polygamous in Vietnamese

Tính từ
nhiều vợ, đa thê; (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) nhiều chồng, đa phu
(động vật học) nhiều cái
(thực vật học) đủ giống hoa (cây có cả hoa lưỡng tính, hoa đực, hoa cái), tạp tính

Sentence patterns related to "polygamous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polygamous" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polygamous", or refer to the context using the word "polygamous" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Furthermore, polygamous marriage often fosters competition among wives.

Hơn nữa, tục đa thê thường làm cho các bà vợ ganh tị, cạnh tranh nhau.

2. Bobolinks are strongly polygamous and nest in small, loose colonies

3. Most men in highly polygamous societies are condemned to celibacy.

4. Competition among males for mates is stronger in polygamous than in monogamous species.

5. Less than 1 percent of the men in any Muslim country are polygamous.

6. What I think, Daph, is that human beings by their nature are polygamous

Cái tôi nghĩ, Daph, là tính chất con người bởi bản chất của con người là nhiều vợ

7. 20 Some preach abstinence yet turn a blind eye to polygamous marriages, adultery and genital mutilation.

8. Same - sex marriage, polygamous marriage and opposite - sex monogamous marriage are three different family structures.

9. Some preach abstinence yet turn a blind eye to polygamous marriages, adultery and genital mutilation.

10. Indeed, the uncertainty of polygamous relationships has driven many young wives to become economically independent of their husbands.

11. Synonyms for Bigamous include adulterous, criminal, illegal, polygamous, two-timing, unlawful, illegitimate, prohibited, felonious and lawless

12. Clitoridectomy (removal of the clitoris) and infibulation (sewing up the entrance to the vagina) are more common in a polygamous than in a monogamous society.

13. I think that the only way of solving this problem is to put pressure to bear on those countries which allow polygamous marriages to outlaw them.

14. Bigamous: 1 adj of illegal marriage to a second person while legally married to a first Synonyms: polygamous having more than one mate at a time; used of relationships and individuals

15. 1. Bigamous - of illegal marriage to a second person while legally married to a first polygamous - having more than one mate at a time; used of relationships and individuals Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex …

16. 1. Bigamous - of illegal marriage to a second person while legally married to a first polygamous - having more than one mate at a time; used of relationships and individuals Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex …

17. A Bigamous marriage or marriage contracted by parties who both or either one of them has an existing previous marriage is null and void under Article 35 of the Family Code, to wit: “The following marriages shall be void from the beginning: xxx (4) Those Bigamous or polygamous marriages not failing under Article 41; xxx”

18. Although the government says there are only 1,000 such Bigamous or polygamous unions in the UK, the two experienced Lancashire social workers - one of Indian-English heritage and the other with Pakistani origin, said multiple marriages are encouraged by a welfare system which allows a second, third or fourth wife to be treated as a single mother who gets a house and an array of other state