notum in Vietnamese

mảnh lưng (của đốt ngực)

Sentence patterns related to "notum"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "notum" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "notum", or refer to the context using the word "notum" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The anterior Blastemas of notum RNAi planarians expressed genes that are normally only expressed in the tail

2. 257 Dico tunc ad formam huius Cavillationis, quod sicut apparet somnianti se videre, ita posset sibi apparere oppositum unius principii per se noti, speculabilis, et tamen non sequitur quin illud principium sit per se notum, et ita non sequitur quin sit per se notum audienti quod audiat, quia circa utrumque potest potentia indisposita errare

3. Introduction Dust Brigade Notum Infusers are used in 15 processes, most of them for upgrading the Basic Infused Dust Brigade Bracer

4. The anterior Blastemas of notum RNAi planarians lack a brain and do not express a gene normally expressed specifically in the head (sFRP-1)

5. Formantur autem et verba et sententiae paene innumerabiles, quod satis scio notum esse vobis; sed inter Conformationem verborum et sententiarum hoc interest, quod verborum tollitur si verba mutaris, sententiarum permanet quibuscumque verbis uti 201 velis.