pollination in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(thực vật học) sự thụ phấ

Sentence patterns related to "pollination"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pollination" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pollination", or refer to the context using the word "pollination" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Synonyms for Allogamy include pollination, fertilisation, fertilization, autogamy, cross-fertilization, cross-pollination, self-fertilization and self-pollination

2. 1) Autogamy or self pollination and 2) Allogamy or cross pollination

3. Wind pollination (Anemophily) Wind pollination is thought to be very ancient, as it was likely the means of pollination for the earliest seed plants

4. Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind

5. Boysenberry Bush - Thornless Pollination

6. Aborting pollination and nectar detail.

Hủy quá trình thụ phấn và lấy mật hoa.

7. Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind

8. Anemophily - definition Anemophily or wind pollination is pollination carried out with the help of the wind

9. Anemophily Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind

10. Anemophily is pollination by wind

11. Synonyms for Autogamy include self-fertilizing, androgyny, hermaphroditism, self-fertilization, self-pollinating, self-pollination, pollination, fertilisation, fertilization and …

12. Solution: Anemophily is the pollination by wind

13. Autogamy and geitonogamy are two methods of self pollination and xenogamy is the method used in cross pollination.Cross pollination is advantageous when compared to self-pollination due to the production of genetically varied offspring.

14. Autogamy is a type of self-pollination

15. Pollination that occurs through wind is termed Anemophily

16. Others resort to trickery to ensure successful pollination.

Số khác thì giả dạng rất giỏi.

17. Abstract Wind pollination (Anemophily) of angiosperms probably evolved from insect pollination (entomophily) in response to pollinator limitation and changes in the abiotic environment.

18. The results oft-test showed that there was significant difference of the seed plumpness between the artificial pollination seeds and the spontaneous pollination.

19. Conifer - Conifer - Pollination: All Conifers are pollinated by wind

20. Some species of roses incline towards Autogamy (self-pollination)

21. To pollinate ( a flower ) by means of cross - pollination.

22. For the Californian beekeeper, the pollination season begins in February.

23. Some beautiful orchids depend entirely on moths for successful pollination.

Sự thụ phấn ở một số loài lan hoàn toàn phụ thuộc vào bướm đêm.

24. Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.

25. Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind.Anemophilous plants may be either gymnosperms (non-flowering) or angiosperms (flower-producing)

26. Let me give you a brief rundown on how pollination works.

Tôi sẽ tóm tắt cho bạn cách thụ phấn.

27. Thus, the flowers that follow Autogamy have to undergo self-pollination

28. Insects do by far the most pollination, especially in temperate lands.

Sự thụ phấn được thực hiện phần lớn nhờ côn trùng, đặc biệt ở những xứ ôn đới.

29. Autogamy is pollination within the same flower, Geitonogamy is pollination from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower within the same plant and Xenogamy is the pollination from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of another plant.

30. As nouns the difference between Anemophily and entomophily is that Anemophily is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind while entomophily is (botany) pollination by insects.

31. In plants, Boron is required for growth, flowering, pollination, and seed formation .

32. Many Angiosperm species use wind for pollination the way that gymnosperms do

33. The prophase pollination effect of C. megacephala was better than the anaphase.

34. Traditional Biotechnology such as cross-pollination in corn produces numerous, non-selective

35. Pollination drops formed acropetally in the conelet and only once from each ovule.

36. These features increase the efficiency of wind pollination and are consistent with anemophily.

37. WIND POLLINATION (Anemophily) The method of pollination of the earlier and more primitive flowers was probably by the wind, the insect pollinated flowers being derived from them in later stages of evolution

38. Cuckoopint, tuberous herb of the Arum family, noted for its unusual pollination strategy

39. To ensure adequate pollination select at least three varieties that pollinate each other.

40. Thanks to pollination, plants thrive and produce the food on which we depend.

Nhờ sự thụ phấn, cây cối được nhân giống và cung cấp lương thực cho con người.

41. What does Anemophily mean? A form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind

42. The other limiting factor in relation to flower pollination and fruit setting is weather.

43. In spring and summer last year, pollination of the runner beans was generally poor.

44. Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind. Almost all gymnosperms are anemophilous, as are many plants in the order Poales, including grasses, sedges and rushes

45. Anemophily Pollination of a flower in which the pollen is carried by the wind

46. The difference should be discernible in the time of flowering and pollination in orchards.

47. Unlike honeybee Apis mellifera, bumblebee Bombus lucorum have different pollination behavior on greenhouse tomato.

48. More than one third of the world's crop production is dependent on bee pollination.

Hơn một phần ba sản lượng trồng trọt thế giói phụ thuộc vào sự thụ phấn của loài ong.

49. Modern plant Breeding centres on pollination; pollen from the chosen male parent, and no other

50. Meanwhile, the commercial beekeeping industry is struggling to provide pollination services to the nations' farmers.