maneuvering in Vietnamese

danh từ
(Mỹ) như manoeuvre

Sentence patterns related to "maneuvering"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maneuvering" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maneuvering", or refer to the context using the word "maneuvering" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. AMS ( Apogee and Maneuvering Stage ) .

2. Above him, many enemy fighters were maneuvering.

Trên đường hành quân, nhiều đồn trại đối phương bị phá bỏ.

3. Any other speculation is just evasive political maneuvering.

Tất cả các hình thức điền kinh là môn cá nhân trừ môn chạy tiếp sức.

4. He's maneuvering Grodd into a tunnel 5.3 miles from Barry.

Cậu ấy đang dắt mũi Grodd vào một cống ngầm cách chỗ Barry 8,5 km.

5. Berth definition is - sufficient distance for maneuvering a ship

6. In short, large goals required farsighted policies, not tactical maneuvering.

7. We hire military and test pilots to do the maneuvering.

Phải thuê quân đội và sát hạch phi cơ để điều khiển máy bay.

8. Subtle maneuvering of the hands is required to perform delicate tasks like this.

Đôi tay chuyển động một cách khéo léo mới thực hiện được động tác này.

9. A clear, hinged foot , perfect for easy maneuvering when sewing applique pieces.

10. Maneuvering with an army is advantageous ; with an undisciplined multitude , most dangerous.

11. 2 This standoff has provoked some early legal maneuvering as prosecutors and defense attorneys jockey for advantage.

12. Antonyms for Browbeating include persuasion, luring, tempting, beguiling, coaxing, enticing, flattering, maneuvering, manoeuvring and seducing

13. The Swedes’ maneuvering and accurate, rapid artillery fire caused his troops to break and flee.

14. Maneuvering fuel was exhausted on 2 September and the mission was ended in early November.

Nhiên liệu đã cạn kiệt vào ngày 2 tháng 9 và nhiệm vụ đã kết thúc vào đầu tháng 11.

15. As the maneuvering continues, Israel and Egypt find themselves working together to bolster Abbas and Fatah.

16. They fail to see who is behind the scenes maneuvering the nations from the spirit realm.

Họ không biết rằng có kẻ trong thế giới vô hình giật giây điều khiển các nước (II Cô-rinh-tô 4:4).

17. (Psalm 33:5) Jehovah acted to correct the injustices, maneuvering events so that Joseph was finally released.

18. Or are we adroitly maneuvering matters so as to establish such a recommendation for Jesus’ “other sheep”?

Chúng tôi có đang dàn xếp một cách khéo léo để giới thiệu hay gởi gắm một số “chiên khác” của Giê-su không?

19. Congressional elections loom next year; after that, maneuvering will start for the next presidential election.

20. We followed the edge of the ice for a long stretch, sometimes maneuvering through narrow passages.

21. Fish and Ocean mammal have excellent Propulsion and maneuvering system, whose excellences are good efficiency and low yawp.

22. The Bible unmistakably identifies and unmasks the one who has been maneuvering human leaders and world powers.

Kinh Thánh vạch trần danh tánh và bộ mặt của kẻ đang điều khiển các cường quốc cũng như giới lãnh đạo.

23. 30 This standoff has provoked some early legal maneuvering as prosecutors and defense attorneys jockey for advantage.

24. Think a minimalist Bookshelf with LED lights for a museum-worthy display, or one with wheels for simple maneuvering

25. 20 Competent decisions require not only thoughtful consideration and thorough deliberation but also complicated maneuvering through many divergent interests.

26. Several sources said Thibadeau is maneuvering behind the scenes to avoid appearances that he is playing a political game.

27. Berthing refers to the whole process of maneuvering your boat until it is secured in the fixed position in its berth.

28. Inflexible bombarded Turkish forts in the Dardanelles in 1915, but was damaged by return fire and struck a mine while maneuvering.

Inflexible cũng tham gia bắn phá các pháo đài của Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ tại Dardanelles vào năm 1915, nhưng bị hư hại do hỏa lực bắn trả và trúng phải một quả thủy lôi trong khi cơ động.

29. An analysis begun Tuesday afternoon and presented to shuttle managers Wednesday concluded that Columbia lacked the maneuvering propellant for a rendezvous.

30. Manisha Sinha, a historian of the Civil War and abolition, who called Trump’s maneuvering a potential “slow-moving Coup” when I asked in November:

31. The spacecraft's maneuvering propellant was finally depleted on 2 September, and the highly successful mission was formally terminated in early November 1975.

Động cơ đẩy của tàu vũ trụ cuối cùng đã cạn kiệt vào ngày 2 tháng 9. chính thức chấm dứt nhiệm vụ vào đầu tháng 11 năm 1975.

32. On 2 November, Conyngham bombarded Kokumbona, a village on the island of Guadalcanal, and while maneuvering in close quarters, collided with another destroyer.

Đến ngày 2 tháng 11, nó bắn phá Kokumbona, một làng trên đảo Guadalcanal, và đang khi cơ động ở tầm gần đã va chạm với một tàu khu trục khác.

33. While the Marinid dynasty tried to repel the Portuguese and Spanish invasions and help the kingdom of Granada to outlive the Reconquista, the Wattasids accumulated absolute power through political maneuvering.

34. Firing the two yet unused engines of the Orbital Maneuvering System on board took Columbia into a circular orbit 150 miles above the earth.

35. Having no maneuvering thrusters or steering controls made the Bathysphere vulnerable to the pitching and rolling actions of the ship to which it was tethered.

36. After maneuvering elements of his army onto the hills surrounding the fort, Price launched repeated assaults in the late afternoon hours, suffering horrific casualties.

37. SIZE CHECK Select a gear Coupling to connect a 500 HP, 1170 RPM electric motor to a drive high speed shaft of a maneuvering winch

38. In this paper aerodynamic characteristics of maneuvering reentry vehicle of cruciform configuration and bifurcate configuration are compared by means of the wind tunnel test results.

39. The Pilot is responsible for maneuvering the ship, including navigating around objects, aligning the ship towards a target beacon, evasive maneuvers during combat and repair yard docking.

40. Internal political maneuvering resulted in a new constitution in 1963 that abolished the Prime Minister position and devolved all executive power upon the office of the President.

Sau khủng hoảng chính trị với việc ra đời Hiến pháp mới 1963, chức vụ Thủ tướng bị loại bỏ, toàn bộ quyền lực được thu về cho Tổng thống.

41. Brinkmanship definition, the technique or practice of maneuvering a dangerous situation to the limits of tolerance or safety in order to secure the greatest advantage, especially by …

42. Jehovah exhibited his Sovereign power by holding in abeyance the aggressive, rapacious powers of Assyria and Babylon until his own due time, even maneuvering them so that they acted in fulfillment of his prophecies.

43. According to the time error, the yaw maneuvering command was generated and route dynamic planning on the basis of the pre-determined route was done to control the impact time.

44. 765 drivers were Apprehended for driving with unfastened safety belts, 477 were Apprehended for overspeeding, 333 drivers were brought to administrative responsibility for violation of overtaking and maneuvering rules

45. Under the adroit maneuvering of Satan the Devil it immediately set its eyes on western horizons to establish a new center for its priesthood and the successorship of Belshazzar.

46. Around this time, El Cid, with a combined Christian and Moorish army, began maneuvering in order to create his own fiefdom in the Moorish Mediterranean coastal city of Valencia.

Khoảng thời gian này, El Cid, với một đội quân liên hợp giữa người Thiên chúa giáo và Moor, bắt đầu khởi sự để tạo ra thái ấp riêng của mình ở thành phố Valencia ven biển Địa Trung Hải.

47. In all of this, we can see Jehovah’s hand maneuvering matters so that through these young men—especially through Daniel—important aspects of the divine purpose would be made known.

Trong tất cả những điều này, chúng ta có thể thấy bàn tay của Đức Giê-hô-va lèo lái vấn đề để qua những người trai trẻ này—đặc biệt là qua Đa-ni-ên—những khía cạnh quan trọng trong ý định của Đức Chúa Trời được tiết lộ.

48. Generally, shorter, Beamier boats are best suited where a high degree of maneuvering will be required - surging down a winding river or perhaps in rocky outcroppings beyond or in the surf zone

49. An Ambulator which can be mated to a wheeled frame to form a wheelchair isrovided to enable a paraplegic to stand on the Ambulator and be separated from the frame for maneuvering in confined spaces

50. Astrogation, short for astronavigation, is the planning of a route through space and the actual navigation of spacecraft, either subluminal maneuvering in interplanetary travel or the calculations used to perform slipstream space jumps in interstellar travel.