separatist in Vietnamese

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người theo chủ nghĩa phân lập, người chủ trương phân lập

Sentence patterns related to "separatist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "separatist" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "separatist", or refer to the context using the word "separatist" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Our Position: Independent, Biblicist, Baptist, Separatist, Local Church

2. (a) whether separatist activities have surfaced again in Sri Lanka;

3. He hoped to curb separatist tendencies and mitigate nationalist passions.

Ông hy vọng kìm chế các khuynh hướng ly khai và giảm bớt các phong trào quốc gia.

4. Biafran separatist leader arrested and will face trial, Nigeria says

5. In those villages the Abkhazian separatist government set up a temporary administration

6. Meanwhile, various anti-Derg as well as separatist movements began throughout the country.

Trong khi đó, nhiều phong trào chống Derg cũng như ly khai khác nhau bắt đầu trên toàn quốc.

7. 10 hours ago · Still on separatist Agitations in Nigeria

8. 18 Separatist movements are a threat to the integrity of the nation.

9. Two Kashmiri separatist groups have denied any involvement and have condemned the attacks.

10. China believes TAiwan President Tsai Ing-wen is a separatist bent on declaring independence.

11. The Philippine military said rebels of the Separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front were responsible.

12. Synonyms for Atheistical include atheistic, apostate, freethinking, heterodox, heathen, impious, idolatrous, agnostic, separatist and unbelieving

13. Our separatist attacks culminated in the ill-advised action at the village of Portella della Ginestra.

14. Responsible for the separatist security activities of the so called ‘government of the Donetsk People' s Republic’

15. Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so-called ‘government of the Lugansk People's Republic’.

16. Let us consider three main points: Why did Jesus refuse to get involved in separatist movements?

Hãy xem ba câu hỏi chính: Tại sao Chúa Giê-su từ chối tham gia các đảng phái chính trị?

17. The Confederacy of Independent Systems Navy, abbreviated to CIS Navy and also referred to as the Confederacy navy, Separatist navy, Confederacy fleet, Separatist fleet, or CIS fleet, was the naval branch of the Confederacy military of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.It was created during the height of the Separatist Crisis to bring a means of defense against the

18. Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the Donetsk People' s Republic’

19. (a) & (b) According to available information, there are no indications that separatist activities have resurfaced in Sri Lanka.

20. 2000 – Second Chechen War: Russia captures Grozny, Chechnya, forcing the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria government into exile.

2000 – Chiến tranh Chechnya lần thứ hai: Nga chiếm thủ đô Grozny của Chechnya, buộc chính phủ ly khai Cộng hòa Chechnya Ichkeria phải lưu vong.

21. Ukraine does not acknowledge, and condemns, the attempt at illegitimate and separatist affirmation of the statehood of any territories

22. Under pressure from separatist groups within the Sudeten German Party, the Czechoslovak government offered economic concessions to the region.

Dưới áp lực từ các nhóm ly khai thuộc đảng Đức Sudeten, chính phủ Tiệp Khắc đã thi hành những chính sách nhượng bộ về kinh tế đối với khu vực này.

23. The political impact of the latest demonstrations has been to restore the relevance of the Kashmiri separatist movement.

24. Chian was a Kajain'sa'Nikto Jedi youngling who trained in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the Separatist Crisis

25. Despite the attempts of the Odrysian kings to bolster their central power, the separatist tendencies were very strong.

Bất chấp những nỗ lực của các vị vua Odrysian để củng cố quyền lực trung ương, sự li khai vẫn rất mạnh mẽ.

26. Ukraine does not acknowledge, and condemns, the attempt at illegitimate and separatist affirmation of the statehood of any territories.

27. At this time Anton Balasingham, an employee of the British High Commission in Colombo, began to participate in separatist activities.

Tại thời điểm này, Anton Balasingham, một nhân viên của Cao uỷ Anh ở Colombo, bắt đầu tham gia vào các hoạt động ly khai.

28. The leader of the separatist faction, Rhombus, accompanies the Initiate on a quest to kill Blake, the leader of the cult.

Lãnh đạo của phe ly khai, Rhombus, đồng hành cùng Initiate thực hiện nhiệm vụ giết Blake, nhà lãnh đạo của giáo phái này.

29. The Basques have prospered, though their distinctive language and culture were sometimes suppressed, giving rise to a modern violent separatist movement

30. Maskhadov left Grozny and moved to the separatist-controlled areas of the south at the onset of the Second Chechen War.

Maskhadov đã rời Grozny sang vùng kiểm soát của phe ly khai ở phía nam khi Cuộc chiến tranh Chechnya thứ hai diễn ra.

