mesosphere in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(khí tượng) tầng giữa của khí quyể

Sentence patterns related to "mesosphere"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mesosphere" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mesosphere", or refer to the context using the word "mesosphere" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Unlike Earth's, Uranus's atmosphere has no mesosphere.

Không giống như của Trái Đất, bầu khí quyển của Sao Thiên Vương không có tầng trung lưu.

2. Beneath the Asthenosphere is the mesosphere, another strong layer

3. Bsgeole Proto-doric jocularity mesosphere unworkably Phoroneus Deina fellahs

4. Most of the ozone production occurs in the tropical upper stratosphere and mesosphere.

Hầu hết sự sản sinh ôzôn xảy ra ở thượng tầng bình lưu nhiệt đới và tầng trung lưu.

5. The mesosphere comprises the rest of the mantle below the asthenosphere.

6. A later satellite, the Solar Mesosphere Explorer, mapped the distribution of the clouds between 1981 and 1986 with its ultraviolet spectrometer.

Vệ tinh sau này, Solar Mesosphere Explorer (Explorer 64), đã lập bản đồ phân bố của mây trong khoảng các năm 1981 và 1986 với phổ kế cực tím của nó.

7. Atmosphere - Atmosphere - Stratosphere and mesosphere: The stratosphere is located above the troposphere and extends up to about 50 km (30 miles)

8. Earth’s Atmosphere has six layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, the ionosphere, and the exosphere

9. These showed for the first time that the occurrence of the clouds coincided with very low temperatures in the mesosphere.

Các đo đạc này lần đầu tiên chỉ ra rằng sự xuất hiện của mây dạ quang trùng khớp với các nhiệt độ rất thấp trong tầng trung lưu.

10. They are the highest clouds in Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 km (47 to 53 mi).

Mây dạ quang là một trong những kiểu mây cao nhất trong khí quyển Trái Đất, nằm trong tầng trung lưu ở các cao độ từ khoảng 76 tới 85 km (47 tới 53 dặm Anh).

11. Above the stratosphere, blue layers mark the upper atmosphere (including the mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere) as it gradually fades into the blackness of outer space.

12. The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) is a satellite to conduct a 26-month study of noctilucent clouds (NLCs).

13. The Earth's Atmosphere consists, in ascending order, of the troposphere (containing 90% of the Atmosphere's mass), the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere

14. The Aeronomy Program supports research from the mesosphere to the outer reaches of the thermosphere and all regions of the Earth’s ionosphere

15. We report a detailed analysis of lidar systems that profile Aurorally excited molecular species in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere ( ~80 -300 km).

16. Ionosphere A layer of charged particles in the upper mesosphere and thermosphere created when atoms and molecules absorb UV energy from the sun.

17. We report a detailed analysis of lidar systems that profile Aurorally excited molecular species in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere (∼80–300 km)

18. Aeronomy is the science of the Earth's upper atmosphere, including both its physics and its chemistry, covering primarily the regions of the stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere

19. 27 Above the stratosphere, blue layers mark the upper atmosphere (including the mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere) as it gradually fades into the blackness of outer space.

20. 1,2Finally, by strategically choosing three pointson the K-spectrum and tuning the laser Alternatelyto each of them, temperature and line-of-sightwind speeds in the mesosphere can be measured.This frequency switching is done by locking theseed laser, then frequency modulating the