pollen tube in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "pollen tube"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pollen tube" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pollen tube", or refer to the context using the word "pollen tube" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Pollen tube

2. Entry of pollen tube through chalazal end is Basigamy

3. •Basigamy is also known as Chalazogamy. It is the entry of pollen tube in the …

4. A layer of cells in the nucellus accumulates RNA in association with the growing pollen tube.

5. When they detect their own pollen, they inactivate it, often by blocking the growth of the pollen tube.

6. ‘For example, petals may wilt and Abscise more rapidly after pollen deposition on the stigma or pollen tube growth through the style.’

7. For example, petals may wilt and Abscise more rapidly after pollen deposition on the stigma or pollen tube growth through the style

8. For germination it is necessary that the pollen tube can reach out from the inside of the pollen grain and transport the sperm to the egg deep down in the pistil.The Apertures are the places where the pollen tube is able to break through the (elsewhere very tough) pollen wall.

9. (ii) Chalazogamy (Basigamy): In this case the pollen tube enters the ovule from chalazal end; however the entry into the embryo sac occurs through micropyle

10. In Eucalyptus, abnormalities of pollen-tube growth occur in a number of interspecific-hybrid combinations, and this might increase the likelihood of anomalous chloroplast transmission.

11. Nalrix is the name of a water snake, given to a plant whose pollen tube discharges ciliated Antherozoids which swim ( just like a water snake) before entering the embryo sac

12. Antipodal cells — Three cells of the embryo sac in angiosperms, found at the end of the embryo away from the point of entry of the pollen tube … Dictionary of molecular biology

13. Acrogamy; Answer: B; Explaination: Explanation: Chalazogamy is a type of fertilization in which the pollen tube penetrates into the embryo sac through the chalaza instead of entering through the micropyle (porogamy)

14. Antherozoid (spermatozoid) The motile male gamete of algae, fungi, bryophytes, clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, and certain gymnosperms. Antherozoids usually develop in an antheridium but in certain gymnosperms, such as Ginkgo and Cycas, they develop from a cell in the pollen tube

15. At the micropylar end 2-8 Archegonia are developed which has the neck and the venter; the venter encloses the egg and a venter canal cell.The neck encloses the neck canal cell.After pollination the pollen germinates and pollen tube extends to reach the neck of the

16. ‘For example, petals may wilt and Abscise more rapidly after pollen deposition on the stigma or pollen tube growth through the style.’ More example sentences ‘The last bract on the spikelet axis has been removed from around the terminal flower, which has an aborted carpel with a two-branched stigma and the filaments of the two stamens