overhearing in Vietnamese

goại động từ
nghe lỏm; nghe trộm

Sentence patterns related to "overhearing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overhearing" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overhearing", or refer to the context using the word "overhearing" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. I couldn't help overhearing your argument.

2. I'm sorry, I couldn't help overhearing.

3. Some one could follow you home after overhearing your conversation.

4. (Reuters Life!) - Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying?

5. Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying?

6. She remembers standing outside the kitchen, overhearing her employers talk with her parents.

7. Excuse me for interrupting, but I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying.

8. Keep anguished and angry phone calls until after bedtime; children hate overhearing them.

9. Axis Membership Imagine overhearing your kid say something that sends you into a panic

10. Perhaps these techniques have that irresistible fascination of overhearing gossip about oneself.

11. I couldn't help overhearing you and Jim last night - is something wrong?

12. In soaps, people are always stumbling upon one another, accidentally overhearing or deliberately eavesdropping on private conversations.

13. He testified to overhearing whispered conversations about a smuggling plot while in an Australian prison.

14. Last night he had been rewarded by overhearing a quarrel between Doreen and her mother.

15. A stranger overhearing that remark said, "How do you know what fish enjoy?

16. Daigo, overhearing the ToQgers' discussion about protecting their families, understands them a bit better.

Daigo, nghe lỏm được cuộc thảo luận của các ToQgers về bảo vệ gia đình của họ, hiểu họ tốt hơn một chút.

17. NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying?

18. Marc was gazing out of the window, but he couldn't help overhearing her side of the conversation.

19. Overhearing this, a woman browsing at his table said, I know all about that I'm from New Jersey.

20. Overhearing this, a woman remarked, "You mean to say it took you all this time to lose one pound?"

21. Hoping to have a mouse of her own as she Conversates with a friend through the phone, with Tom overhearing it

22. The study shows that overhearing a cellphone conversation affects the attention we use in our daily tasks, including driving, Emberson said.

23. Witnessing the exchange is like overhearing a secret in a language you don't understand charged with meaning, but also a mystery.

24. Hoping to have a mouse of her own as she Conversates with a friend through the phone, withTom overhearing it

25. (Reuters Life!) - Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying? American researchers think they have found the answer.

26. Some one could follow you home after overhearing your conversation. Close all windows and lock them when you go out.

27. The man, overhearing Zichen's claim, had paled but said nothing—he had recently divorced, and his twin daughters had moved away with their mother.

28. Gradually, though, by overhearing discussions from the Bible, she came to discern God’s love and patience and to cherish his forgiveness.

Nhưng dần dần, nhờ nghe lỏm các cuộc thảo luận khi con bà học Kinh Thánh, bà nhận ra sự yêu thương và kiên nhẫn của Đức Chúa Trời và quí trọng sự tha thứ của Ngài.

29. I remember overhearing an inebriated elderly businessman in a restaurant back in the 1970s telling a lady companion, "The American worker is too expensive and has no future.

30. Overhearing one-sided conversations really is more annoying because the brain finds it more taxing, and therefore more distracting, to listen to only half of a conversation versus the whole thing.

31. My Classist experiences at Uni were, overhearing staff members talking about students ” who shouldn’t be here”; mentioning problems class causes and told by a lecturer “don’t be boring”; a social sciences lecturer complaining about plumbers being paid more than him, overlooking that women could only get higher pay with a better education; the same social sciences lecturer saying