septate in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "septate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "septate" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "septate", or refer to the context using the word "septate" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ascomycetes are characterized by septate hyphae with simple pores

2. The microsymbiont is an actinomycete having two morphologies: septate hyphae (ca.

3. Mycelium of Basidiomycetes: The well developed, filamentous mycelium consists of a mass of branched, septate hyphae generally spreading in a fan-shaped manner

4. Thus, monograptids are both uniserial and unistipular, septate diplograptids are biserial and Bistipular, but most aseptate diplograptids and some taxa with a partial median septum are biserial and unistipular

5. Ascomycete definition is - any of a group (such as class Ascomycetes or subdivision Ascomycotina) of higher fungi (such as yeasts or molds) with septate hyphae and spores formed in asci.

6. Despite their diversity in many features, the Ascomycetes possess certain common unifying characteristics, namely, the somatic body composed of a loose, indefinite mass of septate mycelium; the mode of asexrual reproduction; and sexual reproduction

7. The species of the genus are dimorphic and share similar cladosporium-like conidial anamorphs consisting of pale brown, short, acropetally produced chains of cylindrical to fusiform, zero- or one-septate conidia and ramoconidia, diagnostic chlamydosporic synanamorphs, and a soil-borne, heat-resistant ecology.

8. : any of a group of higher fungi that have septate hyphae and spores borne on a Basidium, that include rusts, smuts, mushrooms, and puffballs, and that are variously considered to comprise a class (Basidiomycetes), a subdivision (Basidiomycotina), or a division (Basidiomycota) Other Words from …

9. Definition of basidiomycete : any of a group of higher fungi that have septate hyphae and spores borne on a basidium, that include rusts, smuts, mushrooms, and puffballs, and that are variously considered to comprise a class (Basidiomycetes), a subdivision (Basidiomycotina), or a division (Basidiomycota) Other Words from basidiomycete

10. Definition of Basidiomycete : any of a group of higher fungi that have septate hyphae and spores borne on a basidium, that include rusts, smuts, mushrooms, and puffballs, and that are variously considered to comprise a class (Basidiomycetes), a subdivision (Basidiomycotina), or a division (Basidiomycota) Other Words from Basidiomycete