mesophyll in Vietnamese

Thịt lá, diệp nhục

Sentence patterns related to "mesophyll"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mesophyll" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mesophyll", or refer to the context using the word "mesophyll" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. PEP Carboxylase is located in the mesophyll cells, on the leaf exterior near the stomata

2. Toxemia-affected cells exhibited no ultrastructural disruptions and resembled very young, healthy mesophyll cells.

3. Inhibitor activity is accompanied by the formation of cubical crystals in the leaf mesophyll cells.

4. Volume density of the palisade mesophyll was increased and that of the intercellular spaces and abaxial epidermis was reduced.

5. Leaf mesophyll cells which had recovered from the bacterial toxemia appeared similar ultrastructurally to mature healthy cells, although they remained smaller.

6. During ventral leaf expansion periclinal divisions in adaxial and abaxial protoderm and ground meristem give rise to multiple epidermis and new mesophyll layers, respectively.

7. Furthermore, chlorenchyma mainly occurs in the mesophyll of leaves of all green plants, but Aerenchyma occurs in the stems and leaves of aquatic plants.

8. The Abaxial (lower) domain of the leaf consists of an epidermis with abundant stomata and spongy mesophyll cells, which function in gas exchange and the regulation of transpiration

9. (D) A paramural body (PMB) associated with cell wall Appositions (asterisks) blocking plasmodesmata (in between two arrowheads) at the side of an intact mesophyll cell (MC) underlying a hypersensitive epidermal cell (EC*).

10. The cells of the mesophyll-like parenchyma tissue are distinguished by a great range of variation of their plastids (chloroplasts — chloroamyloplasts — amyloplasts) and some special cytological features such as a strongly developed rough ER, big nuclei, and numerous plasmodesmata (TEM).

11. Q3-the leave are main photosynthetic organof plant consist of Aflatted blade and stalk the petiole joins the leaf to the stem at node The photosynthesis takes place in chlorenchyma ground tissue called mesophyll located between the upper and lower layers of epidermis Q4 …