secret police in Vietnamese

Danh từ
cảnh sát mật

Sentence patterns related to "secret police"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "secret police" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "secret police", or refer to the context using the word "secret police" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The secret police.

Cảnh sát mật.

2. What are you, secret police?

3. We even have our own secret police.

4. The dictator's secret police tyrannized the people.

5. She denounced him to the secret police.

6. Secret police organizations are characteristic of totalitarian regimes.

Các tổ chức cảnh sát bí mật là đặc trưng của các chế độ độc tài.

7. The secret police tortured him to obtain information.

8. Anja eventually denounced him to the secret police.

9. Ran a wing of the secret police for years.

Điều hành một nhóm cảnh sát chìm suốt nhiều năm.

10. Olga's best friend betrayed her to the secret police.

11. The secret police had concealed microphones in the walls.

12. He had become the creature of the secret police.

13. • He was Blindfolded and taken to Secret Police headquarters

14. *Cheka* First secret police [1] of the Soviet Union [2]

15. He was accused of having collaborated with the secret police.

16. He was a member of the regime's infamous secret police.

17. Terror by the secret police continued in the postwar period.

Sự kiểm soát của cảnh sát mật tiếp tục sau thời hậu chiến.

18. Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police.

19. The operation was infiltrated by the Gestapo, the German secret police.

20. Many people denounced their friends and neighbours to the secret police.

21. He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.

22. 24 The newspaper's offices were ransacked by members of the secret police.

23. The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.

24. The committee was heavily infiltrated by the Tsarist secret police, the Okhrana.

Ủy ban đã bị tấn công nặng nề bởi cảnh sát bí mật của Sa hoàng (Okhrana).

25. Ordinary people lived in fear of being arrested by the secret police.

26. Verdugo's own father was killed by the Chilean secret police in 1976.

Bản thân cha của Verdugo cũng bị giết bởi cảnh sát mật Chile vào năm 1976.

27. This, then, takes farther the secret police parable of the first play.

28. The secret police of the Austrian Empire were particularly notorious during this period.

Cảnh sát bí mật của Đế chế Áo đặc biệt khét tiếng trong thời kỳ này.

29. The job of the secret police was to hunt down spies and traitors.

30. However, Kenyan secret police infiltrated these groups and many members moved into exile.

Tuy nhiên, cảnh sát chìm Kenya đã xâm nhập vào các nhóm này và nhiều thành viên phải lưu vong.

31. Without harassment, without secret police, faceless bureaucrats, permits and papers, forms, prohibitions, repressions.

32. 1933 – The Gestapo, the official secret police force of Nazi Germany, is established.

1933 - Thành lập Gestapo, lực lượng cảnh sát mật của Đức Quốc xã.

33. Then, one night at ten o’clock, I was summoned by the secret police.

Rồi, một hôm nọ lúc 10 giờ tối, tôi bị gọi lên bót cảnh sát.

34. And that would get us back to castor oil and the secret police.

35. Shortly after Habré took power, Allafi's husband was killed by Habré's secret police.

Ngay sau khi Habré lên nắm quyền, chồng của Allafi đã bị cảnh sát bí mật của Habré giết chết.

36. 20 The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.

37. The archives will also have documents from the former state secret police, the StB.

Văn khố cũng có tài liệu về cảnh sát mật của chế độ cũ (StB).

38. Till now Oufkir had controlled the secret police and pursued the kings enemies ruthlessly.

39. Members of the secret police came for him in the middle of the night.

40. The secret police have several functions, my dear, he began in an avuncular tone.

41. From 1969 onward the Portuguese secret police (PIDE) intensified their activity against Jehovah’s witnesses.

42. The nation’s network of secret police along with informants made the preaching work very challenging.

43. Makarenko had better relations with the local secret police than with any other official authority.

44. Eventually, however, one of his workers informed the secret police, and they arrested the businessman.

Tuy nhiên, cuối cùng một nhân công báo cho cảnh sát chìm biết, và họ bắt giữ thương gia đó.

45. She had reportedly been poisoned, with some accusing the former Soviet secret police poison facility.

Theo tường trình thì bà đã bị đầu độc, với một số cáo buộc "Phòng thí nghiệm độc dược của Cơ quan Mật vụ Xô-Viết" cũ.

46. The deadline for the surrender of the Securitate secret police was only a few hours ago.

47. The secret police dared not molest Mr. Zuo, they were just out to frighten Mr. Cao.

48. In 1927, Stalin started using the GPU (Soviet secret police) to infiltrate and discredit the opposition.

Năm 1927 Stalin bắt đầu sử dụng GPU (cảnh sát mật Liên Xô) để thâm nhập và phá hoại đối lập.

49. Only two months after the Prague convention, the secret police raided the Bethel home near Prague.

Chỉ hai tháng sau đại hội ở Prague, công an chìm đã bố ráp nhà Bê-tên gần thành phố Prague.

50. Cheka definition, (in the Soviet Union) the state secret-police organization (1917–22), succeeded by the GPU