mutations in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. sự thay đổi, sự biến đổi
2. sự điều động đổi lẫn nhau, sự hoán chuyển
3. (sinh vật học) đột biến
4. (ngôn ngữ học) sự biến đổi nguyên âm

Sentence patterns related to "mutations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mutations" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mutations", or refer to the context using the word "mutations" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Cell loss, mutations in chromosomes, mutations in the mitochondria and so on.

Mất mát tế bào, đột biến trong nhiễm sắc thể, đột biến trong ty thể vv.

2. Introduce some mutations perhaps.

Có thể đưa ra vài sự hoán đổi.

3. Actions are similar to mutations, the differences being that: Instead of mutating the state, Actions commit mutations

4. 1,3-Butadiene causes MUTATIONS (genetic changes)

5. Clonal Hematopoiesis With Unknown Driver Mutations

6. So, the mutations reverted to symmetry.

Vậy, đột biến đưa ta trở về sự cân xứng.

7. Name two types of Constitutive mutations

8. Rather, mutations tend to damage genes.

Thay vì thế, sự đột biến thường làm các gen bị hư hại.

9. These same mutations have Convergently appeared in …

10. He also isolated and studied cellular mutations.

Ông cũng cách ly và nghiên cứu các đột biến tế bào.

11. Mutations to the RPE65 can cause Leber Amaurosis

12. Most loss of function mutations are selected against.

Hầu hết đột biến mất chức năng bị chọn lọc phủ nhận.

13. There are several colour mutations of Indian peafowl.

Có một số dạng đột biến màu sắc của công Ấn Độ trống.

14. Occasionally, colour mutations, including albinos and erythrists, occur.

Thỉnh thoảng, các đột biến màu sắc, bao gồm bạch tạng và hắc tố cũng xảy ra.

15. And children love poetic rhythms, alliteration, nonsense mutations.

16. However, the Clonal evolution of IDH2 mutations through …

17. Mutations in this gene are associated with hyperBiliverdinemia

18. Tiny mutations would make cumulative selection too slow.

19. Suppose now that deleterious mutations are age-specific.

20. 23 And children love poetic rhythms, alliteration, nonsense mutations.

21. Mutation rates are given for specific classes of mutations.

Tốc độ đột biến được đưa ra cho các lớp đột biến cụ thể.

22. First, mutations can be inherited and cause birth defects.

Đầu tiên, đột biến có thể di truyền, và gây di tật bẩm sinh.

23. I have failed in isolating and reversing the mutations.

Tôi đã thất bại trong việc cô lập và đảo ngược sự đột biến.

24. (2001) surveyed 57 unrelated patients who had Leber congenital Amaurosis for mutations in RPGRIP1 and found recessive mutations involving both alleles in 3 (6%) patients

25. Specialist bird breeder of quality blue, violetblue, and lutino Alexandrine parrot/parakeet mutations, as well as stunning cobalt, violetblue, and lacewing ringneck parrot/parakeet mutations.

26. Mutations provide the raw materials needed to create new species.

Sự đột biến cung cấp các nguyên liệu cơ bản để tạo ra loài mới.

27. The disorder is caused by mutations in the WNT3 gene.

Nguyên nhân của rối loạn này là do đột biến gen WNT3.

28. Somehow we accumulate Bajillions of mutations and are, mostly, okay

29. Mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain Analyzed.

30. Cosmic, the Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer, is the world's largest and most comprehensive resource for exploring the impact of somatic mutations in human cancer

31. Des mutations de ce récepteur conduisent au Cryptorchidisme

32. Key words: mutation rates, molecular evolution, adaptive mutations, cryptic genes.

33. Chernobyl Mutations in Humans: How Humans and Animals were Affected

34. And these mutations accumulate approximately as a function of time.

35. Animal studies show neurotoxic effects as well as mutations in sperm.

Các nghiên cứu trên động vật cho thấy các hiệu ứng độc thần kinh cũng như các đột biến trong tinh trùng.

36. What is an Auxotroph? An organism that contains mutations that alter the nutritional requirements of an organism. What is a prototroph? A wild-type organism containing no mutations.

37. A Botulinum toxin (detoxified through introduced mutations) is the delivery vehicle

38. Chromosome mutations are due to changes in the structure of a Chromosome, as opposed to gene mutations, which are changes within the chemical makeup of a Chromosome

39. Why is it an unwarranted assumption that mutations account for evolution?

40. The gene view histogram is a graphical view of mutations across Atmin

41. The kind of mutations that you were talking about in your thesis.

Là về dạng đột biến anh nhắc tới trong luận án.

42. Our domestic Angoras are mutations of the European wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus

43. Therefore, in spite of the fact that some Aflagellar mutations render L

44. D-Bifunctional protein deficiency is caused by mutations in the HSD17B4 gene

45. Clementines are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C to prevent cellular mutations.

46. 13 Mutations may change the color or texture of a person’s hair.

47. Thus most mutations show in the phenotype only when they are homozygous.

48. Biden ignoring virus mutations as he Appeases Left Betsy McCaughey 2/7/2021

49. Pigs, honey badgers, mongooses, and hedgehogs all have mutations in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor that prevent the snake venom α-neurotoxin from binding, though those mutations developed separately and independently.

50. Conversely, mutations in MDR4 blocked 50% of basipetal transport without affecting Acropetal transport.