obligates in Vietnamese

goại động từ
bắt buộc, ép buộc

Sentence patterns related to "obligates"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "obligates" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "obligates", or refer to the context using the word "obligates" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. A Commitment obligates you to do something.

2. True, the Bible obligates you to honor your parent.

Thật ra, Kinh Thánh cho biết bạn có bổn phận phải hiếu kính cha (Ê-phê-sô 6:2, 3).

3. Cestodes are tapeworms or flatworms, which are acoelomates and obligates parasites.

4. 7. (a) What Scriptural testimony obligates us to honor Jesus Christ?

7. a) Kinh-thánh làm chứng thế nào rằng chúng ta có bổn phận phải tôn kính Giê-su Christ?

5. If he is being kept on the payroll, the employer obligates himself.

6. Torah obligates the husband to meet the sexual needs of his wife.

7. Beneficence, as described in the Belmont Report, obligates the investigator to follow two general rules

8. A lease agreement obligates the renter to pay a fixed rent for the number of months specified in the terms of the agreement

9. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing obligates any local jurisdiction that receives HUD funding to conduct a detailed analysis of its housing occupancy by race, ethnicity, national origin, English proficiency, and class (among other categories)

10. The Attornment clause in an SNDA obligates the tenants to accept a new owner as their landlord, regardless of whether the new owner acquires the property in a normal sale or following a foreclosure.

11. A lease or rental agreement obligates you to pay rent for the entire period of the agreement, even if you move out early: for example, if you sign a 12-month lease that starts on August 15, but you need to move on June 1 of the following year, you’ll be required to pay rent through mid-August unless you make an alternative arrangement such as one of those described below.