petioles in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "petioles"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "petioles" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "petioles", or refer to the context using the word "petioles" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. (adjective) Alate aphids; Alate petioles.

2. All ofthe control petioles had Abscised by day 5

3. 3 Branchlets, petioles, leaves, and pedicels densely tomentose, not hirsute.

4. Treatments respectively, however only 33% ofthe IBA treated petioles had Abscised

5. In normal leaves bud initiation occurred exclusively at the cut ends of midribs after removing petioles, while in abnormal ones buds formed at any region on midribs and petioles.

6. Also a·lat·ed Having wings or winglike extensions: Alate aphids; Alate petioles

7. The leaf petioles are always triangular in cross section and can be easily distinguished.

8. Also a·lat·ed Having wings or winglike extensions: Alate aphids; Alate petioles.

9. Abaca fibre, unlike most other leaf fibres, is obtained from the plant leaf stalks (petioles)

10. Leaf blade and petioles puberulent to woolly at least along veins; anthers globose or reniform.

11. Population dynamics of endophytic bacteria inside cotton petioles and bolls were also determined in 1 year.

12. Symptoms – Chlorosis of young leaves; water-soaked spots on petioles and plant stems; petioles rigid, horizontal and shortened; thickened leaf blades that cup downward; internodes shorten and growth stops resulting in a Bunchy appearance to the Papaya plant.

13. 16 Their petioles are almost white; leaf blades are irregularly decorated with green, yellow-green, and white spots.

14. With bigger leaf petioles you have got longer to catch the fungus before it gets to the stem.

15. Conidia accumulated in petioles and basal portions of the midrib and lateral veins of leaves, often blocking pore plates.

16. Rota Bridled white-eye nests were commonly suspended between branchlets and leaf petioles and were composed of rootlets, woven grass or Pandanus spp

17. The petioles are frequently 35–45 mm long when the plant is in flower and are covered in white woolly non-dendritic hairs.

Các cuống lá thường xuyên dài 35–45 mm khi cây này ra hoa và được bao phủ trong lớp màng lông trắng không phải hình cây.

18. The formation of ice in the petioles ofSolanum acaule andSolanum tuberosum has been studied by light microscopy and by continuous recordings of latent heat production.

19. It has compound leaves that are each around 60 cm long, the petioles are 4–7 cm long and each leaf has 9–16 leaflets.

Nó có lá phức dài 60 cm, cuốn lá dài 4–7 cm và mỗi lá phức có 9–16 lá chét.

20. Description: Evergreen trees, up to 25 m high; twigs, buds, petioles, abaxial surfaces of leaves and peduncles covered with yellowish brown rigid hairs.

21. The thaw, which may take place in two stages, is to be seen during the second stage of freezing when petioles ofS. acaule are frozen.

22. Heteroauxin will pass through debladed petioles which have been severed except for four or five layers of outer cortical cells in sufficient quantities to delay Abscission for several days.

23. The presence of Arolia in Paraponera clavafais noteworthy in this connection: workers of this species wound the petioles of certain of the plants on which they forage, and collect the sap exuded (Young 1977)

24. The application of auxin to petioles 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour and 2 hours after removal ofthe lamina delayed their abscission for 5 days, at which time 10% ofeach treatment had Abscised (Fig

25. In addition to its effects on fruit ripening, ethylene causes leaves to Abscise, chlorophyll to leach, flower pigments to fade prematurely, and leaf petioles to grow more rapidly on the upper side and therefore …

26. The latter species, with short petioles, acute to acuminate leaf bases, and thick laminas, has two varieties, H. salicifolius var. salicifolius of Cuba and Haiti, and H. salicifolius var. obovatus of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.

27. Cassava, Manihot esculenta, is a perennial shrub in the family Euphorbiaceae grown primarily for its storage roots which are eaten as a vegetable.The Cassava plant is a woody plant with erect stems and spirally arranged simple lobed leaves with petioles (leaf stems) up to 30 cm in length.

28. The surface markings of the spores from the aecial, uredinial, and telial stages of Uromyces trifolii-repentis Liro on leaves and petioles of small white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopes. The short, cylindrical aecium was borne within a peridium which was one cell layer thick.

29. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules 0.5 cm long, ovate, pubescent, caducous and leaving annular scar; petioles 1-3 cm long, canaliculate, pubescent when young; lamina 5- 12.7 x 1.2-6.4 cm, ovate or elliptic, apex caudate-acuminate to caudate with blunt tip, base cuneate-acute, margin entire, Coriaceous, shining above; midrib raised above

30. Beet definition is - a biennial garden plant (Beta vulgaris) of the goosefoot family that includes several cultivars (such as Swiss chard and sugar Beet) and that has thick edible leaves with long petioles and often swollen purplish-red roots; also : its root used especially as a vegetable, as a source of sugar, or for forage

31. ‘The ternate or occasionally Binate leaves are from three to four inches long, rigid and sharp.’ ‘The leaves are in pairs, Binate, placed base to base, oval, broader than long, ending in an obtuse point, smooth, glaucous beneath, and borne on petioles as long as the scape, which arise from the rhizome.’

32. After the indicated interval of time the explants were temporarily removed from the chamber and petioles that fell off with a gentle touch were recorded as Abscised.To check for ethylene-induced chlorosis in healthy recently expanded trifoliate leaves, excised leaves were placed on moist paper towels in a dark chamber at 23[degrees]C, the air was brought to 10 [micro]L [L.sup.-1] ethylene by

33. The species also has the ability to Abscise shoots complete with green leaves.; As the leaf develops the scales Abscise.; In the spring, pycnidium are produced on plant debris and the petioles of Abscise leaves.; Most deciduous plants drop their leaves by abscission before winter, whereas evergreen plants continuously Abscise their leaves.; This may enable the plant to Abscise a large part of

34. (UsingCroizat's terminology, this network may be described as a “secundary” or “upper nerving center” of the phyllome.) Within the basis of petioles, just above the distal limitation of the leaf base, the partners of either of the lateral pairs of petiolar bundles join: Fusion of both partners of the outermost pair of bundles results in formation of the central bundle which dives down into the center of the petiole; it is to be considered the true or primary ventral median bundle. The next pair of bundles fuse, too, thus forming the adaxial bundle which actually is a secundary or false ventral median bundle. Both are completely inverted bundles. In this way, the number of originally formed seven main petiolar bundles is reduced to five.