obliged in Vietnamese

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biết ơ

Sentence patterns related to "obliged"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "obliged" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "obliged", or refer to the context using the word "obliged" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. I'm most exceedingly obliged.

Bất đắc dĩ phải thế.

2. I'm much obliged to you.

3. I'm obliged for your hospitality.

Tôi rất biết ơn lòng hiếu khách của bà, thưa bà.

4. She was obliged to go.

5. I'm not obliged to do anything.

Tôi chẳng có nghĩa vụ phải chia sẻ làm gì cả.

6. She obliged us with another song.

7. The police obliged him to leave.

8. Our House is much obliged to you.

Môn phái chúng tôi cảm tạ các hạ nhiều lắm

9. I was obliged to abandon that idea.

10. Economic exigency obliged the government to act.

11. 11 James felt obliged to simulate reluctance.

12. They felt obliged to resort to violence.

13. I was obliged to Abandon that idea

14. You need not feel obliged to contribute.

15. The captain was obliged to Allowance his crew

16. Doctors are legally obliged to take certain precautions.

17. I felt obliged to ask them to dinner.

18. Circumstances had obliged him to sell the business.

19. I'm much obliged to you for helping us.

20. 10 I was obliged to abandon that idea.

21. You are not obliged to acknowledge spent convictions.

22. 8 They felt obliged to resort to violence.

23. Doctors felt ethically obliged to continue the treatment.

24. 9 Doctors are legally obliged to take certain precautions.

25. You're not obliged to go back to Daisy Town.

Cậu đâu cần phải đến thị trấn Hoa Cúc.

26. 5 synonyms for Bounden: beholden, bound, indebted, obligated, obliged

27. 5 synonyms for Bounden: beholden, bound, indebted, obligated, obliged

28. He was obliged to pay a £40 speeding fine.

29. We were obliged to go by force of circumstance.

30. We are much obliged to you for your help.

31. Both are obliged to make decisions on incomplete information.

32. She was obliged to connive at her husband's infidelity.

33. 26 We were obliged to go by force of circumstance.

34. He was obliged to restitute the money to its owner.

35. He was obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate.

36. She was obliged to connive at her husband's infidelity.http://Sentencedict.com

37. When riot broke out, the police were obliged to intervene.

38. The smuggler was finally obliged to inform against his boss.

39. In actual fact, the directors were obliged to pay Blackspur's debts.

40. Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.

41. As a constitutional monarch, Edward was obliged to follow ministerial advice.

Là một vương quốc hiến pháp, Edward có nghĩa vụ chấp nhận lời khuyên của bộ.

42. I could have obliged the Signoria and had you thrown out.

Ta có thể bắt buộc các lãnh địa và em đã ném ra ngoài.

43. Some of the men were obliged to fall out from fatigue.

44. Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.

45. When rioting broke out, the police were obliged to intervene.

46. Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the highest offer.

47. Companies will also be obliged to pay clean-up costs.

48. 11 The President was obliged to concede power to the army.

49. He's obliged to take his turn at reading out the announcements.

50. The Cilician fleet, out of strategic necessity... has been obliged to withdraw.

Hạm đội Cilician, do tình thế bắt buộc... đã bị ép rút lui.