on-stage in Vietnamese

tính từ & phó từ
trên sân khấu

Sentence patterns related to "on-stage"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "on-stage" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "on-stage", or refer to the context using the word "on-stage" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. You can't do it on stage.

Ai mà phát hiện ra thì hỏng bét.

2. I felt jittery before going on stage.

3. He was an imposing figure on stage.

4. He manifested a pleasing personality on stage.

5. Prince continued his enthusiastic gyrations on stage.

6. Thaxton frequently Clowned around on stage to the …

7. She was applauded as she came on stage.

8. On stage she seems hard, Brash, and uncompromising

9. Humans come ‘on stage,’ and some act haughtily.

Con người lên “sân khấu” ở thế-gian và một số người hành-động cách ngạo mạn.

10. On stage, the actor adopts a fictitious persona.

11. On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising.

12. We're going on stage at the same time?

Chúng ta sẽ lên sân kháu cùng lúc à?

13. Ellie appeared on stage to a standing ovation.

14. Hamlet is on stage for most of the act.

15. Her nervousness quickly disappeared once she was on stage.

16. Everyone on stage was dressed in flowing white robes.

17. Without this now, you can't go up on stage.

Sân khấu này, có ý nghĩa hơn nhiều so với sự cạnh tranh giữa cậu và tôi

18. One night on stage, I actually entered my vagina.

Một đêm nọ, tôi đã thật sự khám phá cơ quan sinh dục của chính mình.

19. He was on stage for most of the play.

20. Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot.

21. Burdon joined Springsteen on-stage and was soon in demand

22. Jo Jung-suk had always wanted to be on stage.

Jo Jung-suk luôn mong muốn được diễn trên sân khấu.

23. I always run over my lines before going on stage.

24. The most obvious visual thing on stage is the speaker.

Thứ hiển hiện rõ nhất trên sân khấu chính là diễn giả

25. The Captivated audience gasped when the vampire appeared on stage

26. Ken, meanwhile, was living a more abstemious existence on stage.

27. All the dancers come on stage during the grand finale.

28. He acts like a whiny princess when he's on stage.

29. Bernard started out on stage but quickly progressed to television.

Bernard bắt đầu diễn xuất trên sân khấu nhưng nhanh chóng chuyển sang truyền hình.

30. " Evan Williams is just dying on stage here at TED.

"... Evan Williams đang chết dở trên sân khấu tại TED.

31. When the cast came on stage, they received another standing ovation.

Khi dàn diễn viên bước lên sân khấu, họ lại được nhận thêm một tràng vỗ tay đứng nữa.

32. She came on stage sounding like our deepest contralto, Cloe Elmo.

Nghe cô ấy hát trên sân khấu như là giọng nữ trầm sâu nhất Cloe Elmo.

33. No one casually abandons their husband on stage quite like you.

34. 20 She shows remarkable assurance on stage for one so young.

35. The kaleidoscopic quality of the book is brilliantly realised on stage.

36. Ambles on stage to present his film to an enthusiastic crowd

37. If he is nervous on stage, he does not betray it.

38. The argument happened on stage in full view of the audience.

39. Now, since I'm on stage, I'm going to ask you a question.

40. The band had little time to warm up before going on stage.

41. Appear as a character on stage or Appear in a play, etc

42. Nugent is wild on stage but certainly not the stereotypical rock musician.

43. A ripple of excitement went through the crowd as came on stage.

44. He suggested that it was because she "lacked sex appeal on stage. ...

Anh cho rằng đó là vì cô "thiếu hấp dẫn giới tính trên sân khấu...

45. I can't go on stage, I don't know the charts.. by heart.

Em không thể lên sân khấu, em chưa học thuộc lòng bản nhạc.

46. He shelved the play after realizing the story would not work on stage.

Anh hoãn lại vở kịch khi nhận ra câu chuyện không thể truyền tải qua sân khấu.

47. The artist Talal Maddah died on stage during one such performance in Abha.

Nghệ sĩ Talal Maddah mất trên sân khấu trong một chương trình tại Abha.

48. Most performers appear on stage so briefly that we barely connect with them.

49. It's quite something to walk out on stage in front of 000 people.

50. In 2008, she was honored on stage at the SFINKS Festival in Antwerp.

Năm 2008, bà được vinh danh trên sân khấu tại Lễ hội SFINKS tại Antwerp.