social services in Vietnamese

dịch vụ xã hội.

Sentence patterns related to "social services"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "social services" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "social services", or refer to the context using the word "social services" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Contact social services for help.

2. • Social Services Sales Tax account

3. She works for the social services.

4. 16 Contact social services for help.

5. Social services have undergone a major change.

6. Critical social services and infrastructure remain underfunded.

Vẫn còn thiếu nguồn tài chính cho các dịch vụ xã hội và cơ sở hạ tầng trọng yếu.

7. Social services meet needs and are universal.

8. Social services and health workers liaise closely.

9. His employers, Norfolk social services, backed him up.

10. Within these councils, social services were strictly regulated.

11. 11 First,( the Social Services Inspectorate is concerned with quality standards in services provided or contracted by local authority social services departments.

12. What can the social services department do to help?

13. I just got off the phone with Social Services.

Tôi vừa nói chuyện với bên Phúc lợi xã hội.

14. Further information: local Age Concern group; social services department.

15. Inequity in access to social services is also worrisome.

Bất bình đẳng trong tiếp cận dịch vụ xã hội cũng đáng quan ngại.

16. We have concerns about whether the government will be able to provide viable social services for poorer families/provide poorer families with viable social services.

17. Education, health and other social services fell yet faster into decay.

18. Support access to basic social services, including administrative and legal counselling

19. The social services account for a substantial part of public spending.

20. It was remiss of the social services not to notify the police.

21. Our findings point to a lack of training among social services staff.

22. 22 Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments.

23. These inequities in income and basic social services feed on each other.

Sự bất bình đẳng về kinh tế và tiếp cận dịch vụ xã hội thiết yếu tác động qua lại lẫn nhau.

24. It restricts Palestinian access to East Jerusalem, key social services and agricultural land.

25. The money has been paid every month on her behalf by Social Services.

26. I understand that 250 unaccompanied children cost a social services department £5 million.

27. · Denial of access to housing and social services or employment for seropositive persons.

28. Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas.

29. If you want more information about Social Services please contact your local office .

30. NATIONAL PRIORITY OR OBJECTIVE: Access to social services, social inclusion and sustainable development

31. In metropolitan areas the districts are responsible for education, social services and libraries.

32. Some prefer tax cuts to greater state spending on health and social services.

33. The number of internally displaced children with access to education, health and social services;

34. Your news coverage has been making quite a stir in the social-services community.

Tin truyền thông của ông đã gây xôn xao trong cộng đồng công tác xã hội.

35. For example, the social services department within a local authority is a functional department.

36. I have asked the social services for help, but they have not done anything.

37. Method and card for accelerated provision of funds and fraud reduction for social services

38. Seamus, winning the cup is based on accumulating points in academics, athletics and social services.

39. Local authorities with a day-care guarantee under section # (a) of the Social Services Act

40. And that's because they have better job opportunities and their state offers better social services.

Đó là vì họ có cơ hội nghề nghiệp tốt hơn và nước của họ phục vụ dịch vụ xã hội tốt hơn.

41. Let me turn from jobs to the second objective, which is improving basic social services.

Tôi xin chuyển từ công ăn việc làm sang đối đượng thứ hai, cải thiện dịch vụ xã hội cơ sở.

42. Abider is regulated by the Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division of California

43. The dismantling of the personal social services would also open the way for commercial providers.

44. Social services were widely Criticized for not taking more action to protect children at risk

45. Marty social services are simply not well suited to companies whose basic motive is profit.

46. Block funding comes from social services, and Mrs Allen does not foresee any change after April.

47. The charts below reflect the distribution of relief and social services expenditures by activity and location

48. She calls on school principals, district commissioners, the police, institutions for social services, and judicial authorities.

49. They are afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family.

50. A note blaming social services chiefs for ignoring their plea for help was on the dashboard.