ponds in Vietnamese

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1. ao
2. (đùa cợt) biển

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nội động từ
thành ao, thành vũng

Sentence patterns related to "ponds"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ponds" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ponds", or refer to the context using the word "ponds" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Bloodworms are a type of larvae that reside in ponds and freshwater ponds and pools

2. Mosquitoes breed in still ponds.

3. Evaporation ponds come in many colors

4. Polypro is a strong Algicide for ponds

5. Tadpole shrimp live in seasonal, freshwater ponds.

6. There are a total of 67 such ponds.

Tổng cộng có 67 thửa ngăn bởi bờ đê và cổng gỗ.

7. – Manufacturer Of Lawn Ponds, Patio Ponds, Window Well Covers and Mortar Tubs mAccourtadmin 2020-11-21T18:43:02+00:00

8. Along with them could be a Befouler of Ponds, a follower of the great Toad God who, well, befouls ponds (…you’re kidding me)

9. Bullfrogs live in freshwater ponds, lakes, and marshes

10. The frozen ponds can be heard crackling and grinding.

11. Then they dump the excess water into these ponds.

Sau đó họ xả nước thừa vào các bể chứa này.

12. Catfish can be grown in ponds, cages and raceways, but more than 95 percent of all Catfish are produced in earthen ponds

13. When applied to coal mining tailings ponds and oil sands tailings ponds, the term "tailings" refers to fine waste suspended in water.

Khi áp dụng cho khai thác than hoặc cát dầu, thuật ngữ "quặng đuôi" đề cập cụ thể đến chất thải lơ lửng trong nước.

14. Running in streams, stagnant in ponds, drawn from wells.

15. Most of Aquacultural ponds exhibited higher arsenic than maxi …

16. This land also included ponds named Neversink, Barses, and Squantz

17. It lives in our oceans and in freshwater ponds.

Nó tồn tại trong đại dương, ao hồ.

18. Rocks, ponds, and trees were used to mimic forests.

Đá, ao hồ và cây cối được dùng để làm những khu rừng giả.

19. In every place to On the construction of holy ponds which some particular holiness is ascribed , the Hindus construct ponds intended for the ablutions .

20. Diurnal changes in pH and alkalinity that affect removal rates for ammonia nitrogen and phosphorous in facultative ponds do not occur in Aerated ponds

21. There are no ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, nothing like that.

Không có ao, suối, sông, hồ, hay thứ gì như thế.

22. Bulrushes grow in wet locations, including ponds, marshes, and lakes

23. Alewives spawn in lakes, ponds, and slow flowing backwaters of rivers

24. Algae for biofuels is typically farmed in ponds, using the sun

25. Blanketweed (uncountable) a filamentous alga often found in ponds; Translations

26. Often seen patrolling around ponds, lakes and other still water.

Thường thấy bay lượng xung quanh ao, hồ và nước vẫn khác.

27. Basins are often designed to serve later as stormwater treatment ponds

28. Sludge in the settling ponds will accumulate during the treatment period.

29. Preparations and substances for controlling and clearing algae and weed in ponds

30. Airmax® PS20 Aeration System – Aerates Ponds up to 2 Acres

31. The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked.

32. Strange-colored tailings ponds and old, rusted equipment are scattered around.

33. Chemicals used in fish ponds, namely algicides, biocides, bactericides and pesticides

34. I want to see fish ponds in parking lots and basements.

Tôi muốn thấy những ao cá ở các bãi và hầm đậu xe.

35. The tailings ponds are the largest toxic impoundments on the planet.

Các hồ chứa chất thải là hồ chứa chất độc hại lớn nhất trên hành tinh.

36. Over the winter, Bullfrogs hibernate in deep ponds, lakes and rivers

37. Ponds & Billabongs specialises in natural pond construction and artificial rock creation.

38. EPA Abandons plan to appeal ruling protecting Redwood City salt ponds from development

39. Pollen analysis involves taking pollen samples from the sediment of ponds and swamps.

40. When meltwater pools on the surface rather than flowing, it forms melt ponds.

Khi nước băng tan đọng lại trên bề mặt thay vì chảy đi, nó tạo thành các ao, hồ băng tan.

41. They thrive in small and large rivers, reservoirs, natural lakes, and ponds.

Chúng phát triển mạnh trong các con sông nhỏ và lớn, các hồ chứa, hồ tự nhiên, và ao.

42. Some believe that these remains once evolved in ancient ponds or lakes.

Một số người tin rằng nó là có từ các ao hồ cổ đại.

43. Alderflies are a diverse group of winged insects that are attracted to freshwater ponds

44. Lowlands, depressions, small drainage channels, snow patch fens; occasionally adjacent to lakes and ponds.

45. Ultraviolet sterilizers are often used to help control unwanted microorganisms in aquaria and ponds.

Máy khử trùng bằng tia cực tím thường được sử dụng để giúp các vi sinh vật không mong muốn kiểm soát trong hồ, ao.

46. Bluegill are common throughout Florida but are best known in lakes and ponds

47. So this is an absolutely -- this is one of the larger tailings ponds.

Vì vậy, điều này hoàn toàn là một trong những hồ chứa chất thải lớn hơn.

48. Remarks: Bluegill are commonly stocked as forage for largemouth bass in farm ponds

49. They added a serene beauty and sweet fragrance to otherwise muddy, stagnant ponds.

Chúng làm tăng thêm vẻ xinh đẹp thanh thoát và hương thơm ngạt ngào cho những cái ao mà nếu không có chúng thì chỉ là những cái ao đọng nước đầy bùn.

50. The ponds are filled with colourful koi traditionally found in gardens in East Asia.

Các ao chứa đầy cá cảnh đầy màu sắc truyền thống được tìm thấy trong các khu vườn ở Đông Á.