marauder in Vietnamese

Danh từ
kẻ cướp

Sentence patterns related to "marauder"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marauder" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marauder", or refer to the context using the word "marauder" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Marauder bands, desert terrain, dangerous wildlife

Những toán cướp, địa hình sa mạc, động vật nguy hiểm

2. Thieves break in and marauder bands raid outside.

Kẻ trộm xông vào trong, còn toán giặc cướp thì đột kích bên ngoài.

3. 4 Marauder (Orc); No Escape, uncovers hidden or invisible targets.

4. Introducing the Maple Armouries Marauder by Maple Airsoft Supply

5. 3 I'll go into some of the Marauder mechanics.

6. 30 With your help I can charge against a marauder band;

30 Nhờ sự giúp đỡ ngài, con đánh toán giặc cướp;

7. 8 This and the Marauder are my new favorite Terran units.

8. 11 Marauder: A mage given over to dynamism, and tainted by insanity.

9. 8 David inquired of Jehovah:+ “Should I chase after this marauder band?

8 Đa-vít cầu hỏi Đức Giê-hô-va+ rằng: “Con có nên đuổi theo toán giặc cướp không?

10. 17 The forecastle was like an angry hive of bees aroused by some marauder.

11. The forecastle was like an angry hive of bees aroused by some marauder.

12. 9 The company of priests are like marauder bands lying in ambush for a man.

9 Bọn thầy tế lễ thì như toán giặc cướp nằm phục kích.

13. Especially threatening in those times were the Syrian marauder bands, some consisting of hundreds of soldiers.

14. Skull Sunder – Low-level Marauder ability that deals a lot of damage for just 500 TP.

15. He protected us and gave into our hand the marauder band that came against us.

Ngài đã bảo vệ và phó vào tay chúng ta toán giặc cướp đã tấn công chúng ta.

16. 2 Then Jehovah began to send against him marauder bands of Chal·deʹans,+ Syrians, Moʹab·ites, and Amʹmon·ites.

2 Sau đó, Đức Giê-hô-va sai các toán giặc cướp của dân Canh-đê,+ Sy-ri, Mô-áp và Am-môn đến đánh Giê-hô-gia-kim.

17. 12 Skull Sunder – Low-level Marauder ability that deals a lot of damage for just 500 TP.

18. 13 Noa, Teek and Wicket snuck into the Marauder castle to free Cindel and the captive Ewoks.

19. 15 At this David said to him: “Will you lead me down to this marauder band?”

15 Đa-vít nói với ông: “Ông sẽ dẫn chúng tôi xuống chỗ toán giặc cướp chứ?”.

20. There were Moʹab·ite marauder bands+ that would come into the land at the beginning of the year.

Thời bấy giờ, vào đầu năm,* các toán giặc cướp của Mô-áp+ thường xông vào xứ.

21. 24 He gathered men to himself and became chief of a marauder band when David defeated* them.

24 Khi Đa-vít đánh bại* người Xô-ba,+ Rê-xôn tập hợp nhiều người về phía mình và trở thành thủ lĩnh một toán giặc cướp.

22. Kiba's forces are styled after the marauder types from Fist of the North Star and Mad Max 2.

Đội quân của Kiba được dựa theo bọn đạo tặc trong Bắc Đẩu Thần Quyền và Mad Max 2.

23. When the Marauders captured her and took her to their decrepit castle, Noa, Teek and Wicket teamed up to infiltrate the Marauder stronghold.

24. 6 The Marauder is effective against small groups of units, but beyond that the lack of AoE slow, negates its concept.

25. 7 I can see the Marauder being powerful if micro'd effectively, but I do not have the skill to be able to do this.

26. + 21 They helped David against the marauder band, because all of them were mighty, courageous men,+ and they became chiefs in the army.

+ 21 Họ giúp Đa-vít chống lại toán giặc cướp, vì họ đều là người dũng mãnh và can đảm. + Họ trở thành các tướng trong quân đội.

