non-renewable in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. không hồi sinh được, không hồi phục được
2. không ký lại được (hợp đồng, sau khi đã hết hạn)

Sentence patterns related to "non-renewable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "non-renewable" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "non-renewable", or refer to the context using the word "non-renewable" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Fossil water is a non-renewable resource.

Nước hoá thạch là nguồn tài nguyên không tái tạo được.

2. Estimates of the availability of non-renewable fuels vary.

3. Her nine-year non-renewable term expires in 2018.

Nhiệm kỳ 9 năm không thể tái cử của bà sẽ hết hạn vào năm 2018.

4. The post is a fixed-term non-renewable appointment.

5. 30 The petroleum is one - off , non - renewable resource.

6. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.

7. Biomass energy can also be a non-renewable energy source

8. Most Carpeting is produced from petroleum, a non-renewable resource

9. We should use non-renewable resources in a rational way.

10. 5 Estimates of the availability of non-renewable fuels vary.

11. 2 The post is a fixed-term non-renewable appointment.

12. 1 Fossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.

13. At present, the non-renewable resources should be concerned by the government.

14. Soil is a vital and largely non-renewable resource increasingly under pressure.

15. Methanol is currently produced from natural gas, a non-renewable fossil fuel.

Methanol hiện được sản xuất từ khí tự nhiên,một loại nhiên liệu hóa thạch .

16. However, as we have seen, these are non-renewable and rapidly running out.

17. 29 Phosphorus and its compounds are non renewable and non replaceable limited resources.

18. While Accelerant is non-renewable, lantern fuel can be acquired from cooking fish

19. 3 In this chapter we shall confine our attention to non-renewable energy sources.

20. 26 Conventional dyes are commonly synthetic and originate from petroleum, a non - renewable resource.

21. All countries are being asked to cut down on their use of non-renewable resources .

22. 7 However, as we have seen,[] these are non-renewable and rapidly running out.

23. The use of non-renewable resources is a fundamental basis of current and future societies.

24. In non-renewable energy has been decreasing circumstances, saving energy is so urgent and important.

25. Second , the natural attribute and non-renewable of natural stone resources should be fully known.

26. Biomass energy is much healthier for the planet than non-renewable energy sources such as coal.

27. The natural resources in Scenic spots are non-renewable resources, once destroyed, very difficult to restore.

28. 4 All countries are being asked to cut down on their use of non-renewable resources .

29. Non-renewable energy sources used in Spain are nuclear (8 operative reactors), gas, coal, and oil.

Các nguồn năng lượng không tái tạo được sử dụng tại Tây Ban Nha là hạt nhân (tám lò phản ứng đang hoạt động), khí đốt, than đá, dầu mỏ.

30. The mineral resources are the non-renewable resources, that It'should be used high efficiently and rationally.

31. These are the non-renewable sources of energy that have been used predominantly in the past.

32. 8 These are the non-renewable sources of energy that have been used predominantly in the past.

33. Land is the most basic human survival of the natural resources, with the characteristics of non-renewable.

34. For example, most traditional ink is based on oil by non-renewable resources as raw material production.

35. They are also increasing their rate of consumption of non-renewable resources in the form of fossil fuels.

36. But for the policy of conserving non - renewable resources , the pace of indigenous oil production would have been quicker .

37. On water consumption, the report warned that many countries were rapidly depleting non-renewable sources such as sealed aquifers.

38. 10 They are also increasing their rate of consumption of non-renewable resources in the form of fossil fuels.

39. 12 On water consumption, the report warned that many countries were rapidly depleting non-renewable sources such as sealed aquifers.

40. The mineral resource is a special material which has special features as non-renewable, may used up, dynamic, unharmonious , and the complex.

41. 9 Assessing those effects of global change which will be large scale and cause major modifications to both renewable and non-renewable resources.

42. The geological relic is refers to the non-renewable geological natural resource which formed by the geological processes during the long geological period.

43. 11 The key threat that Green politics poses to the capitalist global system is in the matter of the consumption of non-renewable resources.

44. No single Bioplastic solution will eliminate the problems of waste, over reliance on non-renewable resources, or the use of harmful chemicals in manufacturing

45. It was envisaged that the new products would compete in applications where materials from non-renewable resources like steel, aluminium and reinforced plastics are used today.

46. 8. What developed and developing countries together need to achieve is an accelerated and substantial shift from fossil fuels to non-fossil fuels and from non-renewable sources to renewable sources of energy.

47. The least processed options are environmentally most preferable, as the (non renewable) energy input is low, the material efficiency good and the product composition is no barrier to giving the purlin a second life.

48. The criteria aim, in particular, to reduce discharges of toxic or eutrophic substances into waters and environmental damage or risks related to the use of energy (climate change, acidification, ozone depletion, depletion of non-renewable resources).

49. Ancien titre : A geometrical conceptual model of the pedogenetic morphological degradation: demonstration on an Albeluvisol in terms of soil evolution modellingSoils are a non-renewable resource and evolve through time in response to changes in land-use and environmental conditions.

50. [citation needed] For example, a stone arrowhead is Capital for a hunter-gatherer who can use it as a hunting instrument; similarly, roads are Capital for inhabitants of a city.Capital is distinct from land and other non-renewable resources in that it can be increased by