polygamy in Vietnamese

  1. tục nhiều vợ nhiều chồng
    2. (DTH) hiện tượng đa phối

Sentence patterns related to "polygamy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polygamy" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polygamy", or refer to the context using the word "polygamy" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. But does polygamy lead to family happiness?

Nhưng chế độ đa thê liệu có dẫn đến gia đình hạnh phúc không?

2. Its leaders renounced polygamy in 18

3. Polygamy had a start not long after Adam’s deflection.

4. It's rumored that he's practicing polygamy and forced marriages.

Có tin đồn ông ta thực hiện chế độ đa thê và cưỡng ép hôn nhân.

5. Some communities condone abortion, blood transfusions, homosexuality, or polygamy.

Một số cộng đồng dung thứ việc phá thai, tiếp máu, đồng tính luyến ái hoặc chế độ đa thê.

6. Polygamy and arranged and forced marriages became the rule.

7. The group breakaway Mormon sect that advocates polygamy and underage marriages.

8. You know polygamy is illegal in the state of Massachusetts.

Anh biết chế độ đa thê là bất hợp pháp trong tiểu bang Massachusetts.

9. Never mind that polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.

10. Smith forced polygamy as the test of loyalty among his closest friends.

11. The practice of polygamy first appeared in the line of Cain.

Chế độ đa thê bắt đầu trong dòng dõi Ca-in.

12. Are the Globe editorialists correct that gay marriage hasn't lent legitimacy to polygamy?

13. Some of these may well have afforded opportunities for wealth accumulation and polygamy.

14. First, women most commonly seek monogamous marriage-even in societies that allow polygamy.

15. Polygamy is common, with 39% of women living in such unions.

Đa thê là hiện tượng phổ biến, với 39% phụ nữ sống trong các cuộc hôn nhân như vậy.

16. Abuse and coercion are only the most obvious dangers of polygamy.

17. Mosaic legislation never commands or condones plural marriages but rather prohibits polygamy/Concubinage (Lev

18. Synonyms for Bigamy include adultery, polygamy, two-timing, deuterogamy, digamy, plural marriage, polygyny and polyandry

19. 9 Polygamy, subdued but never forsaken under Soviet rule, has returned with a veneer of respectability.

20. Institutions such as polygamy are seen by Engels as mere variants on the institution of monogamy.

21. Sometimes, however, polygamy could be liberating for a woman because the burden of household duties was shared.

22. Treason, murder, theft, polygamy, and adultery , are among the many crimes laid to their charge.

23. Polygamy, subdued but never forsaken under Soviet rule, has returned with a veneer of respectability.

24. 25 Institutions such as polygamy are seen by Engels as mere variants on the institution of monogamy.

25. Shakespeare endorse polygamy: he speak of the merry wives of windsor ; how many wives do Mr. Windsor have?

26. Marriage, Concubinage, polygamy and having a mistress were originally all a little vague in their distinctions

27. The next day he reiterated the point to reporters at a news conference: "Shariah allows polygamy, " he said.

28. Polygamy was absolutely illegal under the Criminal Code, and was subject to imprisonment of # months to # years

29. Polygamy was absolutely illegal under the Criminal Code, and was subject to imprisonment of 6 months to 2 years.

30. The English lawyers counter-attacked by checking birth dates, marriage dates, and identifying children born by polygamy and polyandry.

31. Polygamy, a limited practice in the early pioneer days of the Church, was discontinued in 1890, some 117 years ago.

Tục đa thê, một tập tục giới hạn trong thời kỳ tiền phong của Giáo Hội đã bị bãi bỏ vào năm 1890, khoảng 117 năm trước đây.

32. In 19 political power, far from being a ticket to polygamy, was jeopardized by any suggestion of infidelity.

33. Most Beys have multiple spouses because polygamy was in use until the adoption of the Code of Personal Status in Tunisia

34. Within the narratives involving polygamy or Concubinage, the divinely inspired writers invariably embed their tacit condemnation of these practices

35. Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing.

36. The practice of primogeniture was a good way to keep wealth-and its polygamy potential-intact through the generations.

37. The next day he reiterated the point to reporters at a news conference: "Shariah allows polygamy, " he said. Mr.

38. Babism definition: a pantheistic Persian religious sect , founded in 1844 by the Bab , forbidding polygamy , Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

39. 22 Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing.

40. Polygamy may be abhorrent to most Americans, but in many parts of the global community it is common, normal, and accepted.

41. That left him with one explanation for the rarity of polygamy in sparrows: The senior wives do not stand for it.

42. (Matthew 19:4-6, 9) Jehovah’s toleration of polygamy came to an end with the formation of the Christian congregation. —8/1, page 28.

(Ma-thi-ơ 19:4-6, 9, Bản Dịch Mới) Việc Đức Giê-hô-va cho phép tục đa thê đã chấm dứt khi hội thánh tín đồ Đấng Christ được thành lập.—1/8, trang 28.

43. While Bigamy had been a third-degree felony for decades in the state, the attorney general's office Utah Senate Votes 29-0 to Decriminalize Polygamy

44. As to extremes within the Anabaptist kingdom in Münster, adultery and fornication were punishable by death, whereas polygamy was tolerated, even encouraged.

Về những cực đoan trong vương quốc của phái Anabaptist ở Münster, thì hình phạt tội ngoại tình và tà dâm là tử hình, trong khi lại dung túng thậm chí khuyến khích chế độ đa thê.

45. In addition, the State party should abolish polygamy, a practice which is an affront to women's dignity and is incompatible with the Covenant

46. While true Christians today are free from the practice of polygamy, there are nonetheless many blended families among them, with stepparents, stepchildren, and stepsiblings.

Tuy các tín đồ đạo Đấng Ki-tô chân chính ngày nay không thực hành tục đa thê, nhưng trong vòng họ có nhiều gia đình chắp nối, với cha mẹ kế và con riêng.

47. Christianity in general affected the status of women by condemning marital infidelity, divorce, incest, polygamy, birth control, infanticide (female infants were more likely to be killed), and abortion.

Kitô giáo nói chung ảnh hưởng đến tình trạng của phụ nữ bằng cách lên án ngoại tình hôn nhân, ly hôn, loạn luân, Đa phu thê, kiểm soát sinh sản, tội giết trẻ con (trẻ sơ sinh nữ có nhiều khả năng bị giết), và phá thai.

48. However, Woodruff's pronouncement, theManifesto, forbade polygamy only in the United States, and for a decade or so it continued in Mexico and other places outside the U.S. government's jurisdiction.

49. Because we had a system of marriage similar to polygamy and serial polyandry,[Sentence dictionary] no one knew who the father of a child was except the mother of the child.

50. Definition of Babism : the doctrine and practice of a 19th century Iranian sect that affirmed the progressiveness of revelation, held that no revelation was final, and forbade concubinage and polygamy, mendicancy, the use of intoxicating liquors and drugs, and dealing in slaves