mitigating in Vietnamese

tính từ
(định ngữ) giảm nhẹ; làm dịu

Sentence patterns related to "mitigating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mitigating" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mitigating", or refer to the context using the word "mitigating" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Active principle for mitigating undesired medical conditions

2. Adjustment coefficients linked to mitigating factors

3. Acidity-mitigating construction method using steel converter slag

4. The latter has focused on mitigating climate change.

Tiêu chí chót nhằm tập trung vào việc làm giảm nhẹ sự biến đổi khí hậu.

5. Fifteenth plea in law: no account taken of mitigating circumstances

6. View to mitigating potential negative effects of large scale Afforestations”

7. Carbon sequestration is a last resort to mitigating climate change.

8. Mitigating measures already in place or in progress at EU level

9. Mitigating circumstances retained: admission, cooperation and pressure by the family.

10. Methods for mitigating the leaching of heavy metals from activated carbon

11. (e) Addressing the causes and mitigating the consequences of family disintegration;

12. There was no mitigating feature in the shape of a plea of guilty.

13. Because of certain mitigating circumstances, all charges but one are summarily dismissed.

Vì những tình tiết giảm khinh... tất cả các tôi tra được tha, ngoại trừ một tội.

14. Hence, mitigating acid deposition benefits many other environmental, economic and human health issues.

15. any other aggravating or mitigating factors applicable to the circumstances of the case.

16. Vector offers a large range of technologies for mitigating corrosion using galvanic Anodes

17. Investment in prevention is far more cost-effective than allocating resources to mitigating consequences.

18. * a risk which is not sufficiently addressed though appropriate mitigating controls, or

19. For Aggravating and mitigating factors in the federal death penalty statute, click here.

20. ADAS support drivers and can help in avoiding accidents or mitigating their consequences.

21. A system and method are provided for mitigating interference between wireless access points (APs).

22. Appropriate monetary and risk mitigating policies need to be designed to tackle these challenges.

23. But their being conscious of any mitigating circumstances will help them to extend mercy where possible.

Nhưng nếu họ nhận thấy có trường hợp giảm khinh nào thì điều này sẽ giúp họ tỏ thương xót khi có thể được (Thi-thiên 103:8-10; 130:3).

24. measures to support transfer of technology and capacity for building for mitigating and adapting to climate change;

25. its objectives in managing risks arising from insurance contracts and its policies for mitigating those risks

26. its objectives in managing risks arising from insurance contracts and its policies for mitigating those risks.

27. The platelet activating factor LAU-0901 has shown effect in mitigating dry eye in mouse models.

28. Mitigating the consequences of the shrinkage of working population through immigration is only one possible solution.

29. 16 hours ago · Mitigating Absolutist Thinking Learning to Navigate Risk and Uncertainty as Life Skill

30. In line with growth, inflation accelerated to 3.1 % in 2014 despite the mitigating effect of falling oil prices.

31. develop contingency plans for mitigating the effects of drought in areas degraded by desertification and/or drought.

32. With this rate of tariff, I'm confident it'll have a mitigating effect on the anti-dumping cases.

Với mức thuế suất này, tôi tự tin rằng nó sẽ có tác dụng làm giảm các vụ kiện chống bán phá giá.

33. But, taking into account the mitigating factor of your father's death, we've decided not to revoke your privileges.

Nhưng, xem xét yếu tố giảm nhẹ là cái chết của cha anh chúng tôi đã quyết định sẽ không tước đi những đặc quyền của anh.

34. Paragraph (b) aims at mitigating risks of collusion and ensuring acceptable auction outcomes for the procuring entity

35. Mitigating climate change and strengthening communities' resilience are not alternatives to each other, but mutually complementary activities;

36. Like last year, India’s focus on mitigating the menace of black money, tax erosion and bringing greater transparency remains.

37. In addition, there are no non-mitigating effects emanating from the proposed activities/concepts in the plan.

38. [2] Non-segregated airspace requires aircraft to detect other traffic and be able to take mitigating action.

39. “A combination of fiscal and central bank policies can be helpful in mitigating these risks and supporting growth.”

“Cần phối hợp các chính sách tài khoá và chính sách của ngân hàng trung ương để giảm nhẹ các rủi ro này và hỗ trợ tăng trưởng”.

40. Mr. David Josse, mitigating, said Youngman was a man of previous good character who behaved inexplicably that evening.

41. Program managers must routinely monitor or review the status of risks to determine whether mitigating actions are required.

42. The UN manual Mitigating Natural Disasters explains what can be done to build better adobe, or mud, houses:

43. But this mitigating influence can only be achieved if urban planning is significantly improved and city services are properly maintained.

Nhưng sự ảnh hưởng giới hạn này chỉ có thể có được nếu đô thị hoá có kế hoạch được cải thiện mạnh và các dịch vụ trong thành phố được duy trì tốt.

44. In the absence of mitigating factors the virus is likely to hit a dead end wherever strict role separation is practiced.

45. Judges consider mitigating circumstances —factors that weigh in the defendant’s favor—and Aggravating circumstances—factors supporting a stiffer penalty

46. Bioethanol fuel has an important role in the field of environmental conservation by mitigating global warming and conserving fossil fuel

47. Soil that is generally shallow may be subject to more frequent and severe drought, thereby mitigating the response of Bioindicator …

48. Nevertheless, the international community as a whole faces important policy challenges to maintaining financial stability and mitigating global economic risks.

49. Some experts recommend that you consume Butterbur only in the form of standardized extracts as a way of mitigating the risks.

50. An Aggravating circumstance is a kind of attendant circumstance and the opposite of an extenuating or mitigating circumstance, which decreases guilt