27. 10 When the Marauders captured her and took her to their decrepit castle, Noa, Teek and Wicket teamed up to infiltrate the Marauder stronghold.

28. Centuries earlier, in his death-bed prophecy, their forefather Jacob foretold: “As for Gad, a marauder band will raid him, but he will raid the extreme rear.”

Nhiều thế kỷ trước, trong lời tiên tri lúc lâm chung, tổ phụ Gia-cốp của họ báo trước: “Còn Gát sẽ bị một đạo binh xông đánh, nhưng người xông đánh lại và đuổi theo”.

29. 19 Their vessel crashed on the uncharted forest moon of Endor, and the Marauder leader set himself up as king, occupying a primitive castle in the plains.

30. 9 The zealots are much more dangerous against the marauder, as the concussion missiles don't do as much damage against lightly armored units like zealots.

31. 2 There were two men in charge of the marauder bands that belonged to the son of Saul: one was named Baʹa·nah and the other Reʹchab.

2 Bấy giờ, có hai chỉ huy toán giặc cướp thuộc quyền con trai Sau-lơ, một người tên Ba-a-nát, người kia tên Rê-cáp.

32. 16 CrownVic. net is the center of information and a forum dedicated to the Ford Crown "Victoria" and siblings: big Mercury Marquis, Lincoln Town Car " Mercury " Marauder.

33. Operating in the Western Mediterranean with seven other destroyers and British scout planes, she sank the German submarine U-616 on 17 May after an intensive 4-day pursuit of the German marauder.

Hoạt động tại khu vực Tây Địa Trung Hải cùng bảy tàu khu trục khác và máy bay tuần tiễu Anh, nó đã đánh chìm tàu ngầm U-boat U-616 vào ngày 17 tháng 5 sau bốn ngày truy đuổi ráo riết.

34. 14 In the photo above, showing the marauder ant in Malaysia, several of the weak ants are being sliced in half by a larger enemy termite with black, scissor-like jaws.

35. 5 And this winged marauder is "likely to arrive soon", according to the Non-native Species Secretariat,( which co-ordinates the response to plants and animals that take up home in the UK.

36. 22 Then the inhabitants of Jerusalem made his youngest son A·ha·ziʹah king in his place, for the marauder band that came with the Arabs to the camp had killed all the older ones.

22 Sau đó, cư dân Giê-ru-sa-lem đưa con trai út của ông là A-cha-xia lên ngôi kế vị, vì tất cả những người con lớn của ông đã bị toán giặc cướp cùng người Ả Rập đến trại Giu-đa giết.

37. He replied: “If you swear to me by God that you will not put me to death and that you will not hand me over to my master, I will lead you down to this marauder band.”

Ông đáp: “Nếu ông chỉ Đức Chúa Trời mà thề rằng ông sẽ không giết tôi và chẳng nộp tôi lại cho chủ thì tôi sẽ dẫn ông xuống chỗ toán giặc cướp”.

38. 18 He made a point of going to the NRA's annual convention last month, where he spoke movingly of a 74-year-old woman who defended her home from a marauder who threatened to set fire to her garage.

39. Baseness butterfly blissful scotennare torsion spring traho deep water harbour radna snaga (comp) auxiliary part vjerski objekt brincar marauder paperbacks literary, bookish Not canned peas electric score indicator asimilovat aproximadamente ancillary Canterbury AC-Netzleitung 12th sign of zodiac, astrological sign of fish, twelfth sign of the

40. 1 Bidder 2 Bok's associates 3 Bok's son 4 Businessmen 5 Children 6 Corruptionist 7 Customer 8 District Sub-Nagus and his sister 9 First Clerk 10 Fort Knox burglars 11 Freighter crew 12 Heretics 13 Historian 14 Marauder personnel 15 Prinadora's father 16 Quark's personnel 17 Renegades 18 Reyga's family 19 Scrap-metal merchant 20 Secretary 21 …