metonym in Vietnamese

danh từ
(văn) từ ngữ hoán dụ

Sentence patterns related to "metonym"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "metonym" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "metonym", or refer to the context using the word "metonym" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. A metonym for the Catholic Church, particularly when attributing doctrine.

Một cách gọi hoán dụ cho Giáo hội Công giáo, đặc biệt khi liên quan tới giáo lý.

2. 'Downing Street' is used as a metonym for the Government of the United Kingdom.

"Downing Street" thường được sử dụng như là một hoán dụ cho Chính phủ Anh.

3. Criminologists have been preoccupied with the gang as metonym, icon or index

4. The name is a metonym derived from the traditional building materials associated with physical buildings: bricks and mortar.

Tên gọi này là một hoán dụ có nguồn gốc từ các vật liệu xây dựng truyền thống kết hợp với các tòa nhà vật lý: gạch và vữa.

5. Nominalization occurs not only at word level, but also at morpheme level, and its cognitive mechanism is metonym.

6. Due to the general lack of international recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, some non-Israeli media outlets use Tel Aviv as a metonym for Israel.

Do không công nhận Jerusalem là thủ đô của Israel, một số báo chí phi Israel sử dụng Tel Aviv là một hoán dụ cho Israel.

7. Second, the term Bench is a metonym used to describe members of the judiciary collectively, or the judges of a particular court, such as the Queen's Bench or the Common Bench in England and Wales, or the federal Bench in the United States.

8. 1658-1707) into a metonym for the Muslim community, and vilifies the emperor in order to vilify the community almost in its entirety.Truschke demonstrates with superb precision that the political-theological fault lines in Aurangzeb's reign did not run along simple Muslim versus Hindu / Sikh binaries."