possibility in Vietnamese

Danh từ
sự có thể, tình trạng có thể, khả năng

Sentence patterns related to "possibility"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "possibility" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "possibility", or refer to the context using the word "possibility" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.


Đó là một khả năng.

2. We provide that possibility.

Chúng tôi cung cấp khả năng đó.

3. We provide that possibility. "

" Chúng tôi cung cấp khả năng đó.. "

4. It's a theoretical possibility.

5. It was an actual possibility.

Nó là một việc khả thi.

6. It's only a theoretical possibility.

7. Where there's life, there's possibility.

Ở đâu có sự sống, ở đó có khả năng.

8. There's no possibility of deterioration.

Không có dấu hiệu hoại tử.

9. One possibility is a Balkanization process

10. Perhaps joint accountability was a possibility

11. Silver Acknowledges possibility of NBA expansion

12. Kofi is the embodiment of possibility.

Kofi là hiện thân của khả năng

13. Many scientists flatly denied the possibility.

14. There is another, more sinister, possibility.

15. Von Drehle Cavalierly dismisses this possibility

16. Recently(Sentencedict), Milosevic broached one possibility.

17. 6 Scientists quickly disclaim the possibility.

18. The second possibility is more intriguing.

19. 18 We should not overlook this possibility.

20. That possibility didn't enter into our calculations.

21. Police ruled out the possibility of sabotage.

22. Here's one possibility: basically, countries represent power.

Dưới đây là một khả năng: về cơ bản, các quốc gia đại diện cho quyền lực.

23. A financial crisis is a second possibility.

24. Have you considered the possibility of retraining?

25. The Aminated surfaces offer the possibility to

26. All of which raises an intriguing possibility.

27. I'm seriously considering the possibility of emigrating.

28. Yes, vulnerability creates the possibility of heartbreak.

29. We can zip through them as a possibility.

Chúng ta có thể chạy vụt qua chúng dễ dàng.

30. I think we shouldn't discount the possibility completely.

31. We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.

32. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility .

33. Planning for the possibility of death is practical.

Dự trù trước cho cái chết có thể xảy ra là điều thực tế.

34. Nevertheless, the possibility of nuclear terrorism is growing.

Tuy nhiên, nạn khủng bố hạch tâm có thể đang trên đà gia tăng.

35. The pipeline is no longer a remote possibility.

36. The possibility of error cannot be absolutely excluded.

37. We had to explore this possibility very gingerly.

38. In that event the first possibility is excluded.Sentencedict.com

39. This raises the possibility of future therapeutic manipulation.

40. The Converter gives you a possibility to adjust video

41. Other experts say that the possibility is very faint.

Những chuyên gia khác cho biết khả năng đó rất mong manh

42. 6 We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation.

43. Most other respondents categorically refused to entertain the possibility.

44. Both had faced the possibility of a death sentence.

45. The FBI is investigating the possibility of foul play.

46. The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate.


48. Another possibility is that the Aliens are immersed in …

49. This raises the very real possibility of anonymous war.

Điều này cho thấy khả năng cao của chiến tranh giấu mặt

50. With Bobbie, unsound judgments were not a real possibility.