not-self in Vietnamese

Phi bản thần, không thuộc bản thâ

Sentence patterns related to "not-self"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "not-self" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "not-self", or refer to the context using the word "not-self" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. These Catheters are not self-retaining

2. He was self-sacrificing, not self-indulgent.

Ngài tự hy sinh, không ham mê lạc thú.

3. 5 See them, goodwife laughed childishly not self-consciously.

4. The emphasis is on godly devotion, not self-sufficiency.

Kinh-thánh nhấn mạnh đến sự tin kính, chứ không phải đến vấn đề tự túc.

5. The mind-set of that family is spiritual (but not self-righteous).

Gia đình đó có khuynh hướng thiêng liêng (nhưng không phải tự cho là công bình).

6. Nations which are not self-sufficient in energy will face an insecure future.

7. The 2 sticks each used a pair of potentiometers, but were not self-centering.

8. These divisions are helpful because the not self is rarely confronted in monolithic terms.

9. Consistent definition, agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-contradictory: His views and actions are Consistent

10. Mind is not self - luminous . It borrows light from the Atman or the Supreme Self.

11. There is another popular question: If there is not self, no Atman, who realizes Nirvana?

12. This man does not self- effacement at all, but he pretend to be like this.

13. He is not self-willed, always insisting that his way or his point of view be accepted.

Anh không cố chấp, khăng khăng cho rằng đường lối và quan điểm của mình luôn đúng.

14. As I reread the transcripts at this remove the source of his pleasure is not self - evident.

15. In other words, this is another clear sign of self-limitation and self-restraint, but not self-denial.

16. Stamps of the fifth, "animalistic" issue of 2008 were not self-adhesive and went back to standard size.

17. But it is not self-evident that governments’ ability to regulate has been seriously harmed by their status as borrowers.

18. (1 Timothy 4:15) Such advancement is not self-promotion but a reflection of our determination to do God’s will unselfishly.

(1 Ti-mô-thê 4:15) Những thành quả ấy không nhằm tự đề cao mình, nhưng phản ánh lòng kiên quyết làm theo ý muốn Đức Chúa Trời một cách bất vị kỷ.

19. Non Self-Actualized Person Let's look at an example of a self-Actualized person compared to someone who is not self-Actualized…

20. 24 Furthermore, both self and not self-and the various divisions of each that I have outlined-may be imbued with affective connotations.

21. Aggressive in his business dealings militant also implies a fighting disposition but suggests not self-seeking but devotion to a cause, movement, or principle.

22. (John 17:20, 21) He also taught, not self-aggrandisement and position-seeking, but that “whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave.” —Matt.

23. Blastema cells, like cancer cells, likely express embryonic or onco‐fetal antigens (Monk and Holding, 2001) and may be recognized as not‐self and attached by circulating immune cells (Alibardi, 2013, 2014a, 2015a, 2017b)

24. Keynesian economists argued that the economic system was not self-correcting with respect to deflation and that governments and central banks had to take active measures to boost demand through tax cuts or increases in government spending.

25. Unfortunately, YrC17N., investigated by Jaswrtl et al., has tt hexagonal Th2Ni,,-type Cryert~I structure, which is different from that of Sm,Fe,7N,k, and the OLCAO band results obtained by ou and Lai were not self-condstent

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27. Different from soliloquies in that they are not self-directed speeches, Asides are lines spoken by actors or characters directly to audience members--instances of "breaking the fourth wall." Although soliloquies and Asides both communicate ideas to the audience, Rosalinda Simone argues in "Asides as Discourse: The Pendulum of Power Between the Sexes in Shakespeare's Richard III and Titus