petal-like in Vietnamese

dạng cánh tràng

Sentence patterns related to "petal-like"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "petal-like" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "petal-like", or refer to the context using the word "petal-like" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The flowers are about 0.4 cm in diameter (the pink petal-like structures are not petals, but bracts.)

Hoa có đường kính khoảng 0,4 cm (các cấu trúc màu hồng trông giống như cánh hoa không phải là cánh hoa, mà là lá bắc.)

2. Thick, leathery, glossy leaves are Anise-scented when crushed; spring flowers have many petal-like segments and are reminiscent of small magnolia blossoms

3. The perianth segments are in 1 or 2 series of (2–)3 free segments; the inner series when present are usually showy and petal-like.

Các phần của bao hoa bao gồm 1 hay 2 dãy gồm (2-)3 đoạn tự do; dãy trong nếu có thường là sặc sỡ và gióng như cánh hoa.

4. Now look closely at the lower tepal (petal-like structure) and you will see a very dead bee (yellow arrow) surrounded by stamens (pollen producing organs) that have Abscised

5. Ackee is a savory fruit with thick red skin; when unripe, the skin forms a sealed pod, but when the fruit ripens, the skin opens up to reveal a beautiful petal-like shape containing three or four …

6. Flower: perianth parts 6 in 2 petal-like whorls, free or +- fused below into tube; staminodes 0 or 3; stamens 3 or 6, free or fused to perianth, occasionally Appendaged; ovary superior, chambers 3, ovules 2--several per chamber