mitochondrion-specific ribosome in Vietnamese

ribosome đặc hiệu của ty thể

Sentence patterns related to "mitochondrion-specific ribosome"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mitochondrion-specific ribosome" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mitochondrion-specific ribosome", or refer to the context using the word "mitochondrion-specific ribosome" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The ribosome is the site of protein synthesis.

2. A long, tubular mitochondrion with many platelike cristae is present.

3. The prey became the mitochondrion, the cellular organ that produces energy.

4. Their rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum was extended and mitochondrion swollen.

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6. The mitochondrion is therefore a really essential part of the cell.

7. Smaller Chaperones protect proteins just after they leave the ribosome

8. The proto-mitochondrion was probably closely related to the Rickettsia.

Có lẽ vì vậy mà nguyên ty thể (proto-mitochondrion) có thể có mối liên hệ khăng khít với chi Rickettsia.

9. The mitochondrion is a machine within the cell that does the chemistry of breathing.

10. Ribosome Ribosomes are structures in which proteins are made.

11. The RNA sequence helps recruit the ribosome to the messenger RNA (mRNA) to initiate protein synthesis by aligning the ribosome with the start codon.

Chuỗi RNA giúp tuyển ribosome vào RNA thông tin (mRNA) để bắt đầu tổng hợp protein bằng cách căn chỉnh ribosome với codon khởi đầu.

12. There were abundant mitochondria, rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome.

13. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any organization , if organism.

14. As a result the ribosome produces only virus protein viral proteins.

15. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any organism.

16. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any oragnismorganism.

17. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum of hepatic cells was hyperplasia, occasional giant mitochondrion.

18. Later work clearly showed that a ribosome contains many different proteins.

19. As a stop codon reaches the A - site of a translating ribosome , either termination or readthrough occurs.

20. This correlation suggests that RNA structure modulates ribosome elongation to promote native protein folding.

21. The signal peptide, emerging from the ribosome, binds to the signal - recognition particle ( SRP ).

22. Such a gross classification certainly does not account the many smaller ribosome size differences reported.

23. The proteins are constructed in the cell, outside the mitochondrion, just like all non - mitochondrial proteins.

24. A single ribosome, especially one that is combined with a molecule of messenger RNA.

25. Anticodon A triplet sequence of nucleotides in transfer-RNA that during protein synthesis (see RIBOSOME) binds by base pairing to a complementary sequence, the so-called codon, in messenger-RNA attached to a ribosome