metonymy in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "metonymy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "metonymy" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "metonymy", or refer to the context using the word "metonymy" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Antonomasia is a particular form of metonymy

2. Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.

3. 1 Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.

4. Tropes are chiefly of four kinds, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.

5. In broad sense, metonymy includes three relations: contiguity, subjection and antonomasia.

6. 3 Tropes are chiefly of four kinds, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.

7. This paper discusses the relation between metonymy and synecdoche in the first part.

8. 12 In broad sense, metonymy includes three relations: contiguity, subjection and antonomasia.

9. 6 The key point is that metonymy thing which has close relationship thing.

10. 7 The overlapping or interaction of metaphor and metonymy sometimes exists in semantic extension.

11. 2 Simile, metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche have the same characteristic that is metaphoric use.

12. 10 This paper discusses the relation between metonymy and synecdoche in the first part.

13. 13 Metaphor and metonymy are two important cognitive devices in the process of semantic extension.

14. 4 Second, causality metonymy is by far the most productive model that English idioms of anger reflect.

15. 20 Chapter 6 offers a comprehensive description and a summary of verbalization, with an interpretation using the metonymy model.

16. 26 Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy , euphemism, garble and alias.

17. 15 This thesis has mainly explained semantic extension mechanism of basic color terms on the basis of metonymy and metaphor from synchronic approach.

18. 19 The word - building ways mainly consist of homonym, overlap, metaphor, metonymy, abbreviation, loanword or explaining a word in another way.

19. 5 The cognitive pragmatic approach to metonymy, it seems that, has complemented the cognitive semantics to a comprehensive and systematical study.

20. The deeper structure is a linguistic basis in its essence, made up of four basic discourse patterns:metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.

21. The fourth part is the Kirgiz proverb rhetoric feature. The common rhetoric forms are simile , analogy, hyperbole, metonymy, comparison, dualization and rhetorical question.

22. Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy , euphemism, garble and alias.

23. 16 The deeper structure is a linguistic basis in its essence, made up of four basic discourse patterns:metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.

24. 23 The fourth part is the Kirgiz proverb rhetoric feature. The common rhetoric forms are simile , analogy, hyperbole, metonymy, comparison, dualization and rhetorical question.

25. Metonymy and synecdoche are rhetoric plot often used in English and there are some differences between them but also some affiliation between them.

26. 24 According to cognitive semantics, semantic extension is a process from the basic semantic meaning to other meanings through metaphor, metonymy or other cognitive means.

27. 9 Metonymy and synecdoche are rhetoric plot often used in English and there are some differences between them but also some affiliation between them.

28. Foregrounding at the semantic level lies in the employment of a number of rhetorical devices, i. e. , simile, metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy, personification and pun.

29. 25 Foregrounding at the semantic level lies in the employment of a number of rhetorical devices, i. e. , simile, metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy, personification and pun.

30. 11 Based on the cognitive linguistic construal of metonymy, this paper analyzes and exemplifies the metonymic nature of discourse titles that takes on two senses.

31. 21 Melville's Mardi consists of two parts which include a series of dichotomies between verisimilitude and fictionalization, between monologue and dialogue, and between metonymy and metaphor.

32. 22 According to the analysis and statistics of polysemant in "Modern Chinese Dictionary", we find that the metaphor relationship between modern Chinese polysemant is more than metonymy relationship.

33. In rhetoric, Antonomasia is a kind of metonymy in which an epithet or phrase takes the place of a proper name, such as "the little corporal" for Napoleon I

34. 17 In form aspect, morphemes can form words not only by original meaning but also by transferred meaning; formation word by morphemic metonymy provides an important way for producing new words.

35. 8 In cognitive linguistics, metonymy concepts are part of the ordinary, everyday way we think and act as well as talk, so we can apply metonymic thought to interpret anaphora in English texts.

36. 14 The vocabulary that we have to wrestle with for today's essay is taken in part from Jakobson's understanding of the relationship between metaphor and metonymy,( and we will have more to say about that.

37. Choicely metonymy (n.) estrazione the pangolin family niedermetzeln, niedermachen (u.E.)/Metzger (u.E.) (S)/schlacht (u.E.) (V)/schlachten (u.E.) (V)/schlachten, abschlachten (u.E.) (V) liv kulka mouth Manifold-writer raised point enregistreur cursory toffee emio (news) media front zul se residuum multiplet theory time, the devourer of all

38. ‘The Contiguity of the sequence is also massively improved.’ ‘Metonymy is the trope of Contiguity, part-part relationships, where a single event may provide a causal link in a chain of events.’ ‘Many contemporary artists are now stressing Contiguity in their work.’

39. Inanimate metaphor, Abstractionistic metaphor, and hyperbole were the most common tropes in the Children's Choices, while synecdoche, metonymy, and litote were the least common., Although the books examined are recommended for approximately the same grade level, the books differed greatly in stylistic factors such as trope density, complexity

40. And Antony says to Brutus in the I st Scene of Act-III using the method of asyndeton:And again the same Antony, while addressing a mob uses metonymy in his opening lines of the famous speech:The Charismatic Art of Articulacy and Oratory in Shakespeare's Select Plays -An Overview 27 [email protected] Rome, I have the same dagger for