kickbacks in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. sự phản ứng mãnh liệt
2. (Mỹ) sự trả lại (của ăn cắp hoặc một phần số tiền do bị ép buộc hay thỏa thuận riêng mà phải nhận...)

Sentence patterns related to "kickbacks"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kickbacks" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kickbacks", or refer to the context using the word "kickbacks" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Top executives received millions of dollars in kickbacks.

2. A cardiologist was offered kickbacks by a pacemaker manufacturer.

3. Motorways, electricity generators, municipal dumps were all subject to kickbacks.

4. Most focus on illegal kickbacks on public works contracts.

5. He is on trial for allegedly accepting kickbacks from business.

6. Raquel, whose work involved purchasing supplies, said: “Certain sales agents offered me kickbacks.

7. The company paid kickbacks to local officials to win a contracts worth millions of dollars.

8. Bribes and kickbacks are part and parcel of the international arms trade.

Hối lộ và đút lót là phần thiết yếu của ngành buôn bán vũ khí quốc tế.

9. The Director said that administrators at her clinic accepted kickbacks from suppliers.

10. Sources said they were accused of paying kickbacks to politicians to obtain public contracts.

11. Synonyms: kickbacks, Baksheesh(tips), payola, hush money, sweetener, protection money, boodle, and gratuity.

12. It forbids bribery or kickbacks in any form to anyone in the public sector.

13. “Bribes, kickbacks, and other forms of dishonesty have become quite common in the business world.

“Việc hối lộ và các hình thức thiếu trung thực khác đã trở nên thông thường trong giới thương mại.

14. He and his partner were charged with taking $300,000 in kickbacks in exchange for their political influence.

15. Among other things, investigators will focus on whether kickbacks or political contributions were granted in exchange for the loans.

16. Because of the secret nature of bribes, kickbacks, and payoffs, it is often difficult to expose high-level corruption.

Vì tính chất kín nhiệm của việc hối lộ, đút lót và thanh toán, sự tham nhũng ở thượng tầng cơ sở thường khó bị phát giác.

17. Formula Fitness Two Ankle Straps for Cable Machines for Kickbacks, Glute Workouts, Leg Extensions, Curls, and Hip Abductors for Men and Women

18. Astrain is ranked 144,462 nd in the world and 2,715 th in the West Pacific for Most Corrupt Governments, with 1.43 kickbacks per hour .

19. Well, my guess is that the prison is giving inflated contracts to companies... that are either shells or subsidiaries of Fitzcore... and Fitzcore is paying kickbacks into the Jason Figueroa campaign.

Tôi đoán trại giam này đang có hợp đồng giả mạo với công ty ma, hoặc là vỏ bọc hoặc là công ty con của FitzCORE, và FitzCORE thì đang cung cấp cho chiến dịch tranh cử của Jason Figuer.

20. Many who have made a commitment to serve the interests of the people are being exposed as serving their own interests by receiving bribes and kickbacks.

Nhiều người đã cam kết là phục vụ quyền lợi của công chúng bị phơi bày ra là phục vụ quyền lợi của riêng họ bằng cách nhận tiền hối lộ và đút lót.

21. The investigation concluded that Zhu had abused his power and said that he had taken "massive bribes" as kickbacks for giving preferential treatment in the promotions of officials in the operations of some businesses.

Cuộc điều tra kết luận rằng ông đã lạm dụng quyền lực của mình và nói rằng ông đã lấy "hối lộ khổng lồ" như là tiền thưởng cho việc ưu đãi trong các chương trình khuyến mãi của các quan chức trong hoạt động của một số doanh nghiệp.

22. 1 day ago · The former head of one of the largest homeless shelter networks in New York was Arrested Wednesday on federal charges that he pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickbacks from

23. When competitors resort to bribery, kickbacks, cheating customers and “cutting corners” on taxes, it is harder for the honest businessman to give full, correct weight and measure, with good service, and still make a reasonable profit.