political terrorist in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. sự khủng bố vì chính trị, chính sách khủng bố chính trị
2. (Mỹ) (thông tục) sự đe dọa giữa các chính trị gia, sự phỉ báng giữa các chính trị gia

Sentence patterns related to "political terrorist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "political terrorist" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "political terrorist", or refer to the context using the word "political terrorist" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Involvement with terrorist groups brought the political party into disrepute.

2. The political party is used as a cloak for terrorist activities.

3. They're a worrying political party because of their close links/ties with terrorist groups.

4. Moreover, terrorism is an abstraction that lumps together all political movements that use terrorist tactics.

5. Terrorist groups in recent times have used the tactic of mass shootings to fulfill their political aims.

Các nhóm khủng bố trong thời gian gần đây đã sử dụng chiến thuật xả súng hàng loạt để thực hiện các mục tiêu chính trị của chúng.

6. They broadcast programmes to incite acts of sabotage, including political attacks, assassinations and other actions comprising terrorist activities.

7. Many terrorist groups in recent times have used the tactic of killing many victims to fulfill their political aims.

Nhiều nhóm khủng bố trong thời gian gần đây đã sử dụng chiến thuật giết nhiều nạn nhân để thực hiện mục đích chính trị của họ.

8. In return for an exchange of the political status of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO would stop terrorist attacks on German soil.

Đổi lại với một vị thế chính trị cho Tổ chức Giải phóng Palestine, PLO sẽ ngừng các vụ tấn công khủng bố trên lãnh thổ Đức.

9. You a terrorist?

Ông là khủng bố?

10. Terrorist shooting hostages.

chúng đang bắn các con tin.

11. Political, racist, or terrorist Cults are fueled by belief in changing society by overthrowing the perceived enemy or getting rid of evil forces

12. He was adjudged a terrorist.

13. Aircraft remain likely terrorist targets.

14. New articles # and # of the Penal Code define “terrorist group”, “participation in a terrorist group” and “aiding and abetting the commission of a terrorist offence”

15. Puar’s pathbreaking Terrorist Assemblages remains one of the most influential queer theory texts and continues to reverberate across multiple political landscapes, activist projects, and scholarly pursuits.

16. Alarmism about the Atomic Terrorist

17. It's like a terrorist supermarket.

Cứ y như là một siêu thị của khủng bố.

18. Terrorist your game is through.

Bọn khủng bố, trò chơi của chúng mày đã hết.

19. So he's a terrorist then.

Vậy hắn là khủng bố rồi.

20. The terrorist crimes dripped horror.

21. ... this was a terrorist attack.

Đây là vụ tấn công khủng bố.

22. They're calling him a terrorist.

Bỗng nhiên chúng tôi nghe thấy tiếng gì đó.

23. The legislation will criminalize terrorism and provide for the prohibition of terrorist activities, including participating in terrorist activities as an accomplice and assisting or financing terrorist activities.

24. The information obtained in this manner contributes to understand terrorist trends, anticipate terrorist actions and prevent attacks.

25. 🔊 The terrorist is Culpable of …