social democratic in Vietnamese

xem social democrat

Sentence patterns related to "social democratic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "social democratic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "social democratic", or refer to the context using the word "social democratic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Social Democratic Party won few seats.

2. The Communists reorganized as a social-democratic force.

Những người cộng sản tái tổ chức thành một lực lượng dân chủ xã hội.

3. Officially, ZANU–PF has a social democratic ideology.

Chính thức, ZANU-PF có một hệ tư tưởng xã hội chủ nghĩa.

4. The movement is liberal and social democratic in orientation.

5. 19 The movement is liberal and social democratic in orientation.

6. The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.

7. The president asked the Social Democratic Party to form a new government.

8. Major parties can be roughly grouped into liberal, social democratic or conservative "families".

Các đảng chính có thể được nhóm lại thành các "gia đình" tự do, dân chủ hoặc bảo thủ.

9. The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.

10. The Georgian army was defeated and the Social Democratic government fled the country.

Quân đội Gruzia thua trận và chính phủ Dân chủ Xã hội phải bỏ chạy khỏi đất nước.

11. The Social Democratic Party gained an absolute majority in the parliamentary elections of 1916.

12. Their new Social Democratic Party favoured multilateral disarmament as opposed to unilateral nuclear disarmament.

13. This is all grist to the mill of orthodox social democratic analyses of crime.

14. To Ortega, such a posture reeks of betrayal, social democratic aberrations and imperialist tendencies.

15. It did so with only grudging recognition of the need for national consultations with Social Democratic leaders.

16. He joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1906, becoming a member of the Bolshevik faction.

Ông gia nhập Đảng Lao động Dân chủ Xã hội Nga năm 1906, trở thành thành viên của Bolshevik.

17. When Branting came to power in 1920, he was the first Social Democratic Prime Minister of Sweden.

18. In 1953, Palme was recruited by the social democratic prime minister Tage Erlander to work in his secretariat.

Năm 1953, Palme được thủ tướng Tage Erlander của đảng Dân chủ Xã hội tuyển vào làm trong Nha thư ký của ông ta.

19. In voters' eyes Mrs Merkel outshone her previous government, a "grand coalition" with the Social Democratic Party (SPD).

20. In the early 1980s some members of the British Labour Party broke away to form the Social Democratic Party.

21. Brexiteers Burbled about a British economic model, distinct from the European social-democratic model, without specifying what it should look like

22. When the war ended he became Finland's leading Social Democratic Party (SDP) politician, and a strong proponent of the parliamentary system.

Khi chiến tranh kết thúc, ông trở thành chính trị gia của Đảng Dân chủ Phần Lan (SDP), và một người đề xướng mạnh mẽ hệ thống nghị viện.

23. James McCombs was active in left-wing political circles, and was later to become an MP for the Social Democratic Party.

James McCombs hoạt động trong giới chính trị tả khuynh, và sau đó trở thành nghị viên thuộc Đảng Xã hội Dân chủ.

24. From the 1920s to the 1950s, the Social Democratic majority held power in the city, and it was known as red Arbon

25. 18 They can dilute their class appeal and become simply another party of government,( the course generally adopted by social democratic parties.

26. The monument shows the prominent Swedish Social Democratic leader Hjalmar Branting (1860–1925) leading a group of workers on a May Day demonstration

27. Germany's Social Democratic government, which had come to power after the fall of the Monarchy, was vehemently opposed to the KPD's idea of socialism.

Chính phủ Dân chủ Xã hội của Đức, đang nắm quyền sau khi chế độ Phong kiến sụp đỏ, kịch liệt phản đối lý tưởng xã hội chủ nghĩa của KPD.

28. He was the leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party (1907–1925), and Prime Minister during three separate periods (1920, 1921–1923, and 1924–1925).

Ông là lãnh đạo đảng Dân chủ Xã hội Thụy Điển từ năm 1907 tới 1925, và đã làm thủ tướng Thụy Điển trong 3 nhiệm kỳ khác nhau (1920, 1921–1923, và 1924–1925).

