out-of-court in Vietnamese

tính từ
không ra tòa, không xử bởi tòa á

Sentence patterns related to "out-of-court"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "out-of-court" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "out-of-court", or refer to the context using the word "out-of-court" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Turn that Dormouse out of court!

Bật rằng trong giống chuột nưa sóc của tòa án!

2. The case was settled out of court .

3. With much commiseration she taken out of court.

4. This case has been settled out of court.

5. They might be willing to settle out of court .

6. Maybe they'll be willing to settle out of court.

7. The company has agreed to settle out of court .

8. Out of court settlements were consistent with Sinhalese norms.

9. Conciliation is an alternative out-of-court dispute resolution instrument

10. Arbitration is an out-of-court means of dispute resolution

11. Multiply the result by the average out-of-court settlement, C.

Nhân kết quả với khoản tiền tiêu chuẩn không được chuyển thích hợp, C.

12. Existence of and access to out-of-court complaint and redress mechanism

13. - Action to support initiatives for on-line out of court redress [31]

14. 28 The case was thrown out of court because of insufficient evidence.

15. 13 Both parties agreed to settle their out of court rather than litigate.

16. Under threat of a libel action, the newspaper settled out of court, publishing a retraction.

17. Number of cases settled out of court without conviction and the number of cases leading to acquittal

18. explicit provision for out-of-court redress mechanisms, with time frames and costs reduced to the absolute minimum.

19. Aaliyah's family later filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Blackhawk International Airways, which was settled out of court.

Gia đình của Aaliyahr sau đó đã đâm đơn kiện hãng hàng không Blackhawk International Airways vì gây ra cái chết oan uổng cho cô, vụ việc này về sau đã được tòa án hòa giải.

20. explicit provision for out-of-court redress mechanisms, with time frames and costs reduced to the absolute minimum

21. After Friday 's hearing , Mr Strauss-Kahn strode out of court smiling , with his wife on his arm .

Sau phiên toà hôm thứ Sáu , ông Strauss-Kahn mỉm cười , choàng lưng vợ , sải bước ra khỏi toà án .

22. Returns under amicable out-of-court settlements, administrative cooperation measures and return proceedings from 2008 to 2011[21]

23. 🔊 As the prisoner was dragged out of court, he shouted contumely and made threats against the sentencing judge

24. Many victims also refused to appear in court, resorting instead to out-of-court settlements, sometimes against legal advice.

25. Consequently, the requirement of Confrontation depends upon whether an out-of-court statement is hearsay, testimonial, and, if so

26. Here there are two out-of-court statements offered for the truth of the matter Asserted-potential multiple hearsay

27. What is Arbitration? Arbitration is an out-of-court method for resolving a dispute between a worker and an employer

28. 20 The delaying action kept the case out of court and minimized bad publicity until after he won re-election.

29. The police department recommended charging Hernandez with felony battery, but the incident was settled out of court with a deferred prosecution agreement.

Mặc dù cảnh sát đề nghị truy tố Hernandez với tội đánh người, vụ việc được giải quyết ngoài tòa án với một thỏa thuận bãi nại.

30. Step 5 of how to Amicably divorce: Work through the terms of your divorce settlement in an environment of mutual respect and dignity - out of court

31. Giuliani was Apoplectic when the gangster fought off murder and racketeering charges and sauntered out of court in March 1987 after a sensational acquittal to bask in the TV lights

32. Arbitration Arbitration—the out-of-court resolution of a dispute between parties to a contract, decided by an impartial third party (the arbitrator)—is faster and more cost effective than litigation

33. The low number of proceedings may be explained by the fact that the mere availability of legal proceedings has a positive effect on efforts to find amicable solutions out of court.

34. Given that succession matters in some Member States may be dealt with by non-judicial authorities, such as notaries, who are not bound by the rules of jurisdiction under this Regulation, it cannot be excluded that an amicable out-of-court settlement and court proceedings relating to the same succession, or two amicable out-of-court settlements relating to the same succession, may be initiated in parallel in different Member States.

35. Buttles contends this theory shows the State offered the victim's out-of-court statements to prove that he was not making money and was depending entirely on the victim for financial support

36. Buttles contends this theory shows the State offered the victim's out-of-court statements to prove that he was not making money and was depending entirely on the victim for financial support

37. No per se rule that out-of-court inculpatory statements made by Complicitors in custody are inadmissible against criminal defendants, but rather the court should have applied the two-part test established in Ohio v

38. Despite the lack of clarity in its standard, this decision clearly provided another tool for the developer to use to kick Abutter appeals out of court, without reaching the merits, on the question of harm

39. Regarding actions for recovery, the Commission notes that the small number of proceedings launched could also be the result of successful administrative cooperation and, in particular, of negotiations for amicable out-of-court settlements[16].

40. The question of the Admissibility at trial of testimony refreshed or unlocked by pre-trial hypnosis is to be contrasted with the generally accepted inAdmissibility at trial of out-of-court statements made while under hypnosis

41. To be sure, he identified sixty-six cases of asbestosis and one suggestive of Bituminosis.However, be also read U7 films as undifferentiated pneumoconiosis, begging Manville's question.61 This consultation probably helped induce the asbestos manufacturer to settle out of court a number of suits brought by asbestotic employees.66

42. proceedings actions see Part 4 affidavits, 80-86 appeals see Part 6 appeals of pronothonotaries' orders, 51(1)-51(2) applications see Part 5 assessors, 52(1)-52(6) commencement, 61-64 Court documents, 65-79 default, 210(1)-210(4) discontinuance, 165-166, 402 divorce, 325(1)-325(2) examinations out of court, 87-100 failure to comply with Rules, 56-60 filing of confidential material, 151-152 interpleader, 108 intervention, 109 joinder, 101-107 not terminated by death or bankruptcy, 116 orders and directions, 53-54 parties, 111-115 payments, 149-150 powers of Court, 47-50 preservation of rights in, 372-379 questions of general importance, 110 references, 153-164 representation of parties, 119-126 service of documents, 127-148 solicitor of record, 123-126 specially managed, 383-385 status review, 380-382 stayed, 154, 390 summary disposition, 165-168 transferring to other division, 49 transmission of interest, 116-118