31. Shusha, a center of Azeri culture for centuries, came under Armenian control in 1992 in fighting over the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region.

32. In becoming Dooku's henchman, the bounty hunter was teamed up with Asajj Ventress, a Dark Jedi and commander within the Separatist military.

33. According to the OSCE the area between Avdiivka and neighboring separatist controlled Yasynuvata is one of the hotspots of the War in Donbass.

Theo OSCE, khu vực giữa Avdiivka và khu vực ly khai láng giềng do Yasynuvata kiểm soát là một trong những điểm nóng của Chiến tranh ở Donbass.

34. Early in her term she made conciliatory moves towards the separatist Tamil Tigers (LTTE) in an attempt to end the ongoing civil war.

Đầu nhiệm kỳ, bà đã thực hiện các động thái hòa giải đối với phe ly khai Tamil trong nỗ lực chấm dứt cuộc nội chiến đang diễn ra.

35. Chechnya, one of several small majority Muslim republics in Russia's North Caucasus, has been the scene of two bloody conflicts between separatist rebels …

36. Question: Vikram, actually there had been complaints against Canada about giving shelter to separatist elements that had been active in India for long.

37. The Constitutional Court can strip the public financing of political parties that it deems anti-secular or separatist, or ban their existence altogether.

Tòa án Hiến pháp cho thể tước đoạt nguồn tài chính công cộng của các chính đảng nếu họ bị cho là chống thế tục hoặc ly khai, hoặc cấm chỉ tồn tại hoàn toàn.

38. Meanwhile, a small separatist Flemish movement had emerged; the Germans had supported it during the war, and in the 1930s it turned fascist.

Trong khi đó, một phong trào ly khai nhỏ tại Vlaanderen đã xuất hiện; và người Đức đã ủng hộ phong trào này trong chiến tranh, và tới những năm 1930 phong trào chuyển sang xu hướng phát xít.

39. The first Congregational church organized in America was First Parish Church in Plymouth, which was established in 1620 by Separatist Puritans known as Pilgrims

40. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes over the last few years Separatist fighters in Cameroon have kidnapped hundreds of …

41. 23 The Commerce Guild provided their dwarf spider droids into the Separatist ranks. The four-legged dome-shaped mechanical arachnid featured a powerful, centrally mounted laser cannon.

42. Introduction / Definiton The conflicts related to the two separatist regions in Georgia—Abkhazia and South Ossetia—has its origins in Soviet and pre-Soviet politics in the (South) Caucasus.

43. Azeris use Israeli-made drones as conflict escalates with Armenia — report As two countries fight for 4th day over separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region, assistant to the president of Azerbaijan

44. The War in Abkhazia from 1992 to 1993 was fought between Georgian government forces for the most part, and Abkhaz separatist forces, Russian armed forces and North Caucasian militants

45. Once the state that previously held the territory sends in military forces to assert its sovereignty or the native population clashes with the former occupier, a separatist rebellion has begun.

Một nhà nước trước đó giữ lãnh thổ này bằng cách gửi các lực lượng quân sự để khẳng định chủ quyền của mình hay dân cư bản địa xung đột với lực lượng chiếm giữ trước đó, một cuộc nổi loạn của những người ly khai bắt đầu.

46. After the crackdown on Anglophone teachers and lawyers in 2017, who were demonstrating against alleged discrimination and unfair working practices enforced by the Francophone central government, an armed separatist movement arose

47. “Here some doctors worked Clandestinely for the separatists and turned it into a den of separatist conspiracies.” “During the communist era, Christmas in Budapest was a low-key affair, often celebrated Clandestinely .”

48. Streets in southeast Nigeria were deserted on Monday as the former separatist region commemorated the more than one million people who died in the Biafra war and famine half a century ago

49. The former separatist religious leader (mufti) Akhmad Kadyrov, looked upon as a traitor by many separatists, was elected president with 83% of the vote in an internationally monitored election on October 5, 2003.

Vị lãnh chúa ly khai cũ Akhmad Kadyrov, bị nhiều người ly khai coi là kẻ phản bội đã nhận được 83% số phiếu trong một cuộc bầu cử có sự giám sát quốc tế vào ngày 5 tháng 10 năm 2003.

50. Incidents of ballot stuffing and voter intimidation by Russian soldiers and the exclusion of separatist parties from the polls were subsequently reported by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitors.

Những lời lên án về việc gian lận phiếu và đe dọa của binh lính Nga và việc trục xuất các đảng ly khai sau này đã được các giám sát viên Tổ chức An ninh và Hợp tác châu Âu (OSCE) đề cập.