judging in Vietnamese

sự đánh giá

Sentence patterns related to "judging"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "judging" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "judging", or refer to the context using the word "judging" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Judging by Appearance

Trông mặt mà bắt hình dong

2. The Savior teaches about judging others

Đấng Cứu Rỗi giảng dạy về việc xét đoán những người khác

3. Judging by the cover are we?

Nhìn mặt bắt hình dong hả?

4. How to Stop Judging and Criticizing People

5. Can't tell if she's smiling or judging.

Không thể biết cổ đang cười hay đang nghiêm nghị.

6. About judging a book by its cover?

Về việc đánh giá cuốn sách qua cái bìa.

7. Ghislaine Nuytten was the judging chairwoman and called out the girls onto the next round at the judging panel.

Ghislaine Nuytten là chủ tịch của ban giám khảo và đã gọi cho các cô gái vào vòng tiếp theo tại ban giám khảo.

8. But, judging from Arons’ own words (see below

9. Judging by Automatons, he's worth keeping an eye on

10. Judging by the bullet's trajectory, the shooter was here

11. Yes, judging from their call-outs and movements, absolutely.

12. 12 He showed discernment in judging my general ability.

13. Judging from its appearance, it must be the pith.

14. Judging success in the mobile space is n't always easy .

Đánh giá sự thành công trong thị trường di động không phải lúc nào cũng dễ .

15. Judging by how it looks, he could lose his hand.

Theo như nhìn bề ngoài thì anh ta có thể sắp cụt tay.

16. Formalism has been called 'the official theory of judging'.

17. Such individuals were improperly judging others on purely personal matters.

Còn những người có lương tâm yếu đuối lên án những người có lương tâm mạnh hơn.

18. It was not a judging of “all the nations.”

Đó không phải là sự phán xét “muôn dân”.

19. Judging from his looks, he is a rich nobleman.

20. 11 People use different criteria for judging success at school.

21. Sir, judging by their actions I feel they don't need NSA

Thưa ngài, đánh giá hành động của họ, tôi cảm thấy họ không cần học viện NSA.

22. 23 The reader's criteria for judging articles will vary accordingly.

23. These Cognitive processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving

24. One year of immobility, judging by... muscle and spine deterioration.

1 năm trời bất động, đánh giá bởi cơ bắp và tình trạng tồi tệ của xương sống.

25. Judging from the bruising, he was probably strangled with a wire.

Xét từ vết thâm tím, có lẽ cậu ta bị siết cổ bằng dây điện.

26. Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something

27. In both the type and the Antitype, Christ is doing the judging

28. Where can consistent judging according to God’s righteous standards be found today?

29. 19 The Judging Committee vested with the authority to finalize all awards.

30. 12 Classifying and judging other people appears to be a human tendency.

12 Loài người thường có khuynh hướng xét đoán và ghép người khác vào một hạng người nào đó.

31. Judging by his jovial manner he must have enjoyed his meal.

32. Judging from the acarid mites in his ears, I'd say six weeks.

33. Judging by the shine on that car, he used a fair amount.

Xét vào độ bóng của chiếc xe thì anh ta dùng một lượng vừa đủ.

34. Judging by your expression... I imagine you two must be quite famous

Theo khẩu khí của hai người... thì chắc là hai người rất nổi tiếng.

35. Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.

36. In both the type and the Antitype, Christ is doing the judging

37. Judging by that car, he ain't from our neck of the woods.

Căn cứ vào cái xe, hắn ta chưa mò vào cái vùng này bao giờ.

38. Yes, and judging from the angle, he couldn't have done it to himself.

39. Imputing wrong motives to others without just cause is tantamount to judging them.

Nghĩ xấu cho người khác mà không có lý do chính đáng thì chẳng khác nào xét đoán họ.

40. Hometown Halloween PUMPKIN DECORATING CONTEST - Arlington Hardware, 1:30pm judging, awards at 2:00pm

41. Digital subtraction angiography in addition is helpful in judging changes to the systemic vasculature.

42. He was comparatively calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.

43. Judging by recent threads, there is significant interest in Baryta inkjet photo papers

44. And judging by the entrance and exit wounds, at an extremely acute angle.

45. And judging by these trajectories, both were fired from an unusually low angle.

46. In judging both intelligence and wisdom we have to factor out some knowledge.

47. Method of judging leukemia, pre-leukemia or aleukemic malignant blood disease and diagnostic therefor

48. Sect is only one of many weighting factors to be considered in judging a nativity.

49. You think capote got national acclaim for " in cold blood " by judging the murderers?

50. 13 What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?