non-restrictive in Vietnamese

tính từ
không hạn chế

Sentence patterns related to "non-restrictive"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "non-restrictive" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "non-restrictive", or refer to the context using the word "non-restrictive" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. In writing a non-restrictive Appositive is set off by commas

2. The phrases set off by commas in the following sentences are examples of non-restrictive Appositives.

3. An Appositive is usually non-restrictive which means that it only gives additional information about the first noun phrase whose reference in quite clear

4. Helo I had an exam today and there were sentences to identify the sentence by saying is it relative Adnominal or sentential,restrictive or non-restrictive

5. If Bookmakers continue to be banned in different countries, are hit with more national operational taxes, and have to jump through more hoops; country by country – there just won’t be enough profit in it for those low margin, non-restrictive Bookmakers

6. Even though Adnominal adjectives in Old English are distributionally versatile in that they may precede, follow or flank the noun they modify, their positioning is not random but follows from systematic interpretive contrasts between pre- and postnominal adjectives, such as ‘attribution vs predication’, ‘individual-level vs stage-level reading’ and ‘restrictive vs non-restrictive