của thuyết tương đối tổng quát về không-thời gian một tensor mét bất biến cho việc tạo ra vũ trụ hay sự tồn tại.

42. 30 The b -boundary is the projection into a space-time of a natural boundary attached to a higher-dimensional Riemannian manifold.

43. Axonometry is the reflection of the ancient Chinese thought that space and time are intrinsically related — in modern terminology a space-time continuum

44. Space-time trellis code combining space diversity with code and modulation, can improve efficiency and reliability of communication system in wireless channel efficiently.

45. The acronym Baste helps students remember the elements: Body Action Space Time Energy This framework is a way to discuss any kind of movement

46. The space-time heat transfer coefficients are also computed on-line considering the actual tube pitches and assuming cross-flow of the combustion gases.

47. For a standard 555 Astable circuit the mark time (Tm) must be greater than the space time (Ts), so the duty cycle must be at …

48. The actual theoretical physics on the base of relativity theory studies space, time and body mass in movement in physical inertness systems, without accelerate movement.

49. In Einstein's theory of general relativity, the presence of matter curves space time, and as a result the path of a light ray is deflected.

50. Designed for tough flow measurement such as hydro-electric turbine discharge in low-head, short-intake power plants, the method is known as space-time acoustic scintillation.