29. And without a leader bigger than the party, the PT's out-and-out socialists will be more likely to squabble with its social-democratic reformers.

30. The Bundestag resolution was unanimously supported by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition government of the Christian Democratic Union, Christian Social Union, and Social Democratic party.

31. A member of a majority faction (Bolsheviki) of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party, which formed the Communist Party after seizing power in the 1917 Revolution.

32. Bolshevik definition is - a member of the extremist wing of the Russian Social Democratic party that seized power in Russia by the Revolution of November 1917.

33. Germany's Social Democratic Party is pushing for legislation to clamp down on pay, though its partner in government, Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, has so far resisted.

34. Tuomioja is a member of the Social Democratic Party of Finland, although his political views are thought to be more to the left than the party line.

Tuomioja là một thành viên của Đảng Dân chủ Xã hội Phần Lan, mặc dù quan điểm chính trị của ông được cho là tả khuynh so với tư tưởng của đảng.

35. This is indeed one of the important differences between, on the one hand, classical and social-democratic Capitalisms, and on the other, liberal meritocratic capitalism (see Table 2.1, row 4).

36. This attitude is not contradictory to the social democratic value of labour government and the idea of the "third way" , and could be explained by the theory of social democracy.

37. Bolshevik (from the Russian bol' shinstovo, majority) a member of the Leninist majority of the Russian Social Democratic Party in 1903, the forerunner of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

38. Bolshevik, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power in that country

39. Initially, however, the opposition suffered a severe setback when the social-democratic student's union UNEF expressed its approval of the proposed law, once the idea of a Numerus Clausus for the Master's course had been abandoned.

40. “Milanovic outlines a taxonomy of Capitalisms and traces their evolution from classical capitalism before 1914, through the social-democratic capitalism of the mid-20th century, to ‘liberal meritocratic capitalism’ in much of the rich world, in particular America.

41. In 1981, several centrist and right-leaning Labour MPs formed a breakaway group called the Social Democratic Party (SDP), a move which split Labour and is widely believed to have made the Labour Party unelectable for a decade.

Năm 1981, một số nghị sĩ cánh hữu thành lập một nhóm ly khai gọi là Đảng Dân chủ Xã hội (SDP); hành động gây phân hóa trong đảng Lao động và được xem là nguyên nhân dẫn đến sự thất bại của đảng trong suốt một thập niên.

42. Bolshevik, (Russian: “One of the Majority”), plural Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power.

43. The Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe/Social Democratic Party (abbreviated MLSTP/PSD; Portuguese: Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé e Príncipe/Partido Social Democrata) is one of the main political parties in São Tomé and Príncipe.

44. The Bolsheviks (Russian: Большевики, from большинство bolshinstvo, 'majority'), also known in English as the Bolshevists, were a radical, far-left, and revolutionary Marxist faction founded by Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov that split from the Menshevik faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), a revolutionary socialist

45. The papers disgusted the social-democratic patriarchs of the New Statesman who called them ‘crude anti-socialist Beatnikery’ no less than the Acting Chairman of the House Anti-American Activities Committee, Joe Pool, who felt, fairly accurately, that the underground papers were out ‘to encourage depravity and irresponsibility and nurture

46. Bolshevik (Russian: большевик bol'shevik) was the name given to members of one of the two largest factions of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) when the Party split (1903) into two factions before the 1917 October Revolution.The Bolsheviks rose to prominence during World War I (1914-1918) as the war severely amplified Russia's internal problems, such as food …

47. But the party system and the FA’s internal balance of power do not favor any turn abrupt toward radical left or populism. Indeed, because populist tactics are likely to prove self-defeating in the presidential campaign, Mujica started supporting Vázquez’s administration’s record and made Astori his candidate to be Vice President, entitled to take the lead on economic policy and participate in the executive. To stress their social democratic credentials both candidates, Mujica and Astori, have gone on pilgrimages to the United States, Brazil, and Chile.