khz in Vietnamese

Viết tắt
kiloherts: kilohec.

Sentence patterns related to "khz"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "khz" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "khz", or refer to the context using the word "khz" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. An acoustic carrier frequency outside the range from 20 kHz to 60 kHz;

2. kHz channel spacing means a separation of #,# kHz between adjacent channels

3. a. An acoustic carrier frequency outside the range from 20 kHz to 60 kHz;

4. an acoustic carrier frequency outside the range from 20 kHz to 60 kHz;

5. It used Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) to send data, shifting between 20 kHz and 26 kHz.

Nó dùng kỹ thuật điều chế Ma-níp dịch tần (FSK) để gửi dữ liệu, xê dịch giữa 20 kHz và 26 kHz.

6. The new digital audio broadcasting format for shortwave DRM operates 10 kHz or 20 kHz channels.

Định dạng phát thanh âm thanh số cho DRM sóng ngắn hoạt động ở các kênh 10 kHz hoặc 20 kHz.

7. a. an acoustic carrier frequency outside the range from 20 kHz to 60 kHz;

8. The acoustic cloak demonstrated effectiveness for the sound wavelengths of 40 kHz to 80 kHz.

Lốt acoustic chứng minh hiệu quả cho các bước sóng âm thanh 40 kHz đến 80 kHz.

9. Channel spacing: 25 kHz Individual transmitters may combine adjacent channels for increased bandwidth up to 100 kHz.

10. - circuit mode 3,1 kHz audio bearer service.

11. Male house mice court females by emitting characteristic ultrasonic calls in the 30 kHz–110 kHz range.

Chuột đực lôi kéo chuột cái bằng cách phát ra tiếng kêu siêu âm đặc trưng trong dải tần 30 kHz–110 kHz.

12. Circuit mode 3.1 kHz audio bearer service

13. 500 kHz was for many years the maritime distress and emergency frequency, and there are more NDBs between 510 and 530 kHz.

Tần số 500 kHz nhiều năm được dùng làm tần số khẩn cấp và cứu nạn hàng hải, có nhiều NDB giữa dải tần 510 và 530 kHz.

14. Navtex, which is part of the current Global Maritime Distress Safety System occupies 518 kHz and 490 kHz for important digital text broadcasts.

Navtex là một phần của hệ thống an toàn cứu nạn hàng hải toàn cầu hiện nay sử dụng tần số 518 kHz và 490 kHz để phát các bản tin text số quan trọng.

15. In Italy, multiples of 50 kHz are used.

Tại Ý, nhiều nhân của 50 kHz được sử dụng.

16. In North America, they occupy 190–535 kHz.

Ở Bắc Mỹ, hải đăng đẳng hướng dùng tần số 190–535 kHz.

17. Regarded as displacement detectors their optimal working range is 1 to 3 kHz, as acceleration detectors they are equally sensitive between 0.1 and 2 kHz.

18. High quality Stereo 24 bits / 192 Khz AD/DA Converter.

19. Device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal on # kHz

20. Asdic was initially designed to work in a 14-22 KHz range, with 20 KHz being the high end of normal human hearing

21. The Nyquist frequency of a 1.544 megabaud signal is 772 kHz.

Tần số Nyquist của 1.544 tín hiệu megabaud là 772 kHz.

22. • Acoustic water velocity profiler (1200 kHz RDI Broadband ADCP).

23. Very low frequencies (VLF: 3–30 kHz), and extremely low frequencies (ELF: <3 kHz) are reflected at the ionospheric D- and lower E-layer.

24. Today in most of the Americas, mediumwave broadcast stations are separated by 10 kHz and have two sidebands of up to ±5 kHz in theory.

Ngày nay hầu hết tại Châu Mỹ, các đài phát thanh sóng trung được phân cách 10 kHz và có hai biên tần ± 5 kHz theo lý thuyết, dù các trạm thực tế phát audio tới 10 kHz.

25. Intel introduces its 200-KHz 8008 chip, the first 8-bit microprocessor.

26. UK Interface Requirement IR 2044 — ‘12.5 kHz and 25 kHz channel spacing for land mobile services, covering CBS, analogue PAMR, national paging, data networks and national and regional PBR authorisations’

27. Sample Rate/Bit Rate: 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo, FOA Ambisonic (4 channel) WAVs

28. Individual transmitters may combine adjacent channels for increased bandwidth up to 100 kHz.

29. 2182 kHz is a medium-wave frequency still used for marine emergency communication.

Tần số 2182 kHz là tần số sóng trung hiện vẫn được sử dụng trong liên lạc khẩn cấp hàng hải.

30. Beyond about 100 kHz, the noise amplitude becomes more and more incoherent.

31. 2. "Dynamic signal analysers" having a "real-time bandwidth" exceeding 500 kHz;

32. Narrow-band noise signals at four different frequencies (0.5 to 4.0 kHz) were used.

33. Ambisonic (4 channel) 44.1 kHz, 16bit Sound Effects; Number of Audio Waves: 58

34. Intel introduces its 4-bit bus, 108-KHz 4004 chip - the first microprocessor.

35. 2182 kHz is the international calling and distress frequency for SSB maritime voice communication (radiotelephony).

Tần số 2182 kHz là tần số cứu nạn và gọi quốc tế cho liên lạc thoại hàng hải SSB.

36. Individual transmitters may combine adjacent channels for increased bandwidth up to 300 kHz.

37. a. an acoustic carrier frequency outside the range from 20 to 60 kHz;

38. Sound stimuli near 4 kHz are answered by numerous spikes of mostly small amplitudes (Figs.

39. In this case the frequency of acoustic emission was between 30 and 200 kHz.

40. The thresholds change maximally to frequencies adjacent to the best frequency of 83.3 kHz (Fig. 7).

41. The static (50 kHz) permittivity at 10 °C is given with a precision of 0.3% by

42. If peak is used, add # dB for # MHz band width or subtract # dB for # kHz band width

43. The NI SCC-ACC01 includes an AC differential amplifier and 3-pole Bessel lowpass filter (19 kHz).

44. Material and Methods: Thrombolytic efficacy of low-frequency (20.5 kHz) continuous-wave ultrasound was evaluated.

45. DAT machines running at 32 kHz sample rate transport the tape at 4.075 mm/s.

46. Dippers’ calls are loud and high-pitched, being similar to calls made by other birds on fast rivers; the call frequencies lying within a narrow range of 4.0–6.5 kHz, well above the torrent noise frequency of <2 kHz.

Tiếng kêu của hét nước to và có cường độ cao, tương tự như tiếng kêu của các loài chim khác sống ven các con sông chảy nhanh; tần số âm thanh của chúng nằm trong khoảng hẹp 4,0-6,5 kHz, vừa đủ cao hơn tần số của sóng âm do dòng nước xiết tạo ra (vào cỡ &lt;2 kHz).

47. The directional aerial for 1296 kHz (erected in 1978) consisted of six freestanding steel lattice towers.

48. (i) by radio communications on 2 182 kHz, VHF-FM channel 16 or other agreed frequencies;

49. The 96 kHz-optimized ReVibe provides nine reverb algorithms combined with hundreds of room reflection models.

50. AM (amplitude modulation), with # kHz modulation and # per cent modulation depth in the # to # MHz frequency